Grapes and their impact on health

The variety of uses of grapes is endless – red, green, purple, seedless grapes, grape jelly, jam, juice and, of course, raisins. The history of this berry dates back about 8000 years, when vines were first cultivated in areas of the Middle East. Seventy-two million tons of grapes are grown annually around the world, most of which are used to make wine, resulting in 7,2 trillion gallons of wine per year. Cleansing of brain-destroying plaques Studies conducted at the Swiss University have proven the ability of grapes to have protective properties on the brain. They found that resveratrol, found in grapes, clears the brain of plaque and free radicals that have been linked to Alzheimer’s disease. This nutrient is very powerful and is mentioned by many medical practitioners. Skin health According to numerous studies, resveratrol has an effect on cancer cells. In addition, it protects the skin from damage from the sun’s UV rays, thereby protecting the skin from the possible development of skin cancer. longevity gene According to the results of one study, scientists have identified the ability of resveratrol to activate the gene for survival and longevity. Help with inflammation Grapes act as an anti-inflammatory, which is one reason for its positive effects on heart health. Muscle recovery As a powerful antioxidant, grapes help cells release uric acid and other toxins from the body, supporting muscle recovery from injury.

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