Is it possible to play sports if you are ill

The disease always takes you by surprise, for example, in the middle of the training process. It doesn’t matter if you train at home or in the gym, you don’t want to interrupt your training, because then you will have to start over. What to do when you get sick? Skip training sessions or play sports in the same mode?

Colds and training effects

On average, a person gets SARS from two to five times a year. The disease is expressed in nasal congestion, sore throat, increased body temperature, a feeling of weakness, difficulty breathing.

Any disease suppresses the anabolic processes in the body and increases the level of cortisol. Training for colds will not help you build muscle or burn fat. All physical activity increases the pulse and body temperature, and the immune system immediately after training is always lowered. Sports with a high temperature weaken the body and can cause serious damage to health.

Each type of training requires a focus on the technique of performing movements and the work of the muscles. During the disease, the concentration of attention decreases, and the body experiences weakness – the risk of injury increases.

The conclusion is obvious, you can not train in the gym or conduct intensive training at home during the illness. It is better to choose a different type of activity, and return to sports when you feel better.

What activity is best suited for the disease

On the basis of the American College of Sports Medicine, the effects of training in mild forms of infectious diseases were studied. According to scientists, light training does not interfere with recovery, when heavy and intense sports impair the body’s recovery abilities (calorizer). However, we can not always distinguish the mild form of ARVI from the initial stage of the flu. Even light training with the flu can cause severe heart complications.

The most suitable type of activity will be walking in the fresh air. Many people underestimate the impact of non-training activity, but it helps to burn more calories and has a positive effect on well-being. Walking during the illness is not prohibited, but even, on the contrary, encouraged by doctors.

When can I return to training?

As soon as the dangerous symptoms of the disease go away, you can return to sports. You can train in the absence of fever, muscle weakness and sore throat. However, it is necessary to re-create the training program – for a week to reduce the working weights, the number of sets or repetitions (calorizator). This applies to strength training in the gym or working out at home with dumbbells. For light activities like Pilates, yoga, or dancing, you don’t need to adjust anything.

If the disease was difficult, then you should not rush with sports. After recovery, rest for another 3-4 additional days. This will avoid complications. The training program should also be adjusted.

The disease comes suddenly, and its proper treatment is the key to recovery. Training during the illness can lead to complications, so it is better to take a break, but maintain high motor activity. It will bring more benefits to the body and figure. It is known that the contribution of training to calorie consumption is insignificant compared to long-term walking. During a cold, it is important to focus on recovery, which depends on a healthy diet, enough vitamins, plenty of drinking, and a strong immune system.

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