Bath salt-recipes at home

A sea salt bath is a popular spa treatment that can be done at home. Its benefits include toning the skin, stimulating the metabolism, and reducing stress levels. This helps to remove excess water from the body, relax and gain strength. Sea salt is rich in trace elements-iodine, magnesium, calcium, potassium and bromine. They have a beneficial effect on the body, but salt can be made even more useful by adding essential oils and herbs.

You’ve probably seen colored flavored bath salts on sale. Learn how to cook it at home. Despite the benefits of salt baths, they have contraindications – acute inflammation, pregnancy, menstruation, headache, hypertension.

Basic Bath Salt Recipe

For cooking, you will need the following components. As a measure, it is better to use an ordinary faceted glass, and not a scale. This will allow you to more accurately calculate the amount and ratio of ingredients.

  • Sea salt for baths without color and flavorings (kilogram bags with such salt can be found in pharmacies) – 1 tbsp.
  • Soda (necessary for softening water) – 1/2 tbsp.
  • Citric acid (add “sea foam”) – 1/2 tbsp.
  • Herbs, petals or powdered milk (optional) – 1/2 tbsp.
  • Essential oil or a mixture of oils – 25 drops.
  • Food coloring.

Pour the dry ingredients into a bowl and mix thoroughly. Add food coloring. It is better to choose safe dyes on an oily basis. If you have any colorants left over from last Easter, use them. A particularly beautiful shade is obtained with pearl dyes. If you have salt in an opaque jar, then it does not matter (the calorizer). Now it’s the oil’s turn. Different essential oils have different odour intensity. Optimal 25 drops per 500 grams of the mixture, but may require less.

Mix everything in a bowl, then pour into a dry, tightly closed jar and shake well. This is necessary so that the oil and dye are evenly distributed. Pour it not to the brim, so that it is easier to mix.

The most successful combinations of oils and herbs

Each herb and each essential oil has its own unique properties. For example, citrus essential oils are widely used in anti-cellulite wraps. They can be used for anti-cellulite baths (calorizator). The aromas of mint and lavender are used to reduce stress, which is ideal for a relaxing bath at the end of the working day.

Against cellulite:

  • Oils: citrus, juniper, rosemary, cinnamon, bergamot.
  • Crushed kelp, nettle, ivy, oregano, calendula.

For relaxation:

  • Oils: mint, lavender, calendula, geranium, pine, jasmine, ylang-ylang.
  • Herbs: mint, pine needles, calendula, linden color, coniferous plants.

To improve the skin:

  • Oils: jojoba, almond, sea buckthorn, rosehip, tea tree, rosemary, hazelnut, peach.
  • Herbs: rosehip leaves, chamomile, calendula.
  • Other fillers: milk powder, cream powder, cocoa, Dead Sea salt, epsom salt.

For immunity:

  • Oils: eucalyptus, pine, juniper, fir, lavender, tea tree.
  • Herbs: mint, pine needles, motherwort, nettle.
  • Other fillers: dry ginger, echinacea tincture, dry mustard.

You can use a single oil or create a fragrance composition, add herbs or other fillers to your bath salt recipe or not. Choose the appropriate color dye. For example, orange and red are suitable for citrus flavors, while green, blue, and yellow are suitable for vegetable flavors. Turn on your imagination and remember that taking a bath should relax, give strength and bring pleasure.

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