Is it possible to cook in aluminum cookware

Is it possible to cook in aluminum cookware

The expert spoke about the pros and cons of this kitchen utensil.

Probably, in every home there are aluminum dishes – both pots and spoons or forks. And each housewife has her own ideas about which dishes are harmful to health and which are not. We decided to finally dot the i.

The importance of aluminum for health

To begin with, let’s figure out what kind of chemical element it is – aluminum. It is a silvery white metal, the third most abundant in nature after oxygen and silicon.

In the body, it plays several important roles: it restores bone and connective tissue, and also affects digestive enzymes and the function of the parathyroid glands. So, in one form or another, it is found in almost all human organs.

At the same time, there is no special need to use it: our need for aluminum is fully satisfied by food, air and water. In this case, only 2-4 percent of the aluminum obtained is assimilated by the body. We regularly get it with food, and it does not have to be cooked in a dish made of this metal.

White metal in the kitchen

As for the aluminum dishes, they began to make them only in the last century. But it quickly gained popularity, since aluminum is cheap, does not corrode – does not rust, is lightweight, and has high thermal conductivity. It is not surprising that today all basic types of utensils can be purchased from aluminum, from spoons to pans.

Aluminum cookware can be extruded and cast. The first is cheaper, the second is more reliable. Corrosion resistance is determined by the film that forms on the surface of the dishes when they interact with oxygen. The metal is specially oxidized in the manufacture of products from it in order to make this film thicker.

But is this film so reliable and what happens if aluminum from the dishes enters the human body, how is it dangerous? found out about this from a specialist.

“I do not recommend cooking in aluminum pans. Any protective film is prone to destruction. No matter how durable it is, it wears out. In addition, most often we have pots in our homes, which are passed on from generation to generation. Nowadays, aluminum cookware is rarely bought new.

This metal is dangerous because it is deposited in the brain tissue, which ultimately, after decades, can adversely affect the brain activity of a person, in old age it can be associated with dementia. It’s not scary to eat from an aluminum container once: there will be no direct poisoning, but it’s definitely not worth doing this all your life. It is only good to heat milk in an aluminum container so that it does not burn, otherwise it is better to refuse it. “

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