Is excessive sweating a disease?

Excessive sweating may or may not be a symptom of the disease. If perspiration is abundant or smells bad, consult your doctor

Is there a way to deal with excessive sweating, or is excessive sweating a sign of an illness? ~ Bożena, age 26

Excessive sweating – causes

Excessive sweating may be secondary and accompany some disease. Usually, apart from it, there are other disturbing symptoms or ailments. Diseases in which excessive perspiration may occur include: hyperthyroidism, tuberculosis, obesity, diabetes or psychiatric diseases. Therefore, if there is something disturbing in you, a visit to the doctor is recommended. Often, however, excessive sweating has no organic cause and is an excessive reaction to emotional stress.

Excessive sweating – ways to get rid of the problem

There are many ways to deal with the problem. Most often it starts with preparations containing aluminum chloride. It comes in the form of roll-on deodorants, spray or cream. Such preparations are available at a pharmacy without a prescription. Initially, they are used daily, and later, the frequency of their use can be reduced.

  1. How to use a deodorant? Make sure you are doing it correctly

If the application of such a preparation would be ineffective, it can be performed botulinum toxin injection treatments in places where the problem is severe (most often armpits, but also feet and hands). These treatments are very effective. Their disadvantage is the need to repeat as well as the cost.

Do you have a problem with excessive sweating? Try the herbal blend for excessive sweating from the Medonet Market offer.

The advice of medTvoiLokons experts is intended to improve, not replace, the contact between the Website User and his doctor.

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