Let’s get warm! 10 best winter spices

Oriental spice blends are the perfect complement to pies, baked goods and desserts, but they are also great companions for fruits and vegetables, soups, main courses, sauces, gravies and even drinks. Buy whole spices whenever possible, store them in airtight containers away from light, heat, and humidity, and grind as needed.


“King of spices” originally from India is black and green. It is green that is traditionally used in winter. Cardamom stimulates the work of nerve cells, strengthens the stomach, treats colds, asthma, bronchitis, cystitis and skin diseases. It also has a beneficial effect on vision and helps with toothaches. Add this warming aromatic spice to teas, soups, rice dishes and homemade breads. By the way, green cardamom perfectly reveals its flavor in pumpkin cream soup!


The spice produced by the evergreen tree has a pungent taste and strong aroma, which is why many try to avoid it. But in vain! During the winter months, cloves improve circulation, clear the airways, and support a healthy digestive system. One or two buds are enough to enrich the dish with the aroma and beneficial properties of this spice. Add to teas, non-alcoholic mulled wines, soups, pies and desserts. Also, one ground clove bud perfectly complements winter porridge. Do not abuse the spice for hypertension and gastritis with high acidity.

Check the quality of the spice: drop it by force into a deep bowl of water. A good clove that retains its healing essential oils should sink. Dry and, one might say, useless buds will remain floating on the surface.

Black pepper

Many people are very fond of everything peppered. And they do it right! Black pepper improves digestion and helps you lose weight naturally. This is the best selling spice in the world! It has a “subtle heat” and makes the dish moderately hot. It can be added not only to main dishes, soups, sauces and salads, but also to tea and desserts. Pepper will create the perfect balance in any dish.

Zira, cumin, cumin

Did you know that these are different spices? But all of them are the best suited for the cold season. Let’s just see what their differences are.

– an annual plant, the seeds of which are colored brown or gray-green. Now zira is cultivated in Asia and on the southern continents, but its homeland is Egypt. The seeds must be roasted to give them more flavor. Add to couscous, curries, beans, soups and desserts.

– a perennial plant native to Asia, found in the wild in the territories of the Eastern Himalayas. The seeds are brown in color, but more bitter and pungent than zira. Cumin needs to be roasted much less, but in India it is added without roasting to ready-made rice dishes, legumes and soups. Zira and cumin are not recommended to be abused for ulcers or diseases of the duodenum.

– a biennial plant native to European and West Asian countries. It is also a honey plant from which bees collect nectar. Brown seeds have a spicy spicy taste. They are used in Germany and Austria in the preparation of soups, vegetable dishes, sauerkraut, mushroom dishes and baking bread. But cumin is forbidden to use during ischemia or after heart attacks.


We think you yourself know perfectly well that cinnamon is a great winter spice. It can be added to all dishes as it provides a slight sweetness, creating a balance of flavors. Add to cereals, winter smoothies, drinks, desserts, baked goods, main courses and soups. Especially in winter, it is good to heat vegetable or regular milk with cinnamon and ghee, which will have a positive effect on digestion. Just do not confuse cinnamon with cassia, which does not have the best properties.


Anise has anti-inflammatory, expectorant, disinfectant and antipyretic properties, which is especially important in winter. It has a beneficial effect on digestion and even relieves depression and treats headaches. Anise seeds are extremely popular in traditional medicine, the decoction is used to treat bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, flatulence, intestinal pain, cystitis and stimulate labor in gynecology. So feel free to add anise to hot drinks, pastries, soups and main dishes. However, anise should not be abused in chronic digestive diseases and during pregnancy.


Ground nutmeg has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and nervous systems. It perfectly helps with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and flatulence, treats arthritis, rheumatism and osteochondrosis, and also improves immunity. Add it to cereals, milk-based drinks, curries and rice dishes.

Nutmeg kernels have hallucinogenic and narcotic effects. If you eat 3-4 kernels, you can get severe food poisoning. Therefore, do not overdo it with spice.


We could not pass by this most useful root! Few people know that the skin of ginger must be cut very thinly, because the maximum amount of nutrients is contained in the top layer. Ginger warms, cleanses the body of toxins and toxins, normalizes metabolism and blood pressure, strengthens the immune system, reduces fever and relieves muscle pain in case of viral diseases. Make a winter drink based on lemon, ginger and spices to boost your immune system.

In general, ginger has no contraindications, but you should not abuse it. This is especially true for people with exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases and pregnant women.

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