Instead of sugar — substitutes, instead of fat —  fat substitute!
For a long time people are seeking to reduce calories or fast carbs in the diet, but do not want to abandon the sweet taste of foods. They use of achievements of modern science, and add substances that are not absorbed by the body, but carrying sweet taste sweeteners.
But few people have heard, especially in our country that there are people losing weight who do not want to abandon the fat. So scientists also invented a substance that replaces fat and not bear calories. It could be called “fat substitute”. This stuff called “olestra”.
Chemically it is made the next way. If you remember, fats are three fatty acids hooked to a glycerol molecule. And in olestra fatty acids attached to a sugar molecule (it is longer than glycerin, and is joined by 6-8 fatty acids)
Olestra has physical properties and taste similar to food fats, but as no human enzymes are able to expand it into components, it passes through the digestive tract completely undigested, so it can be called a “fat zero calories” or “fat substitute”.
However, despite the absolute harmlessness of the substance, a very large amount of undigested fat can cause problems in the bowel and leaching of fat-soluble vitamins. Vitamins issue is usually solved by adding it to the product, but about the consequences of excess doses producer have to warn the user and write it on the package. But fans of chips and other fatty food get to have them, not being afraid to get bigger.
Another useful application the scientists have found fo a “non-digestible fat”: since olestra displays itself to any fat-soluble substances, the experiments have confirmed its successful application in the treatment of poisoning with fat-soluble toxins of a type of organochlorine compounds.

More about olestra watch in the video below:

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