Insomnia: regain sleep with sophrology

To clear your mind when you’re upset

A good sleep is getting ready! Learn to relieve tension that can keep you awake at night.

>>> Exercise 1

Shrug your shoulders to “crush your annoyances and get rid of them”

Stand with your legs hip-width apart, knees slightly bent, head and back straight, shoulders relaxed, arms at your sides, hands open. Close your eyes and inhale through your nose by closing his fists, to “crush” his annoyances (A). Block breathing et raise your shoulders several times, imagining releasing this stress. Blow by opening your fists and imagining at the same time throwing all the problems on the ground (B). To do 3 times, coming home from work “To create a decompression lock between the office and the house,” says Catherine Aliotta, then at bedtime.

>>> Exercise 2

Treat yourself to express relaxation

Lying in bed, eyes closed, take a deep breath, block for a few moments breathing and contract all the muscles in his body. Blow and release.

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To fall back to sleep quickly in the middle of the night

Baby woke you up in the middle of the night, and you can’t fall back to sleep? Sophrology exercises that work.

Exercise 3

>>> Slow down your heart rate to soak up serenity

In initial position: stand with legs parallel to the width of the pelvis, knees slightly bent. Head and back straight, shoulders relaxed, arms falling to the sides, hands open (A). Eyes closed, raise your arms horizontally inhaling through your nose, and block breathing. Gently bring hands open towards the thorax, contracting them as if to bring calm to oneself (B). Then blow very slowly through the mouth, releasing the arms, and imagining diffusing calm into his body. “It is important to breathe very gently, because this slows down the heart rate, for more appeasement”, underlines Catherine Aliotta. To be done 3 times, if possible on the way home from work and before going to bed.

Exercise 4

>>> Release the tensions

Lying in bed, eyes closed, we focus on the face. Relax the forehead, release eyebrows, loosen thejaws, let the tongue settle in the mouth. Feel her throat loosen, the shoulders relax, relax the arms, loosen the hands, feel their back resting firmly on the mattress, relax the belly, glutes, relax the legs by doing 2-3 rotations with the ankles. Stop to feel your body at rest and tensions evacuate. Feeling heavier, relaxed. To be done once.

>>> To read also: The ideal room to sleep well



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Fall asleep well when you want to recover during the day

Baby woke you up last night, and you couldn’t get back to sleep? Our exercises to recover efficiently during the day.

Exercise 5

>>> Isolate yourself to “lock yourself in a bubble of calm”

In the initial position: standing, legs parallel to the width of the pelvis, knees slightly bent. Head and back straight, shoulders relaxed, arms falling to the sides, hands open. Eyes closed, stopper ears with thumbs, close your eyes with your index fingers, stop the nostrils with the middle fingers, as if you were isolating yourself from the world. Inhale through the mouth, then block the breathing. Lean forward and build up the pressure in your nose. Release the arms along the body by blowing through the nose, imagining spreading calm around you. Recover. To do 3 times, before going to bed.

Exercise 6

>>> Delimit your bubble

In the initial position and in free breathing, rotate the pelvis letting the arms and head follow the movement with flexibility. Imagine at the same time define a bubble of calm around you. Then, return to the starting position by blowing through the mouth. To do 3 times before going to bed.

Author: Céline Roussel

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