Shape: my anti-stress plate

Foods to choose to keep fit while remaining zen

Yes to magnesium and B vitamins 

Magnesium is the anti-stress trace element par excellence. Essential for the production of serotonin, it has a soothing effect. Gourmets will be happy, chocolate contains a lot of it. Especially black, because the richer it is in cocoa, the more magnesium it contains. Other foods to be preferred: dried fruits (prunes, apricots, etc.), oilseeds (nuts, almonds, etc.) and pulses. Good reflex too: choose mineral water rich in magnesium like Hépar, Badoit, Vichy. Vitamins B6 and B9 are the allies of a good nervous balance.

 To refuel, eat at least 5 fruits or vegetables a day, sprinkle salads with wheat germ. And instead choose whole grains and bread, because the vitamins, concentrated in the shell of the grain, are better preserved than in refined products.

Protein, fat and carbohydrates are good for your morale!

Proteins play a major role in the functioning of all cells in the body, and therefore also those of the brain. They are composed of amino acids, including tryptophan, the most interesting for our emotional well-being because it stimulates the production of serotonin.

 This hormone plays a major role in mood, anxiety, sleep and even depression. Among the foods richest in tryptophan: eggs, meat, certain fish such as cod or monkfish, milk and hard cheeses (Parmesan or Gruyere). Without forgetting vegetable proteins such as soya and pulses (lentils, split peas, etc.). The right tempo: three dairy products a day, 200 g of meat or fish divided between lunch and dinner, and pulses three times a week. The brain also needs lipids, that is, fats, because

 they ensure good transmission between neurons. An asset for relieving stress. Bet on omega 3 and 6 which are very good mood regulators. On the menu: fatty fish (salmon, sardines, mackerel) two or three times a week, and for seasonings, vary between rapeseed, walnut, soy, olive and grape seed oils. Finally, carbohydrates, especially complex sugars, are the essential fuel for the brain system. Consuming too little of it risks causing hyperemotivity. So we eat it at every meal! For breakfast, alternate between bread, cereals or rusks. At noon and in the evening, opt for bread or starchy foods (pasta, semolina, potatoes, pulses, etc.), and add 2-3 fruits per day for their intake of simple sugars, which the brain also needs to function. . Mollo with sweets!

Alcohol and caffeine, in moderation

Alcoholic and caffeine-based drinks have an interesting stimulating effect against pump strokes, which are common when one is stressed. Corn if you consume too much, the nervous system may be over-stimulated, which again generates anxiety. On a daily basis, limit yourself to two coffees, or the equivalent of 100 ml, and one glass of alcohol. As for energy drinks or sodas, it is better to drink them only once in a while.

Without forgetting the pleasure of eating …

If the food we put on our plate is a great help to gain serenity, the way we consume it is just as much. Gulping down your meal at full speed on the corner of the desk is downright stressful. For more zenitude, eat your meals incalm, take care of the presentation of the plates and take the opportunity to share these moments with your loved ones. Pay attention to what you eat, because taking pleasure in savoring the foods that you love brings about a feeling of well-being. No question of depriving yourself of it.

* Co-author, with Dr. Florian Ferreri, of the “Anti-Depression Regime,” ed. Odile Jacob.

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