Immunity in a child
Strong immunity is a guarantee of health, so parents are interested in how to increase it and strengthen it. But it is worth remembering that the child’s immune system is only being formed, so all interventions must be safe and deliberate.

During the coronavirus pandemic, many publications appear on the Internet about the importance of strengthening immunity, including for children. But many recipes that are recommended for young children do not stand up to criticism, moreover, they can be dangerous for a fragile body. In order to understand how immunity can be influenced in children, how it can be stimulated and increased, it is important to initially understand what it is, how the immune system works, what are its features in childhood, what methods and means help its work, and which – interfere.

The immune system is one of the most advanced ways to protect the human body from external aggression and cell changes within the body. It protects not only from infections, but also from foreign substances, as well as from its own, but altered cells, which can give rise to tumor diseases. Along with all organs and systems, the immune system begins to form even in utero, from the first weeks of pregnancy. Part of the protection is transmitted from parents, at the level of genes. In addition, the body of the mother forms a certain protection during the bearing of the baby – for example, ready-made antibodies against infections that protect the baby in the first weeks after birth (1).

By the time of birth, a child has a relatively mature but not fully mature immune system. It is finally formed by about 7-8 years of age. And in order for it to develop correctly, the child must learn about the world around him, train the immune system and receive the necessary substances to build immune cells, antibodies and protective barriers. In this case, by adulthood, people develop a full-fledged immune defense against most aggressors with adequate reactions to stimuli.

What is immunity and why is it needed

Immunity is a system of protection against various external and internal influences that can disrupt the integrity of the body and lead to the development of various pathologies. Our immune system is a network of cells, tissues, organs and biological compounds that plays an important role in maintaining health. Simply put, it is an entry defense system that evaluates any living and non-living objects that enter our bodies. It determines whether these objects are harmful or harmless and acts accordingly. When bacteria or viruses enter the body, immune cells become active. Some produce antibodies, infection-fighting proteins. They bind and neutralize dangerous objects, removing them from the body. White blood cells (leukocytes) attack bacteria directly. These are systemic actions that can prevent a child from getting sick in the first place or help him recover if he gets sick.

Immunity is directed against dangerous viruses, microbes, fungi and, in part, parasites. In addition, it recognizes and destroys its own cells that have undergone changes and can become dangerous for the body (mutated, damaged).

How to boost immunity in children at home

Many parents, noting the frequent illnesses of their children, immediately believe that their immunity has decreased, and think about how to strengthen it. But this is not quite the right idea about the work of immunity. As mentioned above, children are born with a formed, but immature (and completely untrained) immunity. Therefore, it is important that the child trains, educates and develops his immunity. To do this, he needs to get acquainted with the environment, receive adequate stimuli from it, and at the same time, all the necessary substances for the synthesis of immune cells and protective compounds enter his body (2).

To train immunity, children must periodically get sick, in childhood they do this more often than adults. This is also immunity training, development of defense mechanisms. But these should be infections that are relatively easy, stable. Particularly aggressive infections, dangerous diseases or extreme injuries will not be beneficial. But it is impossible to create sterile conditions around the child, protecting him from any external influences. Everything should be in moderation.

However, if the child literally does not get out of colds, gets sick often and with prolonged episodes, his immune system needs help and support. Then you need to pay attention to strengthening their immune system so that the baby’s body can fight various bacterial and viral invaders on its own.

No self-medication, especially with antibiotics

Avoid antibiotics unless absolutely necessary, especially when self-medicating. Antibiotics are prescribed extremely often for the treatment of any diseases – from postoperative wounds to micro-inflammations. The purpose of antibiotics is to destroy the bacteria that cause infections, and sometimes they can certainly save lives. However, experts estimate that at least 30% of antibiotic prescriptions are unnecessary and unjustified. This is important because antibiotics not only destroy pathogenic bacteria, but also deplete beneficial bacteria in the intestinal microflora. Why kill good germs when it’s not necessary? Moreover, it has been proven that the intestinal flora actively stimulates the body’s immunity.

If the doctor prescribes antibiotics for your child, do not take them without a few questions first:

How necessary are these antibiotics?

– How likely is it that the child’s natural immunity will cope with the problem without drugs?

Every time you take antibiotics, you need to take care of the intestinal microflora, replenishing the supply of beneficial microbes.

More Probiotic Rich Foods

It is necessary that there are strong beneficial bacteria in the intestines. One of the best ways to make them stronger is to choose probiotic-rich foods for the whole family. Beginning in the summer, offer your child sour-milk and fermented foods such as sauerkraut or kefir, yogurt. It is advisable to choose products without additives, or add natural fruits and berries.

No less useful are prebiotics – they are food for live bacteria that live in the intestines. They especially respect fiber, pectins, as well as various types of plant components. Therefore, it is important that the child eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts.

Daily routine and sleep schedule

It happens that parents do not attach importance to the daily routine and sleep schedule, considering them not so important, especially in the summer. Since the sun sets late and children often do not want to go to bed, parents are condoning and allow kids to break the regimen, go to bed at different times. But this is stress for the body, and it is known to undermine the immune defenses.

In order for children’s immunity to be strengthened, a clear daily routine is needed on weekdays and weekends, with mandatory sufficient sleep time. In addition, a properly selected mode will help to avoid severe stress associated with going to kindergarten and school – early rises and preparations.

The sooner you start to form a regimen, the easier it will be for the child and parents in the future. Most children need 10 to 14 hours of uninterrupted sleep every day (the smaller the child, the more sleep they need) to be as healthy as possible. But for sound sleep, the child must actively spend energy during the day, and then it will be easier for him to fall asleep.

Sugar, but only natural

Children and sweets seem like a natural combination to parents. However, large amounts of sugar in various sweets have been shown to alter the microbiome in quite extreme ways, feeding more pathogenic sugar-loving bacteria that can crowd out beneficial, immune-boosting bacteria.

Stimulate your child’s microbiome by saturating his diet with sweet fruits instead of cakes and candies, or at least choose foods with natural sweeteners. No less useful are the vitamins that are found in fresh fruits.

Get outside as often as possible

Encourage your children to be outside as much as possible throughout the year, not only for physical activity and fresh oxygenated air, but also for a serving of the “sunshine vitamin” known as vitamin D. The body absorbs sunlight using cholesterol to convert it into a useful form of vitamin D. Every cell in your body needs vitamin D, in particular for your immune system to function.

However, lack of outdoor time for us and our children often leads to vitamin D deficiency. Low levels are associated with autoimmune conditions such as type 1 diabetes and inflammatory bowel disease. Optimal levels of the vitamin have been shown to improve the symptoms of these conditions by helping increase white blood cells, which are your immune system’s protectors. Stock up on the vitamin now by sending the kids outside by boycotting TV and video games. Instead, read outdoors, go hiking, play sports, or spend time in the pool. At any time of the year, family walks, games, and outdoor dining are a good way to support your vitamin D intake (3). In some cases, vitamins may be prescribed by a doctor. However, you should not take them on your own, since serious complications are possible with an overabundance.

Eat greens and vegetables

Of course, we all know that we should eat a variety of greens, but do you know why? One good reason is methylation. It is a biochemical process that occurs throughout the body in many important functions, including detoxification. Sulfur-rich vegetables such as Brussels sprouts and broccoli, as well as dark leafy greens such as kale and spinach, are loaded with B vitamins that promote methylation and may help a child boost immune defenses. Natural forms of vitamins from food are absorbed much better than from synthetic drugs.

Sometimes children categorically refuse vegetables. In this case, you can cheat a little by making some kind of dish out of them. For example, green smoothies and ice cream with a little fruit for sweetness. You can also bake vegetables, for example, by making cookies. In this form, they retain most of the useful properties.

The best drugs to increase immunity in children

Doctors and experienced parents know that a child can get sick quite often: 5-7 times a year, or even all 12 – when he starts attending kindergarten. And this does not mean that the immune system is in trouble. But if you practically do not get out of the pediatrician’s office, and almost every SARS ends with complications, then, most likely, immunostimulants are needed. However, only a specialist can say for sure – no self-treatment!

And for example – and consultation with a doctor – we offer a list of the best drugs to increase immunity in children according to the KP.

1. “Corilip NEO”

Innovative development of NTsZD RAMS. The main ingredients are “encrypted” in the name: coenzymes (cocarboxylase hydrochloride and lipoic acid), as well as riboflavin (vitamin B2). Babies are shown the use of “Corilip NEO” at the stage of formation of new functions (learning to hold their heads or already walk), in preparation for vaccinations, during infectious epidemics, as well as with low body weight. Children from one year old are recommended a similar drug “Korilip” (without the prefix “NEO”) before kindergarten or school, as well as with increased physical and emotional stress.

2. “Anaferon for children”

Broad-spectrum antiviral drug with immunomodulatory action. It is used in babies from 1 month. In pharmacies, you can find it in the form of drops or lozenges. In terms of prevention, the drug acts on the entire immune system: lymphocytes and phagocytes, antibodies, killer cells. As a result: the body is able to contain the onslaught of viruses from the outside. According to the manufacturer, the risk of infection is reduced by more than 1,5 times.

3. “Derinat”

Drops specially designed for the treatment and prevention of SARS and influenza in infants. The drug, according to the manufacturer, helps to strengthen natural immunity. Namely, it “trains” the body to resist viral, as well as fungal and bacterial infections.

The value of the drug increases significantly if you know that Derinat can be used from birth, because there are not so many drugs that are acceptable for babies.

4. “Polyoxidonium”

A drug that is used for prophylactic purposes in children from 3 years of age. It helps to strengthen the immune system, protects the body from viral infections and reduces the frequency of recurrent diseases. That is, the manufacturer insists on a rather long-lasting protective effect of the drug. What parents may not like is that this is not the most convenient way to use it: tablets are supposed to be placed under the tongue, which not every three-year-old will agree to do.

5. “Oseltamivir”

An antiviral drug that is approved for use by both adults and children. Moreover, not only for the treatment of influenza, but also as a preventive measure in case of contact with a patient with influenza (usually in the family).

The drug can be given even to babies, but the age of up to 1 year is a direct contraindication. Buying it just like that in a home first-aid kit will not work – Oseltamivir is released exclusively by prescription.

Popular questions and answers

Why immunity can not increase?

Immunity is a complex system consisting of many links. And they all work harmoniously, as a single complex. Parents often misjudge the state of the immune system if their children get sick from time to time. This does not mean at all that immunity is bad or it is reduced. If an infection occurs, the body reacts with fever and inflammation, which indicates that the body is fighting back. But the child should get sick correctly, without prolonged episodes and the transition to a chronic form.

If from birth a child is placed in a practically “sterile” environment, when caring parents wash the floors with bleach twice a day and do not allow the baby to lift anything from the floor, put his hands in his mouth, explore the world and contact with children, animals and the environment, immunity such children will not be stimulated and intensified. They will get sick “from every sneeze.”

The situation is similar with wrapping warmer. The stronger the child is dressed, the worse his immunity. The body must get used to changing temperatures, train the work of thermoregulation. Children who are constantly wrapped up get sick more often than those who are lightly dressed. The baby, if it freezes slightly, begins to move and warms up. A wrapped baby only sweats and overheats. Overheating reduces immunity.

What can you advise parents to strengthen the immunity of the child?

We all want to protect our children from falls, bumps and bruises, or avoidable infections and diseases. To help a child avoid illness, it is important to encourage good habits and take steps to boost their immune system from an early age.

A big part of what makes a child’s immune system strong is common sense. Simple rules to support and strengthen the immune system.

1. Teach children how to wash their hands regularly. On the hands of the child carries up to 80% of infections. Teach your children to wash their hands after sneezing, coughing, walking outside, interacting with animals, before eating and going to the toilet. Washing your hands with warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds can remove bacteria and viruses and reduce the chance of lung infections by up to 45%.

2. Don’t skip shots. Follow your pediatrician’s advice when it comes to children’s vaccination schedules. Vaccinations begin in infancy and continue until adulthood. They prevent measles, mumps, chicken pox, whooping cough and other infections that are most severe in childhood and adversely affect immature immunity, temporarily depleting it. It is also worth getting your child a flu shot every year. This is especially important for children with asthma and other chronic illnesses.

3. Make sleep a priority. To maximize immunity, children need to get enough sleep. Sleep requirements each night depend on age:

• Preschoolers (ages 3-5) should receive 10 to 13 hours.

• Children aged 6 to 13 should sleep between 9 and 11 hours.

• Adolescents aged 14-17 need 8 to 10 hours of sleep.

Lack of sleep limits the body’s ability to produce proteins called cytokines, which help fight infection and reduce inflammation.

4. Encourage a healthy diet. A varied and healthy diet is also important for your child’s immune system. Encourage your child to “eat rainbows” (foods of a variety of colors: carrots, tomatoes, eggplant, broccoli, etc.) when it comes to fruits and vegetables, and be sure to include whole grains as well. Limit processed foods. Choosing the right foods will ensure that your child gets enough vitamins, such as vitamin A and E, which are essential for maintaining good health and a strong immune system.

Keep in mind that some of the things that are considered the usual “remedies” for boosting immunity are not effective. For example, there is no definitive evidence that large amounts of vitamin C or echinacea help prevent or reduce colds.

How to reduce the risk of child infection?

A child’s immunity may be weakened due to certain diseases or due to medication. In such a case, it is important to do everything possible to reduce the chance of infection. Always wash your hands as a first step, especially after going to the toilet; diaper change; garbage collection. You should also wash your hands before touching your baby, preparing food or eating.

You will also have to carefully monitor the order in your house. Need regular cleaning with the removal of dust and mopping, but not to a sterile shine. The same goes for washing your child’s bedding, towels, and pajamas – it’s a weekly job. Keep in mind that achieving perfect cleanliness and protecting a child from colds in every possible way is much worse than letting him get sick. Children whose parents were unnecessarily worried about their health get sick much more often and more severely.

Sources of

  1. Immunity of the child and ways to strengthen it / Sokolova N.G., 2010
  2. The immune system keeps us healthy. Modern methods of strengthening immunity and increasing the body’s defenses / Chudaeva I.I., Dubin V.I., 2012
  3. Games to improve the health of babies / Galanov A.S., 2012

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