Hyperthyroidism – In treatment

Hyperthyroidism – In treatment


Grémil, lycope, lemon balm.

Acupuncture, hydrotherapy.

 Gremil (Lithospermun officinale). Lycope (Lycopus ssp). Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis). These 3 plants belonging to the lamiaceae family have been used, traditionally, to contribute to the treatment of hyperthyroidism2. However, their effectiveness has not been tested in clinical trials. All the same, according to in vitro and animal tests carried out during the 1980s, these plants could inhibit the stimulating effects of the hormone TSH on the thyroid.2, 4-6.


Infuse 1 g to 3 g of dried plant (aerial parts) in 150 ml of boiling water and drink 3 cups a day of this hot infusion. Instead of the infusion, one can take 2 ml to 6 ml of tincture (1: 5) or 1 ml to 3 ml of a fluid extract (1: 1), 3 times a day.

 Acupuncture. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, symptoms of hyperthyroidism result from Liver Fire, which may be accompanied by Qi or Yin deficiency.2. The acupuncturist will therefore treat the liver. Consult our Acupuncture sheet.

Hyperthyroidism – In treatment: understand everything in 2 min

 Hydrotherapy. Calming baths are recommended before going to bed, to help you find restful sleep2. A cold compress applied 15 minutes a day to a goiter or to the eyes when suffering from exophthalmos will provide relief2.

Hyperthyroidism requires medical monitoring and treatment. Some herbal remedies traditionally used to treat hyperthyroidism can nevertheless be used as adjuvant therapy.2. However, they have not been the subject of clinical trials.


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