How to survive a gloomy November and December and keep your spirits high

Summer has gone, the golden leaves have fallen, the harsh season of cold weather and early twilight has come. There is little snow, more and more dullness and dampness. How to cheer yourself up in such bleak times?

Until recently, we rejoiced at the bright colors of October, and now it is getting colder, the sky is overcast, the rain is mixed with snow. The gray period has begun. We used to wait for winter and knew that dullness would certainly be replaced by fluffy flakes of snow, it would become light and joyful.

But last winter in some regions of Russia showed that, contrary to the well-known saying, snow at this time of the year can still not be interrogated. It makes no sense to pretend that the climate is not changing. Living under a cloudy gray-black hat is hard. What can you do to get through this difficult period?

  1. You can resort to the method of exaggeration and at the same time rely on the principle of finiteness. Remind yourself that even if now all winters are “like this” (God forbid!), they will end sooner or later, move into spring, and then summer will come. And there is still hope that snowy winters will return.
  2. A good way to support yourself during this monochromatic period is to add color and light to your everyday life. Bright colors in clothes, orange or yellow dishes in the kitchen, home decorations, and soon garlands and lanterns — all this will dilute the dullness.⠀
  3. Movement is a universal way of self-help. Walk, run, swim more. Physical activity helps to cope with stress and apathy. ⠀
  4. It seems that time is frozen in a gray drizzle? Nothing is visible through it, including the future? Make plans. Right now, all depressions out of spite. By creating a pleasant image of the future, it is easier to survive the dreary present. ⠀
  5. Man is a social being. Share your feelings with loved ones and support them in return. Nothing is more empowering than communication and understanding—you are not alone. Unless, of course, you are a terry introvert. If so, then — a soft warm blanket and a mug of something warming and tasty to help you.
  6. Look for the positives. It’s a very useful skill to find the good in everything. Returning to the sunless period, you can be glad for your skin, which will rest from the ultraviolet load. Now is the time for seasonal peels and other facial and body skin care procedures that help maintain health and youth.

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