How to put degrees in excel

When working in Microsoft Office Excel, it often becomes necessary to set degrees. This symbol can be placed on the worksheet in several ways. The most common and effective of them will be discussed in this article.

How to put degrees using standard Excel tools

In Excel, the “Degree” element can be selected from a number of available symbols according to the following scheme:

  1. With the left mouse button, select the cell in which you want to put the degree.
  2. Click on the “Insert” tab at the top of the program’s main menu interface.
How to put degrees in excel
Toolbar in Excel
  1. In the toolbar that opens, find the “Symbol” button and click on it with LMB. This button is at the end of the list of options.
  2. After performing the previous manipulations, a window with a large number of symbols and signs should open before the user.
  3. Click on the inscription “Other symbols” at the bottom of the window.
How to put degrees in excel
Selecting additional characters from the menu of available characters in Excel
  1. Select the desired font type.
How to put degrees in excel
Selecting the desired font
  1. Carefully study the signs presented in the window by scrolling through the slider on the right side of the menu.
  2. Find the degree icon and click on it once with the left mouse button.
How to put degrees in excel
Finding the degree sign in the list of available symbols
  1. Make sure the icon is displayed in the previously selected cell.

Pay attention! In order to put the degree symbol in other cells of the table in the future, it is not necessary to perform such actions every time. It is enough to copy the element and paste it in the right place in the table.

How to put degrees in Excel using a keyboard shortcut

Hotkeys also work in Microsoft Office Excel. With the help of standard combinations, you can quickly perform an action by giving the program a command. The algorithm for setting degrees using a combination of buttons can be divided into the following points:

  1. Place the mouse cursor in the cell where you want to place the symbol.
  2. Switch the keyboard to the English layout with the Alt + Shift key combination. You can also change the current keyboard layout from the Windows taskbar. This is the line at the bottom of the desktop.
  3. Hold down the “Alt” button, and then on the keypad on the right, dial in turn the numbers 0176;
  4. Make sure the degree icon appears.
How to put degrees in excel
Auxiliary keyboard

Important! You can also set this symbol by pressing Alt+248. Moreover, the numbers are also typed on the auxiliary keyboard. The command works not only in Excel, but also in Word, regardless of the software version.

Alternative signing method

There is a specific way that allows you to put a degree icon in Excel. It involves the following manipulations:

  1. Connect your computer to the Internet;
  2. Log in to the browser that is used on the PC by default.
  3. write the phrase “Degree sign” in the search line of the WEB browser. The system will give a detailed description of the symbol and display it.
  4. Select LMB the icon that appears and copy it with the key combination “Ctrl + C”.
How to put degrees in excel
Degree sign in the Yandex search engine
  1. Open a Microsoft Excel worksheet.
  2. Select the cell where you want to place this symbol.
  3. Hold down the combination “Ctrl + V” to paste a character from the clipboard.
  4. Check result. If all actions are done correctly, the degree icon should be displayed in the corresponding table cell.


Thus, you can quickly set the degree symbol in Excel using one of the above methods. Each method considered will work in all versions of Excel.

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