How to prevent memory loss?

How to prevent memory loss?

Losing your keys, forgetting an appointment, no longer knowing where you parked your car … With age, memory loss is more and more frequent. Most often, memory impairment is part of the normal aging process. Our tips for maintaining your memory on a daily basis and preventing forgetting.

Prevent memory loss with power

Diet plays a significant role in the prevention of many pathologies, including memory disorders. Indeed, many studies have shown that high blood pressure, physical inactivity, type 2 diabetes and obesity increase the risk of developing neurodegenerative disease after the age of 65. Therefore, it is essential to limit weight gain by adopting a varied and balanced diet. To preserve brain function and maintain memory, avoid foods rich in sugars and saturated fats, and focus on: 

  • fruits and vegetables (at least 5 servings per day)
  • omega 3: they are found in seeds, walnuts, hazelnuts, cashews, unroasted and unsalted almonds. But also in fatty fish (sardines, mackerel, salmon, herring). It is recommended to eat it twice a week. 
  • white meat: white meat should always be preferred over red meat. 
  • olive oil: this is the preferred oil for seasoning your dishes. It must be chosen extra-virgin. 
  • polyphenols: these are powerful antioxidants, known to slow down the aging process and cognitive decline. Apple, strawberry and grape, including the fruits that contain the most. They are also hidden in tea (green and black), garlic, onions, parsley, dark chocolate (minimum 85% cocoa), flax seeds, ginger, turmeric or even red wine ( to consume in moderation because it remains alcohol).

Prevent memory loss through sport

Regular physical activity promotes the development of new neurons, improves memorization and concentration, due to oxygenation of the brain. According to WHO recommendations, “adults between the ages of 18 and 64 should practice at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity endurance activity or at least 75 minutes of moderate-intensity endurance activity during the week. sustained intensity endurance, or an equivalent combination of moderate and sustained intensity activity. ”

Prevent memory loss by getting enough sleep

The restorative virtues of sleep on a physical and psychological level are well established. Sleep plays a key role in learning and consolidating knowledge. In other words, a lack of sleep is associated with a decrease in cognitive abilities, in particular memorization and concentration. During the night, the memory sorts through the information it has received during the day. It is therefore essential not to neglect your sleep, by sleeping eight hours a night.

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