How to make ganache (simple recipe)

Ganash is a cream of chocolate and fresh cream used as a filling for sweets and cakes and for decorating desserts. Can be flavored with spices, fruits, coffee, alcohol.

Ganache recipe

1. Take 200 grams of cream and bring to a boil. Pour in 300 grams of chopped chocolate. Let the ganache cool and ripen, while it thickens.

2. To make the ganache glossy, add a little butter to the mixture while it is still hot.


3. Stir the ganache with a whisk until completely homogeneous.

4. After boiling, the cream can be drained, boiled again and then add the chocolate.

Proportions of chocolate and cream for ganache:

  • thick icing for cakes – proportions 1: 1
  • soft, flowing glaze – 1: 2,
  • chocolate truffles – 2: 1.

We will remind, earlier we talked about what unusual sea cakes became mega-popular during the quarantine, and also shared the recipe for the “Elephant’s Tear” cake, which many have been talking about lately. 

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