How to have white teeth ? Our advices

How to have white teeth ? Our advices

A smile is an undeniable beauty asset, but it still needs to be looked after. Over time, teeth tend to turn yellow or stain, depending on our lifestyle and our dental capital. To have white teeth and find a bright smile, here are our white teeth tips!

Why do teeth turn yellow?

Over time, teeth evolve and change color. Depending on the strength of our teeth and the resistance of the enamel, they may remain white, or will tend to turn slightly yellow or gray. In question ? Food. On a daily basis, many products can color teeth, such as coffee, black tea, wine, or certain fruits and vegetables.

To limit this coloration as much as possible, rinse your mouth with water or better, brush your teeth after consuming these foods. Rinsing or brushing your teeth will remove most of the staining. Unfortunately, if you are a heavy drinker of coffee, tea, or other coloring drinks, brushing may not be enough to remove all of the yellow staining on your teeth.

Among our little habits that turn our teeth yellow, we also find smoking. Indeed, the daily consumption of cigarettes tends to yellow the teeth. Even if it takes regular consumption over a long period of time before this yellowing appears, you should be wary because it is very stubborn. As with diet, try to rinse your mouth or brush your teeth after each cigarette. Of course, the ideal is still not to consume tobacco.

Finally, teeth can turn yellow due to certain drugs or unsuitable toothpaste. In people with fragile teeth, the enamel can also wear out very quickly and reveal the dentin, which is naturally yellow, and which will retain the color of food or cigarettes. As with health, the quality of teeth is largely due to our genetic capital and some people are more sensitive than others!

How to have natural white teeth?

To have white teeth, there are small, simple actions and natural tips. These tips will allow you to catch up on a few shades, and obtain a natural result.

To have white teeth, salt, thanks to its antiseptic properties and its high level of iodine, is ideal. It is an easy to use and inexpensive remedy: once a day, dilute salt in lukewarm water and dip your toothbrush in salt water. Then perform a classic brushing.

In the same vein, sodium bicarbonate is a real benchmark for having white teeth. The bicarbonate has an abrasive and whitening action which makes it possible to eliminate the coloring due to food or the cigarette. However, baking soda is a very powerful product, it can quickly irritate the gums or damage the enamel. To use it well and have white teeth, apply a little baking soda on your toothbrush, on top of the toothpaste, and brush your teeth as usual. Limit this gesture to once or twice a week.

To have white teeth, you can also use natural products that are usually used for the face: for example, vegetable charcoal and green clay, mixed with a little water and used as toothpaste, make it possible to whiten the teeth. To be done once or twice a week.

Finally, we also recommend eating apples regularly: by consuming an acidic fruit, we activate salivation which will limit tartar deposits. This is also why we recommend brushing your teeth with lemon juice once every two weeks: this helps stimulate the mouth to remove tartar on its own. Be careful not to abuse these tips so that the enamel is not attacked by the acid composition of the fruits.

What medical solutions to have white teeth?

For some people, especially heavy users of coffee, tobacco, or simply people with fairly weak enamel, natural solutions mentioned above will not necessarily suffice. You can then turn to medical solutions.

In drugstores, you can find whitening kits: these are often peroxide-based products to be applied to the teeth and left to sit under a gutter for an hour. The kits have a more or less rapid action, with more or less aggressive compositions. Do not hesitate to seek the advice of the pharmacist, or better: the dentist.

Let’s talk about the dentist: he can also offer you whitening solutions, either with appropriate treatment products, or with a laser. Be careful though, these methods can be very expensive and only work on natural teeth. If you have a crown or veneers on your front teeth, this won’t work.

Of course, do not forget that to have white and healthy teeth, the regular and applied use of a toothbrush is the best solution.


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