How to get rid of moss in your garden

How to get rid of moss in your garden

Moss on the site must be removed. It grows quickly and over time the place will be unsuitable for growing other crops.

Why does moss appear in the garden

Moss on the site is often located on the soil surface, without penetrating deep into the soil

Moss grows in humid and shaded areas and is rarely seen in the sun. To prevent such vegetation from reappearing on the soil surface, it is necessary to find out the reasons.

The following factors contribute to the appearance of moss:

  • waterlogging of the soil;
  • flooding of the site;
  • high acidity of the soil;
  • deficiency or excess of fertilizers in the soil.

Moss can even grow through cracks in asphalt.

The mossy cover destroys all plants on the site, since it blocks the access of oxygen to the soil.

When fighting moss, keep in mind that on acidic soils, its processes are long, at the base they acquire a brown tint. In wetlands, mossy vegetation is covered with a continuous carpet. It is necessary to completely remove its remnants, since it reproduces not only by spores, but also by processes.

How to get rid of moss in your garden

You can fight this unwanted vegetation at any time of the year, the main thing is to start on time. Moss grows actively in spring and autumn. Ways to destroy the mossy cover:

  • Loosen the soil if it is very wet. To drain water around the perimeter of the site, dig grooves. In the soil, make a drainage layer of broken brick or expanded clay.
  • If high acidity is the reason for the appearance of moss, add lime. For 1 sq. m of the site will require 0,5 kg of substance. Lime the soil 2 times a year until the pH is neutral.
  • Treat the mossy cover with Dichlorophen, iron or copper sulfate, glyphosate-based herbicides. These products burn out the mossy cover at the root.
  • Moss appears more often in lowlands where rainwater stagnates. Level the garden area, apply sand to make the soil structure lighter.

After the moss dries up, be sure to sow the area with green manure or lawn grass.

Loosen the soil regularly to prevent mossy cover. Provide adequate lighting, and remove shrubs and trees that create shade. Plan for the placement of buildings away from the beds.

Moss can be used in a useful way, for example, make it part of the decoration of the site. Hosts, astilbes, brunners and ferns can grow near the mossy cover. These plants will eventually push the moss out of the area. But if moss appeared in the beds, then go to the cardinal methods of struggle.

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