Fragrant thyme – a beautiful and healthy herb

Thyme, or thyme, has been known for centuries for various positive properties. The people of ancient Rome used thyme to treat melancholy and added the herb to cheese. The ancient Greeks used thyme to make incense. In medieval times, thyme was intended to give strength and courage.

There are about 350 types of thyme. It is a perennial plant and belongs to the mint family. Very fragrant, does not require a large area around itself, and therefore can be grown even in a small garden. Dried or fresh thyme leaves, along with the flowers, are used in stews, soups, baked vegetables, and casseroles. The plant gives the food a sharp, warm aroma reminiscent of camphor.

Thyme essential oils are high in thymol, which has strong antibacterial, antiseptic, and antioxidant properties. The oil can be added to mouthwash to treat inflammation in the mouth. Thyme has properties that make it useful in the treatment of chronic as well as acute bronchitis, inflammation of the upper respiratory tract and whooping cough. Thyme has a positive effect on the bronchial mucosa. All members of the mint family, including thyme, contain terpenoids known to fight cancer. Thyme leaves are one of the richest sources of iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, selenium and manganese. It also has B vitamins, beta-carotene, vitamin A, K, E, C.

100g fresh thyme leaves are (% of the recommended daily allowance):

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