How to get rid of blackheads at home [Vichy experts]

Blackheads, acne or, more scientifically speaking, open comedones are an annoying phenomenon that not only teenagers, but also many adults dream of getting rid of. Why do they appear? How to deal with black dots on the face? Is it possible to get rid of them once and for all? Now we will tell you everything!

Causes of blackheads on the face

First of all, you need to understand what black dots are in general. These are accumulations of sebum (sebum), dead cells and particles of dirt that have fallen on the skin from the external environment. They usually appear on skin prone to oiliness, enlarged pores, and hyperkeratosis (thickening of the stratum corneum).

Of course, even if you dream of removing blackheads and cleansing your face as soon as possible, open comedones should never be squeezed out, scrubbed roughly and resorted to other aggressive mechanical influences. This can not only injure the already restless skin, but also provoke the appearance of an infection and the spread of an acute inflammatory process, as well as pigmentation.

How, then, to quickly and effectively remove black dots on the face? With the help of competent basic care, all the stages of which we will now tell you.

gentle washing

Owners of oily skin often seek to wash it “to a scratch”, carefully removing all traces of fatty secretions. Unfortunately, most often active “degreasing” of the skin, on the contrary, only provokes increased production of sebum, turning the problem into a vicious circle.

Use mild cleansers (gels, special water) with a neutral pH for washing, which maintain the hydro-lipid balance and the protective layer of the skin. Avoid soaps, tonics, and lotions that are harsh or overly drying.


A mandatory step, which also helps well with black dots. To gently remove dead cells and cleanse the skin surface, use chemical exfoliants based on mild acids, or delicate mechanical scrubs with small abrasive particles (only if there are no open inflammations on the skin!). After each such procedure, be sure to use products with SPF protection.

Deep Cleansing

1-2 times a week, be sure to use masks for oily and problem skin for deep cleansing of enlarged pores. Such “cleansing” literally draws out blackheads, absorbs excess secretions of sebum, prevents the possible development of inflammation and helps to achieve a pleasant matte skin tone.


For some reason, there is still a myth that oily skin does not need moisturizing. Please don’t make this mistake – don’t confuse unwanted oily sheen with nicely hydrated skin. Remember that dehydrated skin begins to produce even more sebum, thereby provoking the formation of new comedones.

We recommend that you check out the skin care protocol for moisturizing the skin from Vichy experts.

When fighting blackheads at home, be sure to use non-comedogenic moisturizers based on hyaluronic acid and other intensely moisturizing ingredients.

Remedies for blackheads at home: how to identify the main ingredients?

When wondering how to remove blackheads at home, do not forget that in any case you need to use proven and professional tools designed specifically for removing blackheads. Now we will tell you what ingredients will help to gently but effectively get rid of black spots on the face.

Glycolic acid

It actively penetrates into all layers of the skin, dissolves and exfoliates dead skin particles, prevents clogging of pores and prevents the appearance of new comedones. Allows you to get rid of even deep blackheads and restores a pleasant matte skin tone.

Our choice: NORMADERM pore-tightening cleansing lotion with glycolic acid, designed for deep cleansing of pores.

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