How to find the recipes you need

How to find the recipes you need

As always, spend a lot of time to find the right recipe? Take advantage of our recommendations and, under the guidance of Woman`s Day, revise your culinary records.

Problem 1: “When I urgently need some recipe, as according to the law of meanness, I just can’t find it in the book.”

Mark the page you want with something. Next time, you won’t need to flip through the entire book. You can just fold the corner of the page, make a note in the margins, if it’s a pity – stick a bright sticker on the side or at the top of the page. Now your favorite recipes will always be in sight.

Become a librarian for a while and create your own catalog of your favorite recipes. Create your own card for each recipe. Let it contain the book name of the dish (or whatever you give it yourself), the title of the book or the number of the magazine, and the page number. Arrange the cards in alphabetical order, dividing them into sections: First courses, Desserts, etc.

Problem 2: “All my cookbooks are scattered throughout the apartment.”

Set up a small book corner in the kitchen. Nothing adorns a kitchen like a row of cookbooks on a shelf. Be sure to put a stool or chair nearby so that you can sit down at any time and look for the right recipe. (Cooks often build a pyramid of books near the bed or couch because this is the most comfortable place to read.)

Open bookshelves are not good for the kitchen – splashes of grease and moisture are not the best neighborhood for a library. It is best to place books under glass. Avoid proximity to stove and sink. In addition, the shelves should be equipped with special holders or a small bar to prevent the book from unexpectedly falling out.

Problem 3: “I have a huge collection of cookbooks, and sometimes I have to search all the shelves for the right one.”

Organize the books according to your taste. What is convenient for one person does not suit another. The main thing is that the system is clear to you.

Perhaps on one shelf you will place all the books of your beloved V.V. Pokhlebkin, on the other there will be publications devoted to national cuisines, on the third – books grouped by type of dishes: appetizers, salads, sandwiches and canapes, main dishes, cakes, drinks and cocktails, etc.

Problem 4: “I have a bunch of recipes clipped from magazines and newspapers; I have no idea how to understand them now “

Create a convenient registration system for such recipes. Take a folder with transparent files and place your clippings in it. Inside the folder, you can organize the recipes as you like – according to the cuisines of the peoples of the world, according to the types of dishes, etc. It can be done even easier – you will need an ordinary blank notebook. Divide it into chapters and simply glue the clippings onto the white pages.

In this case, you can leave your comments in the margin – about the cooking time or some special ingredients that you dared to add to the dish.

In the folder with the files, be sure to make the “Must try” section. Each time you add a new recipe to it, delete the one that has been there for a long time, but you were not going to cook it using it.

Problem 5: “I already have a lot of books in my house, so there is absolutely no room for recipe books. I would like to get rid of them “

Store recipes and say goodbye to books. A computer is a thrifty man’s best friend. Regardless of how attractive a book is to you, chances are you are using only a handful of recipes out of it. Why not view the ones you like and save them electronically?

And the books can be presented to a culinary friend, taken to the regional library, to some charitable foundation, or offered to all those who suffer at the forum.

Take advantage of a virtual cookbook. Empty all your bookshelves and use the internet to search and store recipes. Here you can search for recipes by type of food, ingredients, how the raw materials are processed, national cuisine, festive occasions and even serving temperature.

Once you’ve found the recipe you want, print it out and place it in a folder along with the rest of the clippings. If you don’t feel like messing around with paper, you can save it in virtual form – in your diary (blog) or in your Favorites folder. Here you can easily add your own recipes and wait for the evaluation of other users.

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