How to determine pregnancy?

To determine pregnancy before delay, you can make an analysis for hCG (the level of the hormone chorionic gonadotropin). The aforementioned hormone is produced by the placenta. An increased level of this hormone is a reliable sign of a successful conception. An increased amount of this hormone may also indicate the presence of various diseases, including cancer.

The rooting of the egg into the wall of the uterus occurs at least a week after the last intercourse. With the help of clinical and laboratory tests, for example, donating blood for analysis from a vein, it is possible to determine pregnancy as early as the eighth day.

If you are not sure about the reliability of the test, then you should refer to the following method – basal temperature measurement… This method is used in many cases: when they want to get pregnant, when they do not want conception to occur, etc.

Basal temperature is measured more often in the rectum (this method is more accurate and reliable), but the oral cavity and vagina are not excluded. The doctor should analyze the graph of values, since these indicators are individual and some errors are allowed. To find out about your interesting position, start measuring your temperature at least 10 days after the intended conception. Remember that at the end of the menstrual cycle, the temperature will be below 37 ° C, if it has not dropped, then you may be pregnant.

To correctly measure basal temperature, you need to remember a few simple rules:

  • you need to measure the temperature in the morning (at 6: 00-7: 00 o’clock), right after sleep;
  • it is prohibited to consume alcoholic beverages on the eve of the measurement;
  • you need to use only one thermometer to avoid possible errors;
  • experts do not advise having sex a day before basal temperature measurement;
  • incorrect temperature readings can be affected by drugs and diseases, which are accompanied by a high temperature.

Also no less effective is pregnancy test, which can be used two days before the expected period. If there is a delay, then the test can already show the result with 100% probability.

Remember that it must be done in the morning, as a large amount of the hormone chorionic gonadotropin has accumulated in the urine during the night, which increases the reliability of the test.

Nowadays, there are 3 types of tests: electronic, strips and tablet. Each woman can choose any of these, depending on the financial situation and the recommendation of the gynecologist.

Read the instructions carefully before testing. If the test showed a fuzzy second strip, it would not hurt to use another test, only of a different type or from a different manufacturer.

The state of pregnancy can also be indicated by a factor such as toxicosis… It manifests itself in every woman, only to a different degree.

Another symptom that signals your interesting position is breast enlargement and darkening around the nipples.

The third “hint” – fever, and without signs of any disease. At high temperatures, avoid overheating, ventilate the room and it will stabilize.

The conception may also be indicated by symptoms such as “Pulls the lower abdomen” and frequent urge to urinate… If going to the toilet is accompanied by “prickly” pains, then this confirms the signs of a disease such as cystitis, you should immediately consult a gynecologist. An increase in vaginal discharge also indicates an interesting position.

Our dear readers, listen to your body, and you will immediately find all these aforementioned signs without a doctor and a test. Even symptoms such as insomnia and frequent mood swings can give you clues about an interesting situation.

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