How to deal with enlarged pores?

The pores are enlarged due to the increased work of the sebaceous glands. In subcutaneous fat, a favorable environment for the reproduction of bacteria that cause inflammation. Any person has pores, but it is certainly impossible to reduce their genetic values. But we have the opportunity to mask them or reduce them visually. It is known that the largest pores are located in the T-zone. Such problems are familiar to many, not only to the owners of oily skin type, but even mixed.

What are the reasons why the pores are enlarged?

On the face, the pores expand for various reasons. They can be such not only because of a hereditary predisposition, but also be the result of hormonal changes, sunburn and dehydration, improper or untimely cleaning of the skin from fat, dirt and dead cells, due to the action of low-quality, cheap decorative cosmetics. Also, the pores expand due to poor nutrition, bad habits, stress and many other factors.

So, for example, our skin is affected by ultraviolet radiation, because of it, the production of collagen is disrupted, our pores are enlarged, the skin simply does not have time to regulate their size. But still, according to experts, in almost 80% of cases, pore expansion is caused by improper use of cosmetics.

When you choose the wrong cosmetics, forget or are too lazy to wash off the foundation before going to bed, occasionally use a moisturizer, scrubs, you yourself allow the problem to go too far. In this case, it remains only to eliminate the consequences and try to narrow the pores at least a little. How can this be done, you may ask? We also have answers to this question.

1. The main method of dealing with enlarged pores of the face is cleansing and exfoliation.

Every day, it is mandatory to wash 2 times, in the morning and in the evening, with special foams or gels that are suitable for your skin type. After washing, use special tonics that are designed to narrow the pores. They are produced by different manufacturers, choose one that is suitable for price and quality and does not cause allergies.

The use of exfoliating agents – scrubs-will also help to narrow the pores on the face. This procedure for the face is recommended to be carried out 1-2 times a week. After washing, apply the scrub, gently massaging the skin for 2-3 minutes. Next, wash your face thoroughly with water. Scrubs are well suited for oily skin, gommages (products with the same purpose, only based on a cream) – for mixed and sensitive skin.

2. Salon cleaning of the face is an effective way to fight in this case.

There are several options for cleaning the face in the salon:

  • mechanical,
  • vacuum chamber,
  • ultrasonic.

The cosmetologist performs mechanical cleaning of the face manually. At the beginning, your face will be steamed, then the dirt will be removed from the pores. This procedure helps to reliably get rid of sebaceous plugs, but it is a little painful, which is why it is not suitable for sensitive skin – traces of the procedure can last for 1-2 days. In the process of vacuum cleaning, black dots are removed using a special device with a tube. Fat is sucked out of the pores. And, finally, ultrasonic cleaning of the face is carried out by high-frequency sound vibrations. It allows you to remove dirt from the pores, smooth out fine wrinkles.

3. Masks for enlarged pores.

Effective action in the fight against enlarged pores of the face is provided by cleansing and narrowing them masks. You can buy them in the store or cook them yourself at home. We will give you some of the simplest, in our opinion, recipes for natural masks.

Mask made of white or blue clay. Dilute the clay in warm water to make it look like sour cream. For oily skin, it is recommended to add a few drops of lemon juice. Apply the mask to cleansed skin, leave for 10-15 minutes, rinse with cool water. Remove the residue with a tonic, apply a moisturizer.

Protein-lemon mask is also used to tighten the pores. Mix the egg white with 10-15 drops of lemon juice, apply to the skin, leave for 10 minutes. Wash thoroughly with cool water.

Enlarged pores are not very visually beautiful, so you will need disguise skills. Remember that you can only proceed to applying makeup after cleansing your face. There are various cosmetics that help to visually narrow the pores on the face. But, unfortunately, it is almost impossible to get rid of the enlarged pores completely.

We wish you success in the fight against enlarged facial pores.

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