How to attract good luck into your life according to the annual cycle

😉 Greetings to everyone who wandered into this site in search of good luck! How to attract good luck into your life? It turns out that luck can be programmed! And you should check it in practice! As you know, everything in nature is cyclical. After summer, autumn comes, day gives way to night, year after year, month after month, day after day …

How to attract good luck

How to attract good luck into your life according to the annual cycle

Our ancient ancestors knew that the year is divided into seven equal periods (cycles). In each period, we are given certain opportunities, but the higher forces are sure to take something in return. Thanks to this knowledge, we can determine our near future, as well as avoid many mistakes.

Calculating Luck Cycles Using a Calendar

So, the first cycle of luck begins on your birthday and lasts 52 days. Therefore, you need to make small calculations using the calendar. For example, you were born on February 1st (the year of birth is absolutely unimportant).

1.02 is the beginning of your first cycle. We add 52 days to this date – your first cycle ends on March 24, and the second begins on March 25. It should be noted that if the year is a leap year, then the last, seventh cycle will last not 52, but 53 days.

Thus, it is necessary to calculate all personal annual cycles (there are only seven of them) and determine which problems should be paid special attention to, and which ones should be left until better times.

First cycle “New Opportunities”

Reade set Go! At this time, not a second should be lost. Right now is the most suitable period for the implementation of your plans. This is the best moment to find new friends, partners and sponsors.

If you can’t find a job in any way, feel free to send your resume. Chances are good that luck will finally smile on you. If you decide to start your own business, do your best for this. During this period, you can safely take loans and credits without risk, so as not to end up in a debt trap.

Second – “Our hearts demand change!”

During this period, it is strictly forbidden to be lazy. Feel free to get rid of trash, everything old and unnecessary. Strive for changes in all areas of your life, do not argue with fate: all changes during this period will change your life only for the better.

In the second cycle, any trips, both long and short, are favorable. It can be business trips, vacations abroad and just trips out of town for barbecue – you will be lucky everywhere.

Third – “Energy Balance”

Your energy potential is now at the highest level, which means that during this period you are able to conquer any peaks, achieve any set goals and objectives – be it your personal life or work.

Right now, you are of particular interest to the opposite sex. This is the most suitable period for finding your soul mate, but only for the fair sex: novels during this period do not bode well for men.

Also, the third cycle is favorable for any real estate manipulation: buying and selling, exchange, rent. Try not to quarrel with anyone. Even a small conflict that broke out during this time period can lead to a serious and prolonged quarrel.

Fourth – “Creativity”

In this cycle, any work related to study is successful. You can do self-education or sign up for some courses – in any case, success awaits you. Any problems now need to be tackled creatively – be smart.

If your work activity is connected with creativity, then be extremely careful about the implementation of your work – make any contracts and transactions only in the presence of a competent lawyer, otherwise you will be easily deceived. Also, in the fourth cycle, it is not recommended to make serious purchases.

Fifth – “Development”

During this period, all doors are open in front of you. In this cycle, it is necessary to make new acquaintances and expand the circle of communication, see friends and family as often as possible. It is also not forbidden to accept the courtship of former fans. Destiny can provide you with a second chance at a happy life with your ex.

In this cycle, feel free to invest in business, open savings deposits and make serious purchases. During this period, do not break the law in any way.

Sixth – “Rest”

In this period, give up important undertakings. Relax as much as possible, chat with friends and family, do what you love or hobby. In the penultimate cycle, healthy eating, physical activity or long walks in the fresh air are very important; various excursions out of town and travel as such.

Don’t be afraid to make new acquaintances, especially romantic ones. Women who have already met their love, it is better to refuse them, but single ladies are strongly advised to keep their ears open and even go to the store for bread in full dress.

Seventh End Cycle

We pause at this final stage of seven cycles. Do not show any initiative either in your personal life or in your work affairs. Perform your duties exactly as much as you should. Save your strength, now you need to analyze the experience gained, reconsider your mistakes.

Perhaps you have made mistakes too often and this will start to depress you. Remember that nothing happens just like that, any mistakes we make are a payback for future success.


Read more in this video on: How to draw good luck into your life

How to bring good luck into your life in 3 days

Friends, share in the comments your tips on how to attract good luck into your life. 🙂 Until next time and new topics!

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