How much should you eat meat

The benefits or dangers of meat – diabetologists still debate. But convinced of the need for animal protein ready to eat meat all day long. How can it affect your health, and how much meat can we actually consume daily without compromising the well-being?

1 gram per 1 kilogram of bodyweight — about the same amount of digestible protein. During exercise a little more. The rest of the protein will be a ballast for your figure. At the same time, meat is not the only protein source; you probably eat eggs, dairy products, and vegetable protein. Besides, the meat contains more fat, which is completely unnecessary in your diet.

After eating meat, there is heaviness in the stomach, especially if you are drinking enough water during lunch or dinner. Meat contains substances which the digestion excrete uric acid. Undoubtedly, it is also needed for the body, but large quantities of this acid begin to adversely affect the work of internal organs and provoke many diseases. Itself meat increases the level of acidity in the stomach, which increases the number of bacteria in the gut, causing fermentation and discomfort.

About 5-6 hours are required for the body to digest meat fully. To eliminate this product from dinner. Is there meat in the lunch, while red meat should be in your diet as possible, preferably lean fillet of poultry meat. The good idea is to start sometimes fasting from meat days, eating only plant foods.

Those who are involved in sports need more protein, but not only “meat.” If you have continual training mode, increase the amount of protein, but only at the meat expense. To build and muscle growth requires much more protein. Include in the diet more Turkey meat, chicken, fish, legumes, and dairy. 70 percent of the daily requirement of protein plan your dead at lunchtime and do not overload the stomach with heavy meat in the evening.

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