How much do women’s fertility tests cost and where to do them?

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Women’s infertility is, unfortunately, a common and serious problem. It can have various causes, so the most important thing is to start diagnostics. It is assumed that diagnostics should be started after about a year of regular intercourse without the use of contraception. Performing tests to check a woman’s fertility will allow us to find out its causes and start appropriate treatment.

What is female infertility?

We talk about infertility when a couple tries to have a baby for about a year, although more and more often six months of unsuccessful efforts are enough to undertake diagnostics. During this year, the couple should have regular intercourse (about 3-4 times a week) without any contraceptive methods. There can be many causes of infertility, and problems with conceiving a child can result from both female and male infertility. The key here is to do all the necessary research and find out the exact cause.

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What are the types of female infertility?

In the case of women, there are two types of infertility:

  1. primary infertility – it means the inability to get pregnant;
  2. secondary infertility – means that problems with getting pregnant appeared after some time in a couple who already have at least one child.

Today, there are specialized infertility treatment clinics that offer a wide range of diagnostic tests to determine the causes of infertility. Thanks to them, doctors are able to make a correct diagnosis and, if possible, introduce treatment.

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Where are diagnostic tests performed in the case of female infertility?

Often, the initial diagnosis of female infertility is performed by a gynecologist. He or she can order basic tests and make an initial diagnosis. However, the best solution is always to report to specialized centers dealing with the diagnosis and treatment of infertility.

Today there are many infertility treatment clinics, so it is worth choosing one that has many years of experience, a wide range of tests and its own laboratory. Thanks to this, we can perform full diagnostics on the spot, and doctors can apply the most modern methods of treatment.

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How Much Does Women’s Fertility Test Cost?

Diagnostic tests are ordered by a doctor after a thorough interview with the woman. Importantly, the doctor selects them individually for the patient. It should be remembered that each case is different and there are no treatment regimens in the diagnosis and treatment of female infertility.

In the case of female infertility tests, the following should be distinguished:

  1. AMH test – the test allows you to assess the ovarian reserve. The AMH hormone is produced by both women and men, but it plays a very important role in women. This hormone is supposed to regulate the maturation of the follicles containing the egg. Testing the concentration of AMH allows to assess a woman’s chances of conceiving a child naturally and to establish an appropriate hormone therapy protocol for patients preparing, for example, for in vitro fertilization. The price of such a test is about PLN 180;
  2. FSH concentration – the FSH hormone is responsible for the proper functioning of the female reproductive system, therefore it is the basic test performed in the diagnosis of female infertility. It is very helpful in the diagnosis of, among others polycystic ovary syndrome. Testing the level of FSH, i.e. follicle stimulating hormone (FSH gonadotropin) produced by the pituitary gland, allows, inter alia, to for the assessment of ovarian reserve, diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome and the causes of menstrual disorders (irregular period, intermenstrual spotting). The price of the FSH level test is only PLN 40;
  3. tests of the level of sex hormones – tests are performed at a cost of about PLN 20-35 / each;
  4. prolactin level – allows you to diagnose menstrual and ovulation disorders. The examination costs about PLN 20-35;
  5. SONO HSG – a test to check the structure of the uterus and the patency of the fallopian tubes. This examination is performed using ultrasound, which allows you to check the flow of a special fluid in the woman’s reproductive organs. It allows you to detect any abnormalities in the structure or shape of the uterus that may make it difficult to get pregnant or to report it. It is a safe and very effective way to diagnose the causes of female infertility. The test is recommended for women in whom there is a suspicion that improper structure of the reproductive organs may be the cause of infertility. The price of the test is PLN 350 to PLN 830;
  6. hysteroscopy – a modern test to assess the structure of the uterine cavity. During the examination, it is also possible to remove any abnormalities such as adhesions, polyps or fibroids. The doctor performs tests with the use of an endoscope, which he introduces into the woman’s genital tract. Thanks to this, it can carefully examine the inside and find any abnormalities, especially in the area of ​​the endometrium. During the examination, the doctor may also assess the condition of the cervix and the mouth of the fallopian tubes. The indications for the examination are menstrual disorders, infertility or miscarriages, abnormalities found during ultrasound of the uterus, as well as suspected defects or the risk of interrupting the continuity of the uterine wall. The examination enables the collection of specimens for further diagnosis. The test can be performed at a cost of about PLN 700 to even PLN 3900;
  7. cytology – this is the basic examination that every woman should perform prophylactically. This examination allows to diagnose neoplasms and precancerous conditions of the cervix. During the examination, the doctor inserts a special brush into the cervix and takes a swab. Then it is examined under a microscope. In this way, the cells of the cervical epithelium are assessed and, for example, cancer cells are detected. Regular cytology allows for early detection of changes and quick implementation of treatment, which gives a good chance of complete recovery. It should be remembered that the test can be performed free of charge as part of cancer prevention. In fertility clinics, cytology can cost from PLN 20 to PLN 400;
  8. thyroid profile – means testing the concentration of TSH, FT4 and FT3. These tests are performed to rule out diseases of the thyroid gland, which often prevent pregnancy. Testing the level of TSH, i.e. thyrotropic hormone, allows to assess the work of the thyroid gland, and thus enables the detection of its hypothyroidism or hyperfunction. Compare TSH results with FT3 and FT4 concentration results. FT3 is free triiodothyronine. FT4, on the other hand, is free thyroxine which regulates metabolic processes. The thyroid gland affects the work of the entire organism, including the reproductive system. It should be remembered that thyroid diseases are a common cause of fertility problems. The thyroid profile examination costs about PLN 40-100;
  9. karyotype – basic genetic test that can detect any abnormalities that may cause genetic diseases that contribute to infertility. The price of the test is approximately PLN 390;
  10. CFTR gene – genetic test to detect mutations in the CFTR gene, which is responsible, for example, for the development of cystic fibrosis. In women, this mutation can cause menstrual disorders, e.g. secondary amenorrhea or the secretion of too thick mucus, which makes it difficult for the sperm to reach the egg. The price of the test is PLN 200-700;
  11. tests for viruses and infectious diseases – these tests should be performed to exclude the presence of serious infections that may weaken a woman’s immunity and fertility. As part of these tests, anti-HIV 1,2 testing should be performed. This test is recommended for every couple planning a baby. Its price is about PLN 45. Moreover, it is necessary to carry out diagnostics of hepatitis B and C cases (price: HBs – antigen – PLN 50, P-body p / HBc approx. PLN 50, P-body p / HCV approx. PLN 50). Another test to be performed is the VDRL (WR) test. It allows you to confirm or rule out an infection with the bacteria that cause syphilis. The examination at WR can be performed for about PLN 30. An important test is also Chlamydia trachomatis DNA, i.e. a cervical swab. The examination costs from PLN 50 to PLN 220. During the diagnosis of female infertility, tests for cytomegaly IgG, rubella IgG and IgM as well as toxoplasmosis IgG and IgM should also be performed. The price of each of these tests is about PLN 50.

Please note that the prices for each of the above tests depend on the city and clinic in which they are performed.

Fertility can be supported by the use of appropriate preparations or dietary supplements. Try CONCEIVE PLUS Fertility Gel for both external and internal use.

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