How he can help me for 9 months

Adapt to your daily constraints

It’s obvious, but it’s worth remembering: when you’re pregnant, you don’t have the same habits as before. Pregnancy fatigue can lead to changing your sleep cycle, going to bed earlier and / or taking an afternoon nap. Culinary habits are also upset, since certain foods and drinks are to be avoided. Not to mention foods that we suddenly no longer want at all, even the smell of which bothers us … So a good way for your companion to support you in these changes, is that he also adopts these new rhythms and constraints. ! Recognize that it’s nicer to share a glass of fruit juice together, rather than watching them longingly enjoying a glass of red wine or a dish of sushi! Ditto for the nap: why not have it in love rather than living off the beaten path?


Go to antenatal visits and ultrasounds

It is a little “the basis” in terms of support for future mothers. These visits are essential to control pregnancy and allow our men to better understand the transformations in our body. And it is often during the first echo, listening to the heartbeat of the fetus, that the man fully realizes that he is going to be a dad, that his paternity becomes concrete. These are important meetings, where the couple strengthens their ties and their bond. And why not follow up with a small restaurant for two?


Take care of administrative procedures

Registering for the maternity ward, declaring the pregnancy to the Social Security and the CAF, looking for childcare, planning medical appointments… Pregnancy conceals restrictive and boring administrative tasks. Not necessarily what worries a pregnant woman the most! If your man does not have an administrative phobia, you can suggest that he take care of sending certain documents, so that you do not have to carry your pregnancy “file” alone. Especially if you hate it!

Give you massages …

Pregnancy is not an easy adventure, it puts the body to the test. But there are solutions to help you cope, one of which is massage. Rather than applying your anti-stretch mark cream alone, you can offer your partner to massage your stomach. It would be a good way to get him to tame your new curves, and why not communicate with baby! If your back is painful or if your legs are heavy, he can also massage them with suitable creams. On the program: relaxation and sensuality!

Prepare the baby’s room

Once the pregnancy is well established, it’s time to think about preparing your little one’s room. For future parents, choosing the decor for their little one’s room together is really a good time. On the production side, on the other hand, it’s him alone! You should not expose yourself to paints, which can emit toxic compounds. And no question of carrying furniture, of course. So let your spouse get involved! It will be a good way for him to invest in the pregnancy over the long term and to project himself with the baby.

Go shopping

Yep, it can be that easy! A pregnant woman should avoid carrying heavy loads, especially if her pregnancy is potentially at risk. So if the future dad wants to help you, suggest that he get more involved in shopping, if he wasn’t already before the pregnancy. It doesn’t seem like much, but it will give you a lot of relief!


Participate in childbirth preparation classes

Nowadays, many preparations for childbirth can be done as a couple, it is even recommended so that the father feels involved in the birth of his child and understands the ordeal that his partner will go through. And on D-Day, her help could be invaluable and reassuring for the mother-to-be. Certain methods such as Bonapace (digitopression, massages and relaxation), haptonomy (coming into physical contact with the baby), or prenatal singing (sound vibrations on contractions) give pride of place to the future dad. No more father on the sidelines in the workroom!

Getting organized for the big day

To be sure that he is there on D-Day, advise him to broach the subject with his employer, to warn him that he will have to be absent abruptly to attend the birth of his child. Your partner can prepare everything that is not essential, but important for both of you: a camera to immortalize the first meeting with the baby, phone chargers to avoid the breakdown, a fogger, tissues, music, what to eat and drink, comfortable clothes… And so that he knows what to expect in the labor room – if he wishes to attend the baby’s birth -, suggest that he also read some things about childbirth and on the different possible scenarios (emergency cesarean section, episiotomy, forceps, epidural, etc.). We know that an informed man is worth two!

I am her lace-cutter

“During my partner’s second pregnancy, I gave her a lot of back massages because she was in a lot of pain. Otherwise, I never did much, because in general she wears like a charm all the way through. Yes, one thing, at the end of each pregnancy, I become her official lace-maker! ”

Yann, dad of Rose, 6 years old, Lison, 2 and a half years old, and Adèle, 6 months old.

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