Homeopathy, to relieve baby’s sleep disorders

Does your baby have difficulty falling asleep at night? Is he a very light sleeper and wakes up at the slightest noise? The reasons for his discomfort at night can be multiple: teething, infant colic… As he grows up, he can also experience night terrors, or have repetitive nightmares. To help your child calm down and fall asleep, homeopathy offers natural solutions devoid of any toxicity.

What homeopathy to make baby sleep: identify symptoms related to stress

If homeopathy can relieve physical disorders in children, it intervenes especially for psychological problems as part of sleep. A clarification with which Dr Florence Peyrefitte begins: “Each child who comes to see us has specific disorders. The type of homeopathy will therefore depend on the psychological factors that can impact the child. For example, the child may have difficulty falling asleep because of troubles in his relationship with his mother, or by a difficulty of adaptation during a change of environment. Sleep disorders can also be linked to feeling cold or hungry. “

Stramonium, Gelsemium, Passiflora… Which granules to make baby sleep?

Now that the probable causes of your baby’s dyssomnia (poor sleep) have been identified, you will need to use the appropriate homeopathic medicine. Namely: in the world of homeopathy, the main value is Ch, which means “diluted to the hundredth”. For example, Passiflora 9 Ch will mean that the granule will contain Passiflora diluted nine times to the hundredth.


After two in the morning

“The type of homeopathy that will be used for baby’s sleep disturbances can also depend on the time of day when they are triggered, because they indicate in which phase of sleep they appear. In the event that they appear in the child after two in the morning, I recommend using Arsenicum album 9 Ch », Explains Dr Florence Peyrefitte.

For night terrors

“In the event that your child has regular night terrors, I recommend Pretty Woman et Starmonium 9Ch ”, emphasizes Florence Peyrefitte.

In the case of a bereavement situation in the child

Dyssomnia can appear in children, even babies, during a grieving situation in the family: “In this case, it is advisable to use as a homeopathic treatment ofIgnatia amara or even‘Arsenicum album.

For difficulty falling asleep related to teething

In the event that your child suffers from the breakouts of his first teeth, you can use Chamomilla vulgaris 9Ch to relieve it and find rest. It is the reference homeopathic treatment for relieving baby’s dental pain.

Phosphorus, Ignatia, Laquesis… What homeopathy for separation anxieties?

When he begins to grow, your baby may feel more anxious about the fear of separation from his parents, which can make it difficult to fall asleep. “In this case, several types of homeopathic treatments can be used: Phosphorus, Ignatia, Laquesis, or Arsenicum album 9 Ch », Details Florence Peyrefitte.

What if your baby is nervous and restless because of jealousy?

Among the probable causes of agitation at bedtime, there may be attacks of jealousy linked to the arrival of a little brother or sister, for example: “In this case, it is recommended to give your baby Hyoscyamus 9 Ch ”, underlines Dr Florence Peyrefitte.

Help baby sleep: how to administer homeopathy?

To help your baby manage his dyssomnia, or sleep difficulties, and have a better quality of falling asleep, it is recommended to administer homeopathic treatment. at bedtime. Regarding the mode of administration of this alternative medicine, there are two methods, depending on the age of your baby: “Before the first year, it is advisable to dilute the granules in water and then to remove them. give your child to drink from a bottle. After 1 year, the granules can be administered directly into his mouth. Just wedge them under your child’s gum.

Do not hesitate to make an appointment with the pediatrician

If your baby’s insomnia persists despite taking homeopathic medicines, do not hesitate to make an appointment for a consultation with your pediatrician. Homeopathy is not a miracle cure, hence the importance of going to the doctor if things do not improve.

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