
General description of the disease


Urticaria is a disease of the human skin in the form of rashes, which are mainly allergic in nature and similar to the blisters that appear after touching the nettle.

The main causes of urticaria:

  • of an exogenous nature – the effects of thermal, physical, chemical, mechanical, pharmacological factors and food on the human body cause urticaria of this type;
  • endogenous nature – urticaria occurs against the background of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, central nervous system and other internal organs.
  • In addition, bites of bees, gadflies, wasps, jellyfish and bites of insects belonging to the group of bloodsucking (midges, fleas, mosquitoes, mosquitoes) can serve as the cause of urticaria.

Types of urticaria and its symptoms:

  1. 1 Acute form – the sudden and rapid appearance of red blisters of a round shape, which have a matte shade in the center, and at the edge are edged with a red border. The rashes can grow together, forming large swollen red spots that itch and itch a lot. In this case, the patient takes a strong chill and sharply rises in temperature. This phenomenon is called “nettle fever”. Basically, blisters appear on the trunk, buttocks, upper limbs, but rash rashes can also affect the mucous membranes of the lips, tongue, nasopharynx and larynx, which makes it difficult for the patient to breathe and eat.

The acute form of urticaria not only quickly appears, but also quickly disappears (in about an hour and a half, rarely – within a few days). This form appears as a consequence of food or drug allergies in the form of a protective and response to eating food with allergens, blood transfusions, and vaccinations. This is a typical variation of this form.

In addition to it, an atypical course of the acute form of urticaria is distinguished. Its hallmark is the appearance of an oblong (linear) rash that does not itch. Mechanical damage to the skin is considered the cause of the appearance.

Medical workers also refer to the acute form of urticaria as Quincke’s edema or giant urticaria. At the site of the lesion, the skin becomes edematous, dense, but at the same time elastic. Has a white color, in rare cases – a light pink tint. The mucous membranes and the subcutaneous fat layer of the tissue are affected. In most cases, itching and burning are absent, and the swelling disappears in a couple of hours. Recurrence of puffiness is possible. If the urticaria is located in the larynx, suffocation or stenosis may develop. If the edema is located in the area of ​​the eye sockets, then the deviation of the eyeball is possible, due to which vision may decrease.

  1. 2 Recurrent chronic form – the reason is the presence in the body of chronic infections that arise due to tonsillitis, caries, adnexitis. The reasons include disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, intestines. The rash appears in the form of attacks and is not as large-scale as in the acute form. It can last for weeks, months or even years. Accompanying symptoms: weakness, joint pain and severe headache, itching at the site of the rash, diarrhea, nausea, gag reflexes. With prolonged continuation of urticaria, the patient develops nervous disorders that appear from insomnia due to severe and continuous itching and burning.
  2. 3 Persistent papular form – Chronic rashes turn into the papular stage of urticaria, in which red or brown nodules appear. Basically, the skin of the limbs in the flexor-extensor parts is affected. Women are more likely to go from chronic urticaria to papular urticaria.
  3. 4 Solar form – the rash appears on open parts of the body that are exposed to the sun’s rays. Has a seasonal character. The disease progresses in spring and summer when the sun is most active. Such rashes appear in people with liver disease, who have impaired porphyrin metabolism. This type of urticaria mainly affects the female sex.

Healthy foods for hives

For hives, the main keys to recovery are eating and dieting (even if the illness is caused by physical factors). With food or drug urticaria, the product or drug that caused the allergic reaction should be excluded. A separate diet is applied for each age category.

Basic principles of a one-year-old child’s diet:

  • If the baby was given bait, then at the time of illness it must be completely canceled. You can feed him only with milk formula (it is better to choose hypoallergenic) or with mother’s milk, who must adhere to a diet.
  • If the child ate full-fledged “adult” food (at least 4-5 times), then for dinner it is worth giving infant formula or breast milk.
  • During illness, the child is prohibited from adding food products that are new to his body (this applies even to those products that are not allergic in themselves).

The diet to be followed by older children and adults.

So, you need to eat:

  • boiled lean meat (chicken, rabbit, beef);
  • boiled potatoes in water without fatty dressings;
  • cereals (wheat, oatmeal, buckwheat, rice are best suited) and pasta;
  • soups cooked without meat broth and without frying;
  • non-fatty dairy and fermented milk products (necessarily without additives and fillers);
  • steamed, boiled or stewed vegetables;
  • whole grain, rye bread, with bran and sowing;
  • greens: lettuce, parsley, dill;
  • tea (preferably not sugar or with added fructose, not necessarily fruit tea);
  • vegetable oils;
  • biscuit biscuits.

As the rash passes, other foods can be added to the diet, but in this order: first add green and yellow vegetables and fruits, then you can add orange color, and at the very end you need to add red fruits and vegetables. This is the first stage. At the second stage, the patient can be given boiled fish, onions (fresh), freshly prepared juices, white bread, fruit purees and compotes.

Traditional medicine for urticaria:

  1. 1 you need to lubricate the rash with St. John’s wort oil;
  2. 2 drink decoctions from a string, chamomile, burdock root, oak bark, oak bark, you can also take medicinal baths with them (it is important to remember that the affected skin areas are more sensitive, so the water temperature should not be high);
  3. 3 every morning drink an infusion of dried walnut leaves;
  4. 4 before meals (half an hour), take a teaspoon of celery root juice (the juice must be freshly squeezed).

Dangerous and harmful foods for urticaria

To exclude from the diet:

  • seafood;
  • dishes and food products with food additives, dyes, thickeners, “E” code, flavorings;
  • eggs;
  • nuts;
  • chocolate;
  • red fruits and roots;
  • spices and spices;
  • sweet soda and alcoholic drinks;
  • honey and its by-products (propolis, wax, royal jelly);
  • fish (you cannot eat the first week after the rash, then you can gradually put it into use, but only fish of low-fat varieties and steamed, you can also boiled).

Reduce the dose of sweet, starchy and salty foods.


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