Healthy lifestyle of a woman

Healthy lifestyle of a woman

The best medicine for the female body is a well-established daily routine and daily rituals dictated by nature itself. This is what the ancient Ayurveda says. Katie Silcox, author of Healthy, Happy, Sexy, has compiled a modern woman’s daily routine that will fill you with life and energy and make you feel like a real goddess at least one Sunday.

When you hear the word “routine” before your eyes, you see a tortured factory employee repeating the same actions on a conveyor belt day after day? Forget about it! Every woman should try the Ayurvedic daily routine of the ideal day – at least once in her life, at least once every six months.

Remember how easily we are inspired by new programs and methods: we feel confident and ready to change our lives for the better. But what happens next? Over time, this bright fire burns out, we lose the motivation to move forward and return to the previous way, because it is familiar and convenient. A daily routine is what will keep you on track. In Ayurvedic texts, daily procedures are called dinacharya. Of course, the frantic pace of life will not allow you to do all of them every day, but set aside Saturday or Sunday – Self-Care Day – and get real pleasure. So, here are 15 ingredients for a perfect woman’s day.

Daily self-care begins the night before: you must go to bed at 22: 00-22: 30 (a little later in the summer) to start with the right mindset in the morning. If you are very tired, sick, or already of age, sleep as much as necessary. When you wake up, do not get up right away. Before your feet touch the ground, feel your body and gratitude for being alive.

2. Drink warm lemon water

Lemon water helps to flush the gastrointestinal tract, cleanse the kidneys and stimulate peristalsis. If you have slow digestion, add ½ teaspoon to the water. powdered ginger. At the same time, it will speed up or at least balance your metabolism. Lemon water can be made in the evening, and in the morning you just have to warm it up in the microwave. ¼ of a medium lemon squeezed into a medium cup is enough.

3. Wash your face and massage your gums with sesame oil

First wash your face, rinse your mouth and teeth, and rinse your eyes. Better to wash with cool water. Flush eyes with cool water or real (natural) rose water. Then rub sesame oil into your gums to help maintain oral hygiene, prevent bad odor, improve circulation, heal bleeding gums, and help your teeth stay strong and healthy.

Yes, you heard right. Going to the bathroom as soon as you wake up will help cleanse your digestive system. In Ayurveda, the proper functioning of the excretory system is of great importance. It is believed that many diseases begin with the accumulation of toxins (ama) in the body. This mucus accumulates when the digestive fire is unable to burn the substances entering the body. Getting rid of ama, we are like walking with a broom on the floor of our body-temple, cleaning out physical toxins, long-standing emotions and states of mind. By cleansing the intestines, we also get rid of long-held emotions and ways of thinking.

Self-massage nourishes and soothes the nervous system, stimulates lymph flow and helps eliminate toxins. It improves blood circulation, energizes, nourishes the skin and promotes a healthy balance of mind and body. And if you regularly massage with oils, the body becomes less susceptible to accidental injuries and the consequences of strenuous physical labor. In addition, it gives a pleasant sensation from touch and ensures the harmony of all parts of the body, a person becomes strong, attractive and less prone to age-related changes.

With age, the juiciness inherent in youth is lost. The body dries up, the joints lose moisture, the mind loses its sharpness and clarity. But in Ayurveda it is believed that this process can be significantly slowed down and lengthened the period of time during which we maintain youth and vitality. There are special Ayurvedic recommendations on how to massage youth and beauty.

Rinse under a contrast shower. Be sure to use any natural remedies or at least cosmetics based on natural ingredients. Be sure to massage your breasts with castor or sesame oil to stimulate circulation and improve lymph flow. Healthy herbs that are good to add to oils to protect the mammary glands are cuff, fenugreek, calendula, and bladder fucus. This massage cleanses the tissues of toxic accumulations – ama, promotes the resorption of cysts and congestion and lymph flow. He also cultivates in us a love for our body and conscious attention to any changes in the tissues of the mammary gland, which is directly related to the prevention of cancer.

A light breakfast is a must for a good day. In Ayurveda, food is one of the three key elements of health. In Ayurveda, all diseases are considered to have their origin in the digestive system. In order to feel good, you need to choose the right foods for your body, eat them at the right time, and even at the right season. When we eat the wrong foods, eat late at night, get emotional, or eat winter meals in the summer (such as pumpkin and steamed vegetables), the digestive system suffers. Food is the foundation of life. What we eat gives us strength to fulfill our life aspirations.

Dedicate the time before lunch to day-to-day activities that need to be dealt with, or find an activity that you like and enjoy. You can paint, embroider, go for a walk. Ayurveda teaches that in order to live according to our true purpose, we must be in balance. Otherwise, we simply will not hear the inner voice of intuition. That is why you need to find time to do what you truly love.

Try to have your lunch as the largest meal of the day. Eat in a pleasant, calm place without distraction. You can go to your favorite restaurant and treat yourself to exquisite dishes and delicious dessert.

If possible, after eating, lie down for 5-20 minutes on your left side. This is ideal. What for? This procedure promotes the functioning of the digestive organs and digestion. If you are at work, bend over to the left side while sitting in a chair, even that will be helpful.

In the afternoon, before the onset of the evening, you need to relax, rest, relieve stress and relieve yourself of all the hardships of the day. Sit in silence without thinking about anything. If you practice yoga, do the asanas that are familiar to you.

Feel your vital energy: get into a comfortable position and close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths. Relax for a moment, let your breathing become deep and even. Now gradually begin to distract yourself from thoughts, emotions and pain in the body. Feel the inner energy, observe it for a few minutes.

11. Have dinner and a drink to improve sleep

Dinner should be light. Having the last meal of the day before sunset or at least 3 hours before bed will help you sleep better. If you’re not hungry, you can try one of the evening drinks to improve sleep instead of dinner. For example, milk “Sweet dreams”: it helps to cope with insomnia, improve the quality of sleep, relieve anxiety and anxiety that interfere with normal sleep

Milk recipe “Sweet dreams”.


1 tsp ghee (ghee)

½ tsp valerian powder

½ tsp ashwagandha powder (withania somnifera, Indian ginseng)

Pinch of nutmeg powder

Several strands of saffron

1 cup whole cow milk, almond milk, soy milk, or hazelnut milk

Method of preparation:

Place the ghee in a saucepan and heat all spices in oil over low heat except saffron. When the spice mixture starts to give off flavor, add milk, saffron and whisk. Heat, but do not boil.

12. Reduce the light intensity

Sleep is a business that does not tolerate excuses. Women need him. Men need him. Everyone on the planet needs to get regular 7-8 hours of sleep. Like physical activity, passive rest is essential for us. If you are chronically sleep deprived, you will never get there. In Ayurveda, there are several great ways to switch from daytime activity to inviolable nighttime peace, one of which is to dim the light at home. Depending on the season (earlier in winter), after dinner, start turning off the overhead light on the sly. Fluorescent lights are best avoided altogether, but especially in the evenings. Dim lighting tells the body that it’s time to sleep. Too bright light interferes with biological rhythms and interferes with hormones that cause drowsiness.

13. Turn off electronic devices

All devices with screens (computer, telephone, TV) must be turned off at 20: 00-21: 00. Sleep experts say that artificial light (including from a computer monitor and smartphone) suppresses the production of the sleep-promoting hormone melatonin. Drowsiness disappears. And don’t watch the evening news. This is poison for your dreams! Do not engage in any active activity that excites your mind. It’s time to move on to a calm state.

14. At 22:00 pm, be in bed.

And no excuses. Have you ever noticed that at about 22:30 pm you get a second wind? This is because the metabolic energy used by the body to detoxify during sleep is transformed into mental energy, and activity is awakened in us. When we go to bed late, we miss this important segment, the so-called beauty dream. If you’re still used to going to bed at midnight, use the 15-minute rule: try to go to bed 15 minutes earlier every night. After a couple of weeks at 22:00 pm, you will be already sound asleep.

15. Review the past day in your head

This is a very powerful meditation practice for reflecting on what happened. When you go to bed, mentally start rewinding your day from the present moment in segments of 30-60 minutes. Try to just note everything that happened to you during the day, without analyzing. Record your feelings, relax, and let go of all daytime events. Gradually you will fall asleep.

Trust (and check!), Waking up in the morning after such a Day of Self-Care will be wonderful. You will feel much better, more cheerful, more energetic and, of course, more beautiful.

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