Green chrysanthemums

Green chrysanthemums

Green chrysanthemums can be distinguished into a separate group of varieties. It is rarely possible to meet such a green flower in the front garden, as people prefer bright flowers. But, looking at the photo of a green chrysanthemum, you may change your mind. These flowers look interesting and unusual. They are great substitutes for colored ones if you prefer calmer colors and interesting solutions.

The varieties differ among themselves in appearance, the shape of the inflorescences and the size of the bushes. They are perfect for diluting your summer cottage with greenery. They can also be used when assembling bouquets to obtain brighter and more contrasting compositions.

Green chrysanthemums are a rare occurrence, but they can help in drawing up a bouquet or diluting bright flowers at their summer cottage

The green varieties are as follows:

  1. “Balloon”. This is a variety of branch chrysanthemums, distinguished by small green flowers. Their color is not bright green, but slightly light green. By planting them in large numbers, you will achieve an interesting look for your site.
  2. Revert. Their color is less intense than that of the “Ballon” variety. They are distinguished by inflorescences with long hook-shaped petals. When the flower fully blooms, it takes on a yellow tint, and green remains only at the ends of the petals. The diameter of one flower is about 15 centimeters. They have a bitter aroma.
  3. Anastasia Green. Has a pale green color. The diameter of the flower is about 10-12 centimeters. It reaches a height of 70 centimeters. Differs in long durability in water after cutting. Can stand in a vase for 3 weeks or more. Has a herbaceous aroma.
  4. Groove. It is distinguished by an interesting color: green in the center and white at the edges.

These varieties are popular for their appearance. Among them you can find both large and small sizes, as well as different colors.

Shrub chrysanthemums green

There are also green varieties of bush chrysanthemums:

  1. Galiaro Green. This is a bushy variety, characterized by the needle-shaped inflorescences and their green color.
  2. Green Lizard. Also a bush variety belonging to a medium late type. The bush reaches a height of 130 centimeters. The diameter of one flower reaches about 6 centimeters. Differs in long durability after cutting, thanks to which it will decorate your apartment longer.
  3. Yoko Ono. Differs in small flowers in the form of pompons. Their diameter is only about 3 centimeters. The flowering period begins in early November.
  4. Froggy. The flowering period begins in October. The plant is distinguished by small ball-shaped inflorescences.

Thanks to this variety of varieties, you can choose the right shrub for your site.

Green chrysanthemums look unusual. Most likely, in your mind, they are bright. But such a solution looks fresh and interesting and attracts attention.

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