
General description of the disease

These are pathologies during pregnancy, which manifest themselves in the form of disturbances in the functioning of the systems or organs of a woman. This term was introduced in 1996, previously the so-called late toxicosis. In a pregnant woman, it begins to manifest itself from the 20th week and can last up to 3-5 days after childbirth.

Types of gestosis

Gestosis can be of two types: pure and combined.

  1. 1 Pure gestosis begins at 35 weeks gestation and can last 1 to 3 weeks. It happens only in women who have not suffered from any diseases before. The onset is not abrupt, there are no vivid symptoms. Possible slight swelling, hypertension and a slight protein afterbirth in the blood. All signs disappear within 2 days after delivery. Changes in the lungs, liver and in the hemostasis system are not observed.
  2. 2 Combined gestosis starts at 20 weeks, is difficult, lasts about 6 weeks. It manifests itself in different ways, it all depends on the diseases of the pregnant woman. These diseases can be: diabetes mellitus, problems with the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, liver, arterial hypertension, obesity, neurocircular dystonia, endogenous infection. When combined, there are observed: placental insufficiency, edema, urine protein levels above normal, hypertension, disorders in the autonomic, neuroendocrine systems, in the hemostatic system, a decrease in the body’s immune forces. Complications are possible: for the fetus – a growth retardation, for a pregnant woman – serious problems with blood coagulation (coagulation).

Causes of gestosis

Although this phenomenon has been repeatedly studied, there is still no single unequivocal answer to the question: “What are the causes of preeclampsia?” Scientists have put forward more than one theory of the occurrence of late toxicosis. Let’s consider the most popular ones.

Supporters corticosteroid theory argue that preeclampsia is a kind of neurosis of a pregnant woman, which disrupts the physiological relationship between the subcortical formation and the cerebral cortex. As a result, there are malfunctions in the cardiovascular system and blood supply is disrupted.

Endocrine theory states that changes in the functioning of the endocrine system cause problems in the metabolism in tissues and blood supply to internal organs, as well as disrupt the work of the cardiovascular system.

Adherents immunological theory believe that all the symptoms manifested in gestosis arise due to the pathological reaction of the body’s defenses to specific (antigenic) fetal tissues, which the immune system does not pay attention to during normal pregnancy.

Genetics and put forward their theory. Having processed numerous data, they noticed a tendency towards an increase in the amount of gestosis in women, in whose families their mother also suffered from late toxicosis. In addition, they do not deny the existence of the preeclampsia gene.

promotion placental theory based on the fact that the necessary physiological changes in the uterine vessels that feed the placenta are absent during gestosis. Because of this, the body secretes active substances that provoke negative changes in the entire vascular system of a pregnant woman.

Risk group

The risk group includes girls whose pregnancy occurred earlier than 18 years old or, conversely, a primiparous woman and her age is more than 35 years.

Women who have multiple pregnancies and have a family history of late toxicosis are also at risk of gestosis.

The danger for the normal course of pregnancy is the presence of: chronic infectious diseases, autoimmune diseases (for example, lupus erythematosus), excess weight, diseases of the thyroid gland, kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract, arterial hypertension and diabetes mellitus.

Symptoms of gestosis

According to its manifestations, gestosis is divided into 4 stages: edema, nephropathy, preeclampsia in a pregnant woman and eclampsia.

Edema can be hidden or explicit. First, latent edema appears – they occur in the early stages of gestosis due to fluid retention in the tissues. This fluid cannot be eliminated with simple diuretics. Their reception can only aggravate the condition of the expectant mother and her fetus. You should not attribute gestosis to yourself if there is swelling. Not all edema is associated with this pathology.

Nephropathy – kidney disease, starting from the 20th week of pregnancy, can be mild, moderate and severe. The main signs of nephropathy are: edema, hypertension (one of the main manifestations of gestosis, because it reflects the severity of vasospasm) and proteinuria (the appearance of traces of protein in the blood).

Hypertension – this is an increase in the level of blood pressure (the upper indicator increases by 30 mm, and the lower one jumps by 15 mm of mercury).

Preeclampsia – a severe stage of late toxicosis, occurs in 5% of pregnant women, of which most of them fall on primiparous. In addition to signs of nephropathy, the pregnant woman suffers from severe headaches, heaviness in the back of the head, nausea and vomiting, vision problems occur, and the adequacy of the perception of what is happening may be impaired. With a severe degree of preeclampsia, the process of normal blood supply to the central nervous system and brain cells is disrupted, which causes various mental disorders in the pregnant woman.

Eclampsia – the most severe and dangerous stage of gestosis, which is characterized by a complex of complex symptoms: seizures of the muscles of the whole body, due to which the pressure rises sharply. Such a jump can provoke a rupture of a cerebral vessel, which in turn will lead to a stroke. In addition, there is a great threat of exfoliation of the placenta. This can lead to fetal death.

Gestosis can proceed in a subtle, asymptomatic form for several months, or, conversely, its symptoms can manifest themselves with lightning speed and lead to catastrophic consequences.

Complications with gestosis

Irreversible can happen if you do not pay attention to the manifestations of the disease. In the best cases, labor can begin ahead of time (then the baby will be premature and weak). Or the placenta may exfoliate or fetal hypoxia may occur (both cases will lead to the death of the baby). Also, stroke, cardiac, renal, hepatic failure may develop, pulmonary edema may occur, the retina of the eye will detach. Therefore, you should not risk anyone’s health and life. You need to be extremely careful and careful. To do this, it is worth observing a special daily regimen for pregnant women with late toxicosis.

Regimen of a pregnant woman with gestosis

A pregnant woman needs to lead a calm, measured lifestyle. To provide oxygen to the fetus, it is necessary to walk in the fresh air (at least 2 hours a day).

If there are no contraindications, to calm down, it is allowed to visit the pool or do yoga / breathing exercises (most of all, it concerns mild gestosis). Such procedures lower blood pressure, improve blood circulation and diuresis (the amount of urine excreted), relieve tension, and dilate blood vessels.

In case of a difficult course, bed rest is indicated.

With any course of late toxicosis, women need to sleep at least 8 hours at night and rest 1,5-2 hours during the day.

It is better to choose classical music from music.

It is better to avoid large crowds of people (especially during the period of the raging SARS and flu).

Smoking, use of drugs and alcoholic substances is strictly prohibited!

Useful products for gestosis

At the time of gestosis, pregnant women need to include more fruits, berries and vegetables in their diet.

From berries and fruits, vegetables and herbs, pregnant women are recommended to add to their diet:

  • cranberries (has a diuretic, bactericidal, blood pressure lowering effect; can be eaten with honey or sugar);
  • grapefruit (enhances the effect of insulin in diabetes mellitus in a pregnant woman, and its juice can be used as a natural diuretic);
  • avocado (strengthens the immune system, helps in normalizing metabolism, contains a small amount of sugar, is indicated for use by diabetics);
  • viburnum (contains a large amount of vitamin C, has a diuretic, sedative effect);
  • lemon (indicated for use in any form of toxicosis);
  • figs, apricots, black currants, plums, peaches (prescribed for mother’s anemia);
  • irgu (used to regulate blood pressure levels, with spasms);
  • lingonberries (berries and leaves help in the treatment of kidneys, relieve high blood pressure, reduce swelling);
  • rose hips, celery (contains vitamins C, P, E, B – they are extremely necessary for the further course of pregnancy);
  • pumpkin (eliminates bouts of vomiting, you can eat at an early stage of gestosis, goes well with lemon);
  • parsley (well effective in combating dropsy and edema in pregnant women);
  • chokeberry (reduces blood pressure, it is better to use it in the form of jam or freshly squeezed juice);
  • walnut (preferably young, it contains more vitamins P and E, which help in maintaining pregnancy).

With gestosis, it is necessary to adhere to the following nutritional principles:

You need to eat in small portions, the time interval between each meal should be 2,5-3 hours (there should be 5-6 meals in total).

With a strong intolerance to different odors, it is better to eat food chilled, and it is better not to combine hearty or liquid dishes, it is advisable to eat them separately.

30-45 minutes before a meal, you can not drink water, juices, jelly, compotes, the amount drunk should not exceed 100 milliliters at a time.

When gaining weight more than 0,5 kg per week, it is recommended that a pregnant woman arrange a fasting day once a week (you can eat 1 kilograms of unsweetened apples or 1,5 packs of cottage cheese and a bag of kefir with 2% fat per day, or you can eat 0 kg of boiled beef meat without spices, but with cucumber). The calorie content of food eaten for the whole day should not exceed 0,8 calories.

It is imperative to monitor the consumption of all fluid (it is worth noting that the amount of fluid excreted from the body should be an order of magnitude higher than the amount of all drink drunk per day). You need to drink no more than 1.5 liters of liquid per day (this includes not only water, but also teas, soups, compotes, kefir).

With late toxicosis, it is better to cook the first courses in vegetable broths or in milk, and the dishes for the second should be stewed, boiled or steamed. It is better to eat meat of non-fatty varieties and baked or boiled.

The amount of table salt per day should not exceed 5-8 grams (this amount can be increased to 15 grams by consuming herring pate, sauerkraut or pickled cucumbers).

The emphasis should be on protein intake. In addition, the expectant mother needs to eat jellies, baked potatoes, jelly, eggs, dairy products, fruit puree, in moderation, you can eat fatty sea fish (to get Omega-3).

For breakfast it is better to cook porridge (oatmeal, millet, buckwheat, semolina, pearl barley). It is recommended to add a little vegetable oil or fresh fruits and berries to the porridge.

Traditional medicine for gestosis

In the arsenal of traditional medicine, there are many different methods to eliminate the symptoms of preeclampsia.

  • In order to calm down recommend drinking infusions, decoctions and teas of mint, lemon balm, cyanosis, valerian root and calamus, motherwort leaves, fireweed, parsley,
  • To remove fluid from tissues it is recommended to use corn silk, cornflower, birch buds, pharmacy agaric, artichoke.
  • To lower blood pressure use a decoction of viburnum, wild rose, hawthorn.
  • To improve renal microcirculation use fireweed, dangling birch, Canadian goldenrod.
  • To maintain pregnancy it is necessary to take an infusion of leaves, flowers of carnation and calendula.
  • With anemia, the pregnant woman should be given an infusion of clover.

These herbs can be taken alone or in combination. Any of the decoctions is taken 3 times a day for 1/3 cup.

Prohibited herbs for use in gestosis:

grass bear ears, licorice root, sweet clover, medicinal sage, chamomile, horsetail.

Dangerous and harmful foods with gestosis

  • bananas, grapes;
  • fast food;
  • spicy, smoked, salty, fatty, fried foods;
  • coffee, cocoa, strong brewed tea, soda, alcohol, energy drinks;
  • mushrooms;
  • sweets, pastry cream, margarine;
  • spices, seasonings;
  • factory canned food, sausages, sausages, mayonnaises, sauces;
  • containing GMOs and food additives.

Consuming such foods can lead to obesity, high blood sugar and high cholesterol levels. This will further entail a change in the composition of the blood, an increase in blood pressure, impaired blood supply to the placenta and nutrition of the fetus, leading to problems with the kidneys, liver, heart. When combined with pre-existing medical conditions, this can lead to poor outcomes.


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