Fungus: how to treat and not go broke

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They do not like to talk about this problem, but it still needs to be solved.

If you have a fungus, then you are hardly interested in how sick in the world you are. Most likely, you are wondering how to treat it and how much it will cost. So how do you treat fungus and not go broke?

To treat or not to treat?

The fungus is not a cold, it does not pass by itself … but only captures new “territories” and passes into a neglected form. Therefore, the first rule of saving on treatment is to treat as soon as symptoms appear (itching, redness, peeling of the skin, discoloration and thickness of the nail, unpleasant odor) and the diagnosis is made. The earlier you start treatment, the cheaper it will cost: in the initial stage, skin fungus is treated in 2–4 weeks, nail fungus – in 3–6 months. In advanced cases, it will be necessary to be treated for 1–1,5 years, both with external agents and taking systemic antimycotics (antifungal drugs) in the form of tablets.

Oddly enough, but in the age of the Internet and Wikipedia, some sincerely believe the problem of fungus is purely aesthetic (it looks ugly and smells bad), and regular pedicure, decorative varnish and antiperspirants are quite sufficient means to hide this problem, if not solved, then it is good to hide it. … Alas, this is far from the case, and if the fungus is not treated, then …

  • You risk ruining not only your own health, but also the health of family members – the smallest particles of the infected epidermis, scattered by you around the house, will sooner or later find their victim. So boldly multiply the cost of treatment by 2 or even 4 times.

  • You will be 4 times more likely to get antibiotic intolerance and 3 times more likely to get allergic dermatitis.

  • Have you ever had allergic rhinitis, erysipelas, eczema and bronchial asthma? If left untreated, they can be a bonus to itchy feet and yellowed nails (as well as the cost of treating them, yeah)!

  • And … attention, for especially “persistent and stubborn”: in exceptional cases, the “germination” of the fungus into the internal organs is possible, but this is no longer treated.

Than to treat?

Once upon a time, the fungus was treated by completely removing the nail plate – as they say, cheap and cheerful. Fortunately, things are not so radical today. Most often, external agents are used, that is, those that are applied directly to the skin and nails. But the number 1 agent among them is deservedly naftifine – a substance synthesized back in 1974. Since then, the pharmaceutical industry has been enriched with many new antifungal agents, but no one has yet succeeded in surpassing naftifine in demand. Over the years since its discovery, naftifine has been studied far and wide, and all the results speak only in its favor [1].

1. It has the broadest spectrum of action: it kills almost all types of pathogens of the fungus.

2. Relieves inflammation, often accompanying fungus, eliminates itching and burning.

3. Kills bacteria that cause complications of fungal infections.

4. Unlike antibiotics, it does not cause resistance (resistance, immunity) in pathogens of fungal infections. That is, if someone once began to be treated with naftifine and for some reason quit, he will not have to select another, more expensive remedy.

It is on the basis of naftifine that the Evalar company has developed and produces the drug Mizol Evalar, which heals:

  • fungal infections of the nails;

  • fungal infections of the skin and skin folds;

  • interdigital mycoses;

  • candidiasis of the skin;

  • multicolored (pityriasis) versicolor;

  • dermatomycosis (with or without accompanying itching).

Drops or cream?

Medicines with naftifine are produced in the form of creams and solutions (drops) with a concentration of 1% naftifine. For the same course of treatment, the consumption of creams is higher than that of drops: they are more difficult to dose and the volume of their consumption is greater, which means that the course of cream therapy may be more expensive. In addition, the solution is more versatile: it can be used for fungus of both skin and nails. Antifungal medicine Mizol Evalar it is produced precisely in the form of a solution that acts both on the surface and in the deep layers of the skin and nails.

We save on packaging

If the skin fungus can be treated for about 2–4 weeks and you need to apply the solution to the skin once a day, then the nail fungus can be treated from 1 months or longer and drip onto the nail 3 times more often. A responsible drug manufacturer always takes this into account and, for convenience, releases a drug in at least two packaging options – smaller and larger. For example, Mizol Evalar available in bottles of 10 and 20 ml. In a large package, the same dose is cheaper, and only this can save up to 1000 rubles per course of treatment. Therefore, if more than 2 nails are affected, it makes sense to immediately take a large package.

Active ingredient rule

But the main saving lies in the difference in prices for drugs with the same active ingredient from different manufacturers. For clarity, let’s take the most popular imported drug with naftifine and our Russian Mizol Evalar… According to reviews on the network, a 10 ml bottle for nail fungus is enough for 2 weeks, a 20 ml bottle for a month. Prices are easy to find in the same place, so everyone can take and calculate.

Choosing Mizol Evalar in a large package, you can save almost 3000 rubles for a course of treatment and purchase the most profitable medicine for treating fungus.

So, it is quite possible to treat the fungus correctly and not go broke on it, if you approach it with all responsibility. The main thing is not to run the fungus and contact a specialist at the first suspicion. And in order not to overpay for treatment, if your prescription says “naftifine”, choose Mizol Evalar!

Mizol Evalar – characteristics overview

The medicine contains a 1% solution of naftifine, the most popular antifungal agent. It treats fungal infections of the skin and nails, including mycoses, candidiasis, dermatomycosis, pityriasis versicolor; eliminates itching and burning.

If we compare the cost of drugs with naftifine from different manufacturers, then Mizol Evalar wins in price both for the package and for the course of administration – this is the most profitable [3] medicine for fungal infections, up to 80% [4] is more profitable than the most popular antifungal agent! 

1. Matushevskaya E.V., Svirshchevskaya E.V. Naftifine in the treatment of fungal skin infections: 40 years of success. Bulletin of Dermatology and Venereology 2014 (2): 72-77

2. According to the service for 4.10.2019/XNUMX/XNUMX. The price is subject to change and is not an offer. An analogue for comparison is selected according to the active substance, the form of release and the volume of the package.

3. According to the data of ZAO “Group DSM” for 2018, among the preparations containing 1% naftifine solution.

4. According to PROXIMA RISERCH LLC for December 2018, compared to the most popular drugs containing 1% naftifine solution.

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