Food for the brain

The brain is the most important human organ. It is responsible for the proper functioning of all organs and systems of the body.

Consists of two hemispheres (right and left), the cerebellum, and brain stem. Represented by cells of two types: cerebral gray cells and neurons – nerve cells are white.

This is interesting:

  • The processing speed of the brain far exceeds the speed of the average computer.
  • At age of three, there are three times more nerve cells than for adults. Over time, the unused cells die off. And only three to four percent keep working!
  • The brain has a better circulatory system. The length of all the vessels of the brain is 161 thousand kilometers.
  • During wakefulness, the brain generates electrical energy that can power a small light bulb.
  • A man’s brain is 10% more than a female’s.

Vitamins and minerals are essential for the brain

The main function of the brain – to solve problems. That is the analysis of all incoming information. And to all the structures of the brain working smoothly and flawlessly, needs a special diet that contains such vitamins and minerals as:

  • Glucose. An important component of ensuring the productive work of the brain is glucose. It is contained in foods such as raisins, dried apricots, honey.
  • Vitamin C. In large amounts, vitamin C is found in citrus fruits, black currants, Japanese quince, bell pepper, and sea buckthorn.
  • Iron. This is the most important element needed by our brain. Its greatest quantity contains in foods such as green apples, liver. A lot of it is also in grains and legumes.
  • The B group vitamins. The B vitamins are also necessary for the normal functioning of our brain. They are found in liver, corn, egg yolks, beans, bran.
  • Calcium. The greatest amount of organic calcium, contained in dairy products, cheese, and egg yolks.
  • Lecithin. As a powerful antioxidant, lecithin is also responsible for the normal functioning of the brain. It is abundant in such foods as poultry, soy, eggs, and liver.
  • Magnesium. Protects the brain from stress. It is contained in buckwheat, rice, leafy greens, beans, and also grain bread.
  • Acid omega. It is a part of the brain and of the membranes of the nerves. Found in fatty fish (mackerel, salmon, tuna). Also present in walnuts, olive, and vegetable oil.

The most useful products for the brain

Walnuts. Slow down the process of aging. Improve the functioning of the brain. Contain large amounts of polyunsaturated acids. Vitamins B1, B2, C, PP, carotene. Micronutrients – iron, iodine, cobalt, magnesium, zinc, copper. In addition, contain juglone (a valuable phytoncide substance).

Blueberries. Very useful for brain blueberry. It improves memory, helps to prevent cardiovascular disease.

Chicken eggs. Eggs are a source of this essential brain substance, such as lutein, which reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke. Prevents thrombosis. According to the British nutritionists, eating up to two eggs a day is good for the brain.

Dark chocolate. This product is an important stimulator of brain activity. It activates brain cells, dilates blood vessels, involved in the supply of oxygen to the brain. Chocolate is beneficial in disorders of the brain caused by lack of sleep and fatigue. Helps to recover faster after a stroke. In addition, it contains phosphorus that feeds the brain. Magnesium, responsible for the cell balance.

Carrots. Prevents the destruction of brain cells, slows the aging process.

Seaweed. Seaweed is very useful for brain product. It contains huge amounts of iodine. And since the lack of it is fraught with irritability, insomnia, memory disorder, and depression, the inclusion of this product into the diet, allows us to avoid it.

Fatty varieties of fish. Fish which is rich in fatty acids omega-3, very good for the brain.

Chicken. Rich in protein, is a source of selenium and b vitamins.

Spinach. Spinach contains a huge amount of nutrients. It is a reliable source of antioxidants, vitamins A, C, K, and iron. Protects the body from diseases like stroke and heart attack.


For activity, the brain needs good nutrition. It is desirable to eliminate from the diet harmful chemicals and preservatives.

The study, which involved more than 1 000 000 students, showed the following results. Students whose Lunches did not include artificial flavors, dyes, and preservatives, passed the IQ test 14% better than students who used the above-mentioned additives.

Adherence to work and rest, proper nutrition and activity, prevention of violations, maintain brain health for many years.

Folk remedies for the normalization of brain function

Daily, on an empty stomach eat one Mandarin, three walnuts, and a dessert spoon of raisins. In 20 minutes drink a glass of room temperature water. And after another 15-20 minutes, you can enjoy Breakfast. Breakfast must be light and not contain large amounts of fat.

The result is observed in about six months. To increase the number of products, or frequency of reception – impossible. In this case, the effect can be the opposite!

Products which are harmful to the brain

  • Spirits. Cause vasospasm, and then the destruction of brain cells.
  • Salt. Causes retention of moisture in the body. As a result, there is an increase in blood pressure, which in turn, can cause hemorrhagic stroke.
  • Fatty meat. Increases the level of cholesterol and, as a result of atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels.
  • Fizzy drinks, “crackers”, sausages, and other products such as shelf-stable. Contain harmful for brain chemicals.

We have collected the most important points about proper nutrition for the brain in this illustration and would be grateful if you share the picture on social networks or blog, with a link to this page:

Food for the brain

For more information about foods for the brain – watch the video below:

How the food you eat affects your brain - Mia Nacamulli

1 Comment

  1. god bless you for the education you provide to this globalized world. We need more and more knowledge about human health.

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