Flounder: habitat, flounder fishing from boat and shore

Flounder: habitat, flounder fishing from boat and shore

The flounder should be understood as several types of fish, which are distinguished by an unusual body structure and the very shape of the body. Flounder should be understood as “flat” types of fish, which in translation means exactly that.

As a rule, these fish species live in close proximity to the bottom and are of industrial interest due to the fact that the meat of these fish is distinguished by excellent palatability. Basically, flounder lives in the seas and oceans, but sometimes it enters rivers. Flounder is considered a predatory fish because it feeds exclusively on living organisms. About how useful the fish is, about its fishing and its behavior will be discussed in this article.

Flounder fish: description


Flounder: habitat, flounder fishing from boat and shore

What is most interesting is that what is seen is not the truth. The back and belly of the flounder are actually the sides of the fish, some of which are colored while others are not. At the same time, both eyes of the fish are located on the same side, although they can look in different directions, independently of one another. This allows the fish to respond in time to external stimuli, such as flounder enemies. They also help her hunt.

Adult individuals are laid on their side, the eyes are moved to the top of the head, which is their characteristic feature. It is quite simple to determine how mature an individual is by the asymmetry of her body. In adults, a strong asymmetry of the body is noted, and the part of the body on which it spends almost its entire life is characterized by a pronounced roughness. Its color is somewhat pale, and the eyes are located on the other side. As for the other side, it is smooth and has a sandy coloration, which helps the fish to camouflage on the bottom. The color of the upper part may depend on the habitat of the fish. Young individuals are practically no different from ordinary fish species and swim vertically as well. In the process of growing up, certain metamorphoses occur. By the time of breeding, the flounder becomes a flounder: the left eye moves to the right side, and the fish begins to swim horizontally.

The flounder hides from its enemies at the bottom, burrowing into the sand or other soil. At the same time, she leaves her eyes outside to monitor what is happening around her. In this position, she also monitors potential prey. If she suits her, she immediately grabs her.

The lower part of the flounder is characterized by rather strong and rough skin. This is due to the fact that the fish mainly moves along the bottom, among the placers of stones and shells, which can be quite sharp. To the touch, this part of the flounder’s body can be compared to sandpaper. There are species of flounder that can change color, depending on their habitat, which helps the fish hide from their enemies.

Where does the flounder live

Flounder: habitat, flounder fishing from boat and shore

Flounder can be found in almost all oceans and seas. Most representatives of this species prefer the waters of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, as well as the waters of the Sea of ​​Japan, etc. Oddly enough, but the flounder was found in the Mariana Trench, at a depth of 11 km. This type of flounder grows up to 30 cm in length. There are three types of flounder living in the Black Sea. The largest species is the Kalkan flounder. Some individuals are able to gain weight up to 15 kg. In addition, the kalkan flounder is able to change its color, adapting to external living conditions. The flounder of this species lacks scales.

In the Black Sea, there is a river flounder (gloss) and a sole, which also belongs to this type of fish. Many anglers note that the most catchy place is the Kerch Strait. In addition, fishing can be no less catchy at Cape Tarkhankut, as well as at the mouths of the Dniester and Dnieper. The same species of flounder are found in the Sea of ​​Azov.

How it breeds

Flounder: habitat, flounder fishing from boat and shore

Flounder, in comparison with other types of fish, is quite prolific. Adults are able to lay up to ten million eggs. This fish lays eggs at a depth of at least 50 meters.

Flounder catch

Flounder: habitat, flounder fishing from boat and shore

Flounder meat is valued for its taste characteristics, therefore, it is caught on an industrial scale. Especially, Japanese olive flounder and European flounder are in great demand. Flounders are also very popular among amateur anglers, especially those that inhabit the northern and western parts of the Atlantic Ocean. As a rule, amateur anglers go to the open ocean or the open sea to catch this delicious fish and try their hand.

Flounder fishing

What gear is used


Since the flounder leads a benthic lifestyle, bottom (feeder) gear is more suitable for catching it. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that flounder can be caught on a lure if it is carried out at the very bottom or using the sheer lure method. As a nozzle on the hook, you should choose those living organisms that are included in the diet of the flounder.

The choice of fishing line

Flounder: habitat, flounder fishing from boat and shore

The main fishing line should have a thickness of about 0,5-0,7 mm, and the fishing line for the leash is chosen a little thinner, about 0,4-0,6 mm. This is necessary in order for the fishing line to withstand a large individual, which is caught on a hook and quite often. When hauling, the flounder has a lot of resistance. This is also due to the structure of her body. A strongly flattened body offers a lot of resistance, plus the resistance of the fish itself. When fishing from the shore, you need to have enough line to cast the tackle as far as possible.

Hook selection

It is better to choose hooks for catching flounder with a long forearm and numbers No. 6, No. 7. This is due to the fact that the flounder can swallow the bait deep enough. Therefore, other sizes and shapes of hooks are subsequently difficult to get out of the fish’s mouth.


Flounder: habitat, flounder fishing from boat and shore

Experienced anglers point out that not large clams, crabs or small fish, which form the basis of her diet, can be put on the hook. You need to put it on so that the hook is not visible.

Ways to catch flounder

Flounder is caught either from the shore or from a boat. She swallows the bait in a supine position, after which she tries to move to the side. At this moment, you need to carry out cutting. When playing, one should take into account the fact that this fish strongly resists, therefore, one should not force events.

You need to wait for the right time, gradually pulling it either to the shore or to the boat. During this time, she will get tired, and at the end of the event she will not resist so much. This will allow not only to catch such a tasty fish, but also to keep the tackle intact.

Flounder fishing from the shore

Flounder: habitat, flounder fishing from boat and shore

Fishing for flounder from the shore is effective when it comes close to the shore, which happens at the end of autumn and this period lasts almost the whole winter. To catch a flounder from the shore, you need to arm yourself:

  • Spinning, the length of which can range from 2 to 5 meters. Moreover, spinning should be powerful, with a test of at least 150 grams.
  • Feeder (bottom gear). For catching this powerful fish, powerful river feeders with a sea reel installed on them are perfect.
  • Powerful and strong fishing line, with a breaking force of at least 10 kilograms. Its thickness is selected within 0,5 mm, not less. This is also necessary in order to throw far away tackle with a sinker weighing about 200 grams. If the reservoir is characterized by a sandy bottom, then it is better to take an anchor sinker.
  • Hooks, numbers from No. 6 to No. 12.


Some tips for catching flounder from the shore

  • Flounder prefers a solitary lifestyle and does not go in packs.
  • If the coast is sandy, then this is one of the best places to catch this fish. Do not choose a place with stones. Tackle must be thrown at various distances in a checkerboard pattern.
  • It is necessary to throw tackle as far as possible, at a distance of at least 50 meters. The rod on the bank should be set at an angle of 75 degrees.
  • It is better to hook small fish, both whole and in pieces.
  • If the shore is flat, then it is better to take advantage of this advantage by dragging the flounder onto the shore.
  • If the fish has a weight of 5 or more kilograms, then pulling it out is not easy, without some experience. In this case, it is better to exhaust the fish, although this can take a lot of time.
  • As experienced anglers point out, the most intense bite is observed early in the morning, although it is possible to catch a flounder at night.
  • The bite is determined by the behavior of the tip of the rod. If there is wind and waves on the water, then this is more difficult to do, without experience in catching this fish.
  • When catching the Black Sea flounder, the kalkan should be extremely careful, because it has a sharp spike that can easily make a long-term non-healing wound on the human body. When catching a flounder, it is better to remove this spike immediately.

Catching flounder from a boat

Flounder: habitat, flounder fishing from boat and shore

With some tips, flounder fishing will always be productive. For example:

  • Fishing from a boat does not require a long spinning rod. Even a winter fishing rod can come in handy here. The thickness of the fishing line is selected in the range of 0,5-0,6 mm.
  • The fishing line for the leash is selected within 0,35 mm.
  • The weight is selected from 80 to 120 grams. It is better not to use an anchor sinker.
  • When fishing from a boat, the bait should be lowered into a plumb line, in relation to the boat. If the place is not deep, then the tackle can be thrown to the side, and then pulled up to the “plumb” position. Re-casting is carried out in the same way, but from the other side of the boat.
  • If the bites are rare, then spinning rods can be lowered on both sides of the boat, and the third can be cast.
  • If the flounder bites, this will mean that it sits securely on the hook, since its mouth is strong.
  • When fishing from a boat, you need to have a hook, since it is unlikely that you will be able to drag a large individual into the boat with your hands.

Fishing for flounder from a boat with a jig on a light spinning rod. Part 1.

Useful properties of flounder

Flounder: habitat, flounder fishing from boat and shore

Flounder meat is considered dietary and is easily absorbed by the human body. Flounder meat contains B vitamins, as well as trace elements that positively affect the functioning of almost all internal organs.

Doctors recommend various flounder dishes for nutrition to some patients who have lost a lot of strength in the fight against diseases. The presence of omega-3 fatty acids allows a person to fight malignant neoplasms.

100 grams of flounder meat contains only 90 kcal. At the same time, 16 grams of proteins and 3 grams of fats were found. There are no carbohydrates in flounder meat, which contribute to weight gain. Flounder meat is not only healthy, but also tasty.

Despite this, the flounder has its own specific aroma, which disappears if the skin is removed from the fish. Thanks to its amazing taste, people have come up with many recipes and cooking methods. The meat of this fish can be fried, boiled, stewed or baked. At the same time, you must always remember that the most useful, when most of the nutrients are stored in the fish meat, flounder will be if it is boiled, stewed or baked. Many experts do not advise frying flounder, since any fried dish burdens the stomach.

Flounder is a very common, healthy fish, characterized by unsurpassed taste. Thanks to such data, it is caught on an industrial scale.

Along with fishermen, flounder fishing is also carried out by amateurs. Basically, they are attracted by the fact that the flounder is seriously resisting, and these are extra doses of adrenaline and a memory for life. In order for fishing to be successful, you need to correctly select all the elements of gear and find a catchy place.

Weirdest Animals: Flounder

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