Buckwheat grain. Simple recipes for health and beauty

Protection against cancer is one of the main properties of buckwheat! Flavonoids contained in buckwheat prevent the growth of tumors, which is of great importance in the current ecological situation. Controlling blood sugar levels, strengthening bones, preventing the formation of thrombosis – this is not the whole list of useful properties of buckwheat, which helps to maintain not only the physical condition of a person, but also transform it from the outside.

Buckwheat is a sorbent that removes toxins from the body that pollute our body. By cleansing ourselves, we enable the active regeneration of our cells, which a priori makes us more beautiful and healthier. Removal of toxins and toxins is a guarantee of rejuvenation. After all, what could be more beautiful than a cheerful person with a healthy complexion and a perky sparkle in his eyes?

The media often allows us to look behind the scenes and see theater and film stars without makeup. And many of you must have been surprised by this huge difference. Why does the gorgeous blonde, who plays the role of a schoolgirl and won the hearts of millions of viewers, behind the scenes resemble a wrinkled, tired woman who left the walls of the school a long time ago? The fact is that talented make-up artists and makeup artists are able to both rejuvenate actors for several decades and age them in the shortest possible time. But in everyday life, where there are no cameras and the right lighting, where the dressing room is just a dressing table in your house, you can’t count on instant rejuvenation and the help of professionals. You yourself are the director of your film-life, and you have to be a decorator, a make-up artist, a hairdresser, and a make-up artist. Buckwheat will help rejuvenate and preserve your body and face – consider some tips and recipes that will help you always be in good shape and conquer those around you with your beauty.

1) Anti-aging mask

The vitamins and minerals that make up buckwheat flour can rejuvenate the skin for several years (with regular application of masks). To use this trick, you need to grind buckwheat to a state of flour and mix it with olive oil. Lightly heat this mixture and let it brew for fifteen minutes. After that, massage the mask onto the face, avoiding the area around the eyes. After ten to twenty minutes, the mask must be washed off with cool water. It is recommended to apply the mask two to three times a week. The result will certainly surprise you and bring a lot of positive emotions.

2) Facial scrub

To create a scrub, let’s turn to the same buckwheat flour, this time coarsely ground. Fifty grams of flour must be mixed with a teaspoon of ground coffee and baby cream. Massage the scrub onto your face for five minutes. Cosmetologists advise using the scrub in the evening, as skin cleansing during this period of the day is more effective: the skin breathes more intensively and is less prone to stress. After applying the scrub, apply a moisturizer to your face. Despite the huge benefits of this tool, you should not abuse it. Once a week is enough to transform your skin. 

3) Buckwheat diet

Rejuvenation of the body should occur not only outside, but also inside. Buckwheat brewed for breakfast with boiling water contains the optimal amount of iron for the human body. Such a daily breakfast will help you remove poisonous toxins from the body, which interfere with rapid cell regeneration, restore vitality and make us age much faster. Nutritionists recommend once a month to make a three-day unloading, turning to buckwheat.

Breakfast: one hundred and fifty grams of buckwheat, brewed with boiling water; green tea without sugar.

Lunch: two hundred to three hundred grams of buckwheat, brewed with boiling water; vegetable salad; green tea without sugar.

Afternoon snack: green apple

Dinner: one hundred and fifty grams of buckwheat, brewed with boiling water; freshly squeezed carrot juice.

Breakfast: one hundred and fifty grams of buckwheat, brewed with boiling water; green tea without sugar.

Lunch: two hundred to three hundred grams of buckwheat, brewed with boiling water; carrot and spinach salad; green tea without sugar.

Afternoon snack: green apple / orange / kiwi (optional).

Dinner: one hundred and fifty grams of buckwheat, brewed with boiling water; fruit salad; green tea without sugar.

Breakfast: one hundred and fifty grams of buckwheat, brewed with boiling water; green tea without sugar.

Lunch: two hundred to three hundred grams of buckwheat, brewed with boiling water; baked apple with pumpkin; green tea without sugar.

Afternoon snack: fruit puree.

Dinner: one hundred and fifty grams of buckwheat, brewed with boiling water; green tea without sugar.

Drink unlimited amounts of water every day.

This three-day cleansing quickly transforms a person, endowing him with life-giving youth and bright eyes. 

4) Hair mask

A healthy complexion, a beautiful body are integral components of a young image. Well-groomed hair also plays an important role. Buckwheat hair mask will strengthen them and make them brighter and stronger.

Gradually mix buckwheat flour with water, turning it into a thick slurry. You can add an egg fortified with vitamin A, or buy this element in capsules at a pharmacy. Apply the resulting mask to the hair with massaging movements, rubbing it into the scalp. Then comb your hair with light slow movements and leave the mask for twenty minutes. After that, rinse your hair with warm water and hold it under a contrast shower. After these procedures, wash your hair with shampoo.

5) Body scrub

Also, do not neglect the rejuvenation of the skin of the body. A scrub made on the basis of wholemeal buckwheat will help us with this.

For one glass of buckwheat flour, you need to take four tablespoons of ground coffee and two teaspoons of sea salt. Mix the dry ingredients and add a quarter of the banana, bringing everything to a thick slurry. After allowing to infuse for fifteen to twenty minutes, the resulting scrub is applied with massage movements throughout the body for thirty seconds in one area of ​​​​the body. Your skin not only retains youth, but is also cleansed of toxins, blood circulation is normalized, skin is renewed and your body is enriched with oxygen. The frequency of scrub use strictly depends on individual characteristics. For dry skin, exfoliating once every fourteen days will be sufficient, for normal skin once a week is enough, but for oily skin it is necessary to clean at least once every five days.

We hope that all these simple tricks will help you not only rejuvenate your body, but also make you healthier, more attractive and cleaner. After all, when a person is clean inside, everything around becomes clean.

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