Fitness: the new water sports to try out

5 new water sports to discover

Running, Zumba®… boxing… are also practiced in the water. The movements are gentler on the joints and the body becomes firmer.

L’Aqua Slim

Do you want to lose weight effectively without rushing too much? The Aqua Slim is for you. These cardiovascular and muscular exercises mainly work the lower body: thighs, glutes, abdominals, waist… Thanks to a combination of movements, jumps and changes of rhythm in the form of accelerations, your silhouette is refined. Gradually, you gain stamina and drainage improves. Called “Aqua Slim” at Club Med Gym, this activity has other names in the different clubs. Do not hesitate to ask yours if they offer a course suitable for weight loss, deep and gentle.

L’Aqua Palming

Combining the benefits of swimming and water aerobics is possible with Aqua Palming. On the program, movements with small fins, under different levels of immersion: beating in the stomach, back or in a sitting position, undulations in a vertical position… The results are quickly visible. The buttocks, thighs and calves are firmed; more muscular abdominals and lower back. And its hydromassage effect alleviates orange peel skin and muscle stiffness, thanks to improved blood circulation. A perfect activity for those who want to release their tensions and improve their general physical condition. If there is no need to be a champion to practice it, it is better to know how to swim and not be afraid of the water.

The Aqua Zumba®

Want to try Zumba®, but the difficulty turns you off? Try it in the water! You will find the same pleasure and the same benefits as classic Zumba®: gain in breath, improve cardiac recovery, learn to coordinate movements, with the added bonus of course the anti-cellulite massage and relaxation. Another advantage: all the muscles are solicited in a harmonious way with more lightness and ease than in the gym, thanks to the movements in the water. Aqua Zumba® is rather intended for those who have already resumed an activity and are looking for muscle strengthening.

L’Aqua Boxing

Aquatic variation of body combat, Aqua Boxing (or Aqua Punching at Club Med Gym) really lets off steam! She uses gestures such as direct, uppercut, hook or even nudge. In music, with or without equipment, the choreographies engage your whole body and aim at muscle and cardiovascular strengthening. Ideal for followers of combat sports, Aqua Boxing requires special attention to coordinate its movements and a solid endurance to last over time.

L’Aqua Running

Performed with a mat in a water depth of 120 to 150 cm, it combines several disciplines such as brisk walking and running. A very effective workout for the whole body. By combining a dynamic activity and the benefits of hydromassage, you improve your endurance, you strengthen your deep muscles (legs and glutes) and you sculpt your abdominal strap, while allowing the pressure of the water to activate the circulation. blood and fight against the heavy legs effect. Invigorating!

Where to practice?

To find a club that offers aquatic lessons near you, surf on. And find a certified Zumba teacher on

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