Fisherman’s Day in 2022: the history and traditions of the holiday
Fishing has always been very popular in our country. Healthy Food Near Me tells when Fisherman’s Day can be celebrated in 2022

Our Country is washed by 15 seas and three oceans. And the number of rivers cannot be counted – there are more than 2,5 million of them! Our fishing industry is supported at the state level. They even established a professional holiday – Fisherman’s Day. The celebration is dedicated to all those involved in this industry: entrepreneurs, inspectors, crews of fishing vessels. But the holiday is also celebrated with pleasure by ordinary lovers of sitting with a fishing rod on the shore.

When is Fisherman’s Day celebrated in Our Country in 2022

Fisherman’s Day in Our Country in 2022 will be celebrated on the second Sunday of July – 10 number. It is important not to confuse this holiday with World Fisheries Day. It originated in Italy by decision of the International Conference on the Regulation and Development of Fisheries in 1984. Celebrate it in the world 27 June.

history of the holiday

In 1964, this holiday was celebrated in Murmansk for the first time. For the region then, and even now, the fishing industry remains one of the key sectors of the economy. The celebration was celebrated, and then a proposal was sent to the all-Union bodies: to approve the Fisherman’s Day throughout the country.

A year later, the initiative was accepted. In the USSR, Fisherman’s Day appeared on May 3, 1965. A decree was issued by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on the establishment of the holiday. It was then that they decided to celebrate it annually on the second Sunday of July. The time was not chosen by chance: around this moment, the ban on catching fish associated with their spawning just ends. In addition, the summer weather finally returns to normal and all lovers of fishing rush to the reservoirs.

In 1980, another decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR was issued. It was dedicated to holidays and memorable dates. This document is still partially valid in Our Country (1). It also enshrined the celebration of the Fisherman’s Day.

Holiday traditions

On Fisherman’s Day, workers in this area are congratulated: employees of fish inspectorates, educational fisheries institutions and universities, as well as border guards protecting the territorial waters of the Federation.

Corporate parties are held at enterprises in honor of the holiday. The management rewards distinguished employees with diplomas and prizes. Specialists give each other memorable gifts. These are souvenirs, expensive alcohol, equipment for fishing enthusiasts.

In cities famous for fishing, excursions are held for everyone who wants to immerse themselves in the topic of industrial fishing. Tourists are shown the riches of the underwater world and are told in detail about the profession.

Fishing enthusiasts also have their own traditions. Celebrants gather families to the reservoirs and arrange games and competitions. The most popular competition is the competition for the title of the most skilled. Fishermen must catch the largest amount of prey in a certain time. The catch is measured, weighed – this is how the winner is determined.

Fishing ban

In every region of Our Country there is a temporary ban on fishing. Violators of the law face a large fine. In Moscow and the Moscow region, for example, it is impossible to fish with all fishing gear (with the exception of float rods from the shore) from April 1 to June 10. From March 22 to June 1 – in the cooling ponds of the Shaturskaya and Elektrogorskaya state district power plants. And on wintering pits – from October 1 to April 30.

Each region has its own rules. Therefore, before you go fishing, clarify this issue. The easiest way is to call the local branch of the Federal Agency for Fishery and clarify this point. Otherwise, the fine for catching fish during spawning can be up to 500 thousand rubles or up to two years in prison.

What kind of fish can not be caught

The Fishing Act regulates the catch of all types of fish. Moreover, each region has its own nuances. They are registered for all eight fishery basins of the country. The rules relate to the size of prey and the total mass of the catch. In most subjects of the Federation, the catch is limited to 5 kg of fish per day per person. These are the rules for amateur fishermen. Industrial ships receive their quotas.

It is also important to know that in our country there are some species of endangered fish – Red Book. Therefore, they cannot be caught under any circumstances. If this one is hooked, you need to return it to its habitat.

In Our Country there is a federal Red Book and regional ones. Accordingly, individuals from the first cannot be obtained throughout the country, and from the local Book – only on the territory of a particular region. For example:

  • в Moscow and Moscow region – these are trout, sterlet, bersh, white-eye, grayling, catfish, podust and sabrefish;
  • в Prikamye in the Red Book – trout, taimen, sturgeon and sterlet;
  • on Far East you can not catch the Atlantic sturgeon, large pseudoshovelnose, as well as salmon.

Popular questions and answers

Why is Fisherman’s Day celebrated twice a year?

There are two holidays. The first is discussed in this article – it is celebrated on the second Sunday of July. This is a holiday, which has its roots in the USSR. The second international celebration is celebrated on June 27.

It is noteworthy that both holidays were created to the delight of professionals in this field, that is, those employed in industrial fishing. But there is a joke that most of all the celebration is welcomed by simple lovers to sit on the shore with a fishing rod.

Where in Our Country is Fisherman’s Day celebrated?

Large-scale city holidays are held in those regions where fishing is historically developed. These are Chukotka, Yamal, Karelia, the entire Crimean Peninsula, Kaliningrad, Murmansk, Vladivostok, Sakhalin, Taimyr and the Leningrad region.

How to congratulate the Fisherman’s Day?

If your loved one is an amateur fisherman with burning eyes, then the best gift would be a gear upgrade. Present him a certificate in a specialized store. And he will look after himself a new spinning or donk.

Another situation: you need to congratulate a person on Fisherman’s Day, who is professionally engaged in this field. Here the main thing is to find out more about the work of the employee: what are his job responsibilities, what does he do. Based on the information, draw a conclusion: maybe he needs some part of the uniform or a gadget for work.

Finally, if you want to congratulate the whole team on the Day of the Fisherman, then the organization of the celebration will be the best gift. Fishing competition, fish soup, contests and gifts. Keep in mind that according to the Fishing Act, there are no maximum catch rates during sporting events. Only the competition must be organized officially.

Sources of

  1. Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on holidays and memorable days. URL:

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