Fish bream

The carp family is very common on many continents, the middle lane, some northern and southern regions are very favorable for their life. Many representatives are familiar to amateur fishermen and athletes, but it is sometimes difficult for a beginner to understand the catch. What is a bream, all its features of life, taste, usefulness and harmfulness will be studied further.


What does a bream look like? Fish, as already mentioned, belongs to cyprinids and has its own characteristics of appearance, due to which it will be difficult to confuse it with other representatives of the ichthyofauna of any reservoir. However, beginners in fishing often put a young individual, a scavenger, on a par with the silver bream, and sometimes the white-eye. It is worth noting that these inhabitants of rivers and lakes have significant differences, one has only to take a closer look at their appearance.

The cunning representative of cyprinids is distinguished by several structural features of the body:

  • flattened, but high body, the height often reaches a third of the length of the individual;
  • small head relative to the body, large eyes, mouth ends with a tube;
  • a high and narrow dorsal fin visually makes the fish even taller;
  • the anal fin serves as a keel, three dozen rays help the ichthy-dweller to keep balance;
  • when recognizing, special attention should be paid to the caudal fin; in bream, the upper part is shorter than the lower.

The entire body of the fish is covered with scales, in young individuals it is silver-gray, in mature individuals it is distinguished by a bronze tint. Between the anal and ventral fins, the scales are completely absent; this feature is unique to him. There are species of this representative of cyprinids that have a darker color, but they are not common in the middle lane.

It should be understood that the water area itself, in which the species lives, also affects the color. Lake individuals tend to be darker in color than their river relatives.

The life expectancy of this representative of cyprinids is 8-10 years, it is rare to find an old-timer who is 20 years old. Trophy specimens are considered to be 70-80 cm long, while their weight starts from 4 kg.


Bream fish is very common in many water bodies; you can find it both in water areas with currents and with stagnant water. Reproduction, namely spawning, takes place in different regions at different times, usually in the middle lane this is the end of April-beginning of May, but weather conditions often make their own adjustments.

The representative of cyprinids prefers to spawn in spawning grounds, where the course begins long before the appointed time. Since February, many representatives of the species begin to rise upstream, they are looking for the most suitable places for spawning. The movement is accompanied by zhor, flocks of bream during this period often leave behind a bare bottom on the pond.

The most favorable conditions for spawning are considered at a water temperature of 12-15 degrees Celsius. First, the male explores the place, then there is a struggle for the lady, because she will choose the most powerful and active representative. The female bream will actively begin to rub against the grass with her tummy, thereby leaving eggs in well-heated water, then the matter remains with the male.

The most suitable place for spawning is water meadows, where the grass is under water only in the spring. Individuals can also spawn in other places, the main thing is that the vegetation there is high. Tree roots, sedge, reeds are suitable for this.

Bream spawning is not long, after it the fish does not get sick, but begins to actively restore strength with abundant food.


Where is bream found? This question has already been partially answered above. There are several subspecies:

  • river bream;
  • lake bream:
  • sea ​​bream.

They are also divided into semi-passage and settled forms.

It is important for anglers to know where the bream lives, knowing this information will make it much easier to catch it. So, you can find a cunning and cautious representative of cyprinids:

  • in early spring, he often goes out to bask on the shallows, prefers places with vegetation;
  • as the water warms up, the representative of cyprinids will look for quieter places, gradually it will move to pits with cool water;
  • in autumn, you can find it on pits, rifts, at the border of aquatic vegetation and clean water;
  • it will definitely spend the winter in the wintering hole, but deeper, it will periodically leave it for feeding.

The most promising places for fishing are steep banks of rivers and lakes, sandy or clay bottom with a minimum amount of silt, aquatic vegetation is only welcome, a small amount of pebbles is allowed. Driftwood and trees fallen into the water also attract this ichthy inhabitant, for him this is a great place to live.

In the Krasnoyarsk reservoir and the Irtysh, bream was bred artificially, but it took root there perfectly, quickly adapted and pleases anglers with regular bites.

Biting calendar

Every year, for each type of fish, they add up their biting calendar, bream is no exception. However, for this ichthy inhabitant, one can imagine a universal option, of course, adjusted for weather conditions in a particular region.

seasonbiting activity
Springwill take most actively in early spring and immediately after spawning
summerthe best results will bring night fishing in June and August, the middle of summer is characterized by passivity
autumnthe most suitable time for fishing is from September until the very freeze-up
winterpecking will be rare, but for real fishermen this is not a problem

By adhering to this calendar, you can catch a real trophy.

It should be understood that these indicators are given for the middle lane and southern regions, in the north the picture will be slightly different.

Fishing methods

The bream of the family of which fish was found out, the habitat was also determined. How to catch this cunning and cautious aquatic inhabitant? This can be done in several ways, each of which will be effective. The choice is to be made by the fisherman himself, only he can identify the most suitable of the options.

From the coastline

Most anglers fish for bream from the shore, for this you can use several types of tackle. It is not for us to judge the effectiveness, everyone independently chooses for himself the most suitable of the options:

  • an elastic band or a donk with a rubber shock absorber allows you to catch more due to the number of hooks, installation is done for at least 5 pieces, suitable for fishing at any time of the year in open water;
  • the feeder will bring good results, the main thing is to choose a stronger base and apply effective bait, they are used from early spring until freezing;
  • Donks are practically no longer used, but this method of fishing is no less effective than a modern feeder;
  • float tackle also works well, it is caught in early spring and summer, in autumn it is ineffective.

The float is collected both on Bologna rods for long-distance casting, and on fly blanks. Tackle can be both sliding and deaf.

From the boat

Fishing from a boat is more efficient – you can swim to hard-to-reach places and make more accurate casts. In addition to all the above methods of catching, there are several that are used only if there is a boat:

  • ring fishing is carried out using a large amount of complementary food, usually this method brings very good results;
  • catching on “eggs” takes place in a similar way, but the tackle itself is collected a little differently, trophies in this case are also guaranteed with the right choice of place and bait.

The feeder and float can also be used from a boat, the efficiency will only increase.

Bait and bait

Before you go fishing for a tricky one, you should find out what the bream eats. Its gastronomic preferences are important, because a bait that you don’t like can not only not work, but, on the contrary, scare away potential prey.


In order to catch this representative of cyprinids, it is worth stocking up on a decent amount of bait; without it, going fishing is simply useless.

The bream is known to many for its voracity, it is often simply impossible to feed it. To attract his attention, an angler cannot do without a quality mixture, but how to choose? Which type should be preferred? Anglers use:

  • Purchased options, they are easy to use, immediately after purchase, right on the pond, just add water and knead, after 15-20 minutes you can apply.
  • Home-cooked options are often more effective, the ingredients are all known, and the porridge itself is fresh and flavorful.

Both types are used with equal success, if there is time, then anglers with experience recommend preparing the feeder stuffing on their own. In the absence of it, it will be easier to go to the store and buy a dry mix.

Fish bream


When choosing in a distribution network and when cooking at home, special attention should be paid to flavors, there should be a sufficient amount of them. What should be given preference? It all depends on the degree of heating of the water and the season:

  • in early spring it is better to use feed with a small amount of flavors, krill, garlic and halibut will work;
  • in late spring and early summer, it is worth switching to more saturated options, chocolate and cinnamon are perfect;
  • in the hot season, a cunning representative of carps will want freshness, this is exactly the effect that fennel, dill, valerian will give;
  • a decrease in water temperature will also bring changes to the preferences of the ichthy-dweller; in early autumn, feeds with caramel, fruits, strawberries and plums in particular will work;
  • in late autumn, garlic will again enter the diet, its smell will be able to attract not only bream to the feeder.

Coriander is a universal option; carp will never be able to refuse it.


Bream predatory fish or not? The carp relative is classified as a peaceful species, it feeds on a variety of things, therefore, a lot of things can be offered as bait. It reacts to different types of bait:

  • vegetable works more in heated water, this includes peas, canned corn, steamed barley, mastyrka, semolina;
  • An animal species of bait will attract the attention of a bream in cool water in early spring and autumn; a worm, maggot, bloodworm, dragonfly larva are of interest to it.

It is worth remembering one feature, the bait used on the hook must be present in the feed mixture.

Useful properties and methods of preparation

It is impossible to answer the question of sea or river fish unambiguously, there are subspecies that prefer salt water, and there are also freshwater representatives. It doesn’t matter which representative of the cyprinids you managed to get, the main thing is to be able to cook the trophy deliciously.

The bream is a very valuable type of fish; in terms of the content of healthy fats, it is second only to the beluga among freshwater inhabitants. In addition, properly cooked fish meat contains many vitamins, microelements, you can find out about their amount in the article of the same name on our website.

Bream can be cooked in many ways, it is best to bake, dry, and dry. Another question arises, is the bream bony or not? It is not recommended to give this fish to children, it contains a lot of small bones, a large amount has a small bream, bream.

What is a bream and what it is eaten with seems to have figured out. Try experimenting when fishing in water bodies, then the trophy specimen will definitely be on your hook. And the taste of cooked bream can be fully appreciated only by catching it yourself.

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