Fiber for weight loss and for health: what is the need for its use

Cellulose is called dietary fiber contained in all foods of plant origin: vegetables, fruits, grains, legumes. What is an edible vegetable fiber? This is the part of plants that is not digested, but has a positive effect on the physiological processes in our body. So, why the need for dietary fiber does fiber weight loss and in what products it contains?

Fiber is not digested in the gastrointestinal tract. Our enzymes are not able to destroy the fiber, so they reach the intestines unchanged. However, there they are metabolized by beneficial intestinal microflora. So fiber is useful for weight loss, and for normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and to cleanse the body of harmful toxins.

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General information about fiber

Fiber is an indispensable substance for human, but with the development of the food industry in a typical diet it was sorely missed. Today the world is experiencing an era of processed or refined products, which are cleared from the tissue. For example, after processing of brown rice to get polished white rice, a variety of cereal grains – white flour or hot cereal, fruit – juices, marmalades and jams. Or even take the most banal example: cane sugar get refined sugar. Thus, the products in the process are deprived of dietary fiber.

It all facilitates essential cooking and its consumption. But along with the progress and appearance on the shelves of a large variety of refined products, the mankind is faced with the problem of lack of fiber in the body. It is therefore becoming more and more popular products such as bran, which contain a record amount of dietary fiber.

Fiber in food may be soluble and insoluble:

  • Soluble dietary fiberswhen in contact with water turns into a jelly-like form. To the soluble dietary fibers include legumes, vegetables, fruits, algae.
  • Insoluble dietary fibers: remain unchanged even in contact with water. These include cereal products, seeds.

For the normal functioning of the body needs to consume both soluble and insoluble fiber. They perform different functions and are not always interchangeable.

8 benefits of fiber for weight loss and health

  1. Sufficient fiber intake significantly reduces appetite. Insoluble fiber under the action of gastric juice fills the stomach and provide a feeling of satiety for a long time. This is one of the main advantages of fiber intake for weight loss.
  2. Insoluble fiber regulates the bowels, prevents putrefaction, and contributes to its easy evacuation. This is especially true for those who eat a lot of foods that are difficult to digest and may even cause constipation (among them not only “harmful” sweets and fast food, but, for example, meat and dairy products).
  3. With soluble fiber from the body remove waste products and toxic substances. Especially important fiber is for weight loss. Getting rid of excess fat leads to the release of toxic substances in the body and dietary fiber helps to cleanse the body of toxins.
  4. Fiber slows the absorption of sugars when injected into the intestine, thereby reducing the production of insulin and lowering the glycemic index of foods. For example, brown rice has a glycemic index of 50, and polished white rice is about 85. It is also a powerful argument in favor of fiber for weight loss. In addition, dietary fiber is the prevention of obesity and diabetes.
  5. Fiber normalizes intestinal microflora. Normal microflora boosts immunity, and its absence leads to skin eruptions, poor complexion, indigestion, bloating.
  6. Fiber absorb cholesterol and promote its excretion from the body. This reduces the risk of heart disease and blood vessels.
  7. Coarse fiber stimulate the walls of the colon that impede the formation of malignant tumors. Accordingly, it reduced the risk of cancer rectum and colon.
  8. Another invaluable plus of consumption of foods with fiber is a reduced risk of stone formation in the gallbladder.

As you can see, the benefits of fiber for weight loss and for maintaining health cannot be overemphasized. Unfortunately, most people disregard the natural products, giving preference to processed food without fiber. But if you decide to increase intake of dietary fiber (as for weight loss and for health), we offer you some tips on how it can be done.

Tips on fiber intake

  1. For a good digestive tract and weight loss fiber is essential. Therefore regularly consume fruits, vegetables, nuts, dried fruits, seeds, legumes, whole grains, bran or bread of coarse grinding.
  2. Possibly decrease the amount of refined foods that lack fibre. I.e. give preference to brown rice, bread with bran, cane sugar. Remember that dairy products and meat dietary fiber is not at all.
  3. In the process of heat treatment of dietary fiber in vegetables for only 20 minutes of cooking is reduced by half. Try to consume vegetables fresh or cook them in the most sparing way by adding them only at the end of cooking.
  4. The record content of fiber are bran. Add them to cereal, soup, yogurt – it will reduce your appetite and improve digestion. Before that bran can be soaked in warm water and wait 20 minutes until they swell. If you add bran in soup, they completely replace bread, while lunch will be more nutritious and healthy. By the way, if you want to cook a delicious and fragrant soup that see here a lot of options of pickle.
  5. If your diet lots of vegetables, fruits, cereals, bran that you can not use. In all other cases, this product is indispensable.
  6. Some people use coarse fibers, even in the normal range, can cause flatulence. This is due to the peculiarity of the intestinal microflora. In this case, consume fiber in small portions, gradually adapting your body to its use.
  7. Should not eat fiber in excess. Because it is a sorbent for purification of the body, along with toxic substances that can be excreted is also useful microelements and vitamins. Vegetable fibers are an essential substance for humans, but do not abuse them.
  8. Fiber absorbs large amount of fluid, so be sure to accompany its consumption with plenty of water (add 2-3 cups of water 20-30 g of dietary fiber).
  9. If you feel that you do not consume the right amount of dietary fiber with conventional products, you can buy special additives. Fiber can be manufactured in the form of powder, granules and even special bars. And sold as separate types (cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, pectin, gum) and combination options.
  10. The approximate daily intake of fiber 35-45 grams (25 g). Read more about fiber in products, see below. If you decide to increase the rate of food consumption of fiber, you need to do it gradually. An example menu, which opens daily intake of fiber:

The fiber content of the products: table

In order to understand how much dietary fiber you consume, you offer the table with the content of fat in products:

Alternative table with the content of fat in products:

Foods high in fiber:

Scientists have proven that sufficient intake of fiber significantly reduces the risk of many diseases. Therefore, it is important to eat fresh vegetables and fruits, legumes and grains, seeds and bran. Effective fiber for weight loss, because it reduces the appetite and helps to cleanse the body of toxins.

See also: 10 reasons to give up sweets and 10 tips how to achieve this.

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