Fear of childbirth: what to do?

“I’m afraid of being in pain”

Thanks to the epidural, childbirth is no longer synonymous with suffering. This local anesthesia is performed in the lower back. After about twenty minutes, the injected product acts. The lower body then no longer perceives the pain. The epidural is usually placed when the cervix is ​​dilated to 2-3 cm. But you decide when you want it. In most maternity hospitalstoday, mothers manage the pain themselves. During work, they can activate the pump in order to reinject the product as needed. One more reason not to stress.

Note: consultation with the anesthesiologist is compulsory during the last trimester. Prepare a short list of questions!

“I’m afraid of the epidural”

In reality, you are mostly afraid of having an epidural. Don’t worry: the product is injected between two lumbar vertebrae in a place where there is no longer any spinal cord. Certainly the syringe is impressive. But the pain is zero when the catheter is placed. The anesthetist first performs local anesthesia of the skin, where he is going to get the bite.

“I’m afraid of the episiotomy”

Sometimes, the release of the head of the baby is difficult, the doctor is then brought to make an incision of the perineum: it is the episiotomy. This intervention is no longer systematic today. It is recommended to act on a case-by-case basis. However, there are great variations between regions, hospitals and different professionals.

Rest assured, the episiotomy is completely painless because you are still on an epidural. Scarring can be painful for a few days. At the maternity ward, midwives will make sure your perineum is recovering well every day. Certain analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs will be prescribed to you to reduce the pain.  

This area should remain sensitive for a month.

In video: I’m afraid to give birth

“I’m afraid of being torn apart”

Another fear: the tear. The episiotomy is no longer systematic, it happens that under the pressure of the baby’s head, the perineum tears. Again, you will not feel any pain and the doctor will sew a few stitches. A tear will tend to heal faster than an episiotomy (one week on average). For a simple reason: the tear happened naturally, it respects the anatomy of the perineum. Thus, the body recovers more easily by adapting to this fragile zone.

“I’m afraid of the cesarean”

In recent years, the rate of caesarean sections has stabilized around 20%. You apprehend this intervention, it is quite normal. But rest assured, cesarean section is a common surgical practice. She has become more and more secure. What’s more, in almost half of cases, the caesarean is scheduled for medical reasons (twins, seat, heavy weight of the baby). This gives you time to prepare for it. In the other cases, it is carried out in emergency and / or during the work after an attempt of low channel. Do not miss the birth preparation classes, where the issue of cesarean section will of course be addressed.

“I’m afraid of forceps”

Forceps have a particularly bad reputation. In the past, it was used when the child was still very high in the pool. This traumatic maneuver could leave marks on the baby’s face. Today, if the labor does not progress normally, we are moving towards a cesarean section. The use of forceps only takes place if the baby’s head is properly engaged in the maternal pelvis. The obstetrician gently places it on either side of the child’s head. When a contraction occurs, he asks you to push and gently pulls on the forceps to lower the baby’s head. On your side, you don’t feel any pain because you are under anesthesia.

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