Elevit: for a baby to be born healthy

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Pregnancy is a special period in a woman’s life. During these nine months, amazing metamorphoses take place, and not only with the body: this is a time filled with happiness, warmth and love for the baby, who will very soon be born in order to completely change the life of parents. However, this is also a very crucial period, because the correct development and health of the baby largely depends on the expectant mother.

Many women experience anxiety when thinking about pregnancy. They are worried about changes in their own appearance and internal state, as well as responsibility for the health of the unborn baby. And this can be understood: the unknown and the lack of such experience form in the head of the expectant mother many questions, the answers to which she does not yet have. Therefore, for a comfortable course of pregnancy, a positive attitude and a certain store of knowledge are extremely important, which can be formed during the period of preparation for pregnancy.

Along with the formation of a moral attitude, which will be helped by communicating with a doctor, studying information from various sources and simply communicating with more experienced friends, you should also reconsider your lifestyle. Quitting bad habits, playing sports and switching to proper nutrition are what will help a woman in preparation for pregnancy and during its subsequent course. But, for example, in large cities, due to lifestyle and various environmental factors, even with a correct and balanced diet, our body may receive less nutrients in the amount it needs – especially in such an important period as preparing for pregnancy. That is why you need to start taking special multivitamin complexes in advance (about two to three months before the intended conception) and continue it throughout pregnancy.

The special complex “Elevit” Pronatal contains vitamins and minerals necessary for the health of the expectant mother and baby. Its reception satisfies the daily requirement of the female body for nutrients. Before the onset of pregnancy, such support will prepare the body for bearing a child and become the prevention of congenital defects, and during it will help the correct development of the fetus and positively affect the well-being of the expectant mother. “Elevit” Pronatal is the only complex with clinically proven efficacy: its use reduces the risks of developing congenital fetal abnormalities by 92% *, while folic acid is only effective by 50–70% **.

Often, pregnancy brings with it unpleasant symptoms (especially in the first months) and complications. An assistant here can also be the reception of a special complex “Elevit” Pronatal, which by 54% reduces the frequency of toxicosis, significantly reduces the likelihood of anemia, and also minimizes the number of premature births by almost 2 times ***.

Waiting for a child is a unique time that precedes the emergence of a new life. And if you approach it prepared, these 9 months will remain in your memory only as joyful emotions and memories.


Consult a specialist before use.

* Primary prevention of congenital malformations: multivitamins or folic acid? Andrew I. Zeitsel. Gynecology. 2012; 5: 38–46

** Gromova O.A. et al. Russian Satellite Center of the UNESCO Institute of Micronutrients, Moscow, State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education IvGMA of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Ivanovo, “Dose dependence of the protective effects of folic acid in the pregravid period during pregnancy and lactation.” RZhM Obstetrics and Gynecology No. 1, 2014.

*** Effect of multivitamin / mineral intake during conception on dizziness, nausea and vomiting in the first trimester of pregnancy. E. Zeitsel, I. Dubas, J. Fritz, E. Texsoy, E. Hank, J. Kunowitz. Archives of Gynecology & Obstetrics, 1992, 251, 181-185

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