Dislocation of the foot
What to do if there is a dislocation of the foot? What are the symptoms of this injury, how is it treated, and in which case is surgery needed? Let’s figure it out

Most often, a dislocation of the foot in everyday life is called a tucked leg. But in the medical report, the doctor will write a more sophisticated wording – “injury to the capsular-ligamentous apparatus of the ankle joint.” It is believed that this type of dislocation occurs with people most often. Almost every fifth visit to the emergency room. The explanation is simple: the ankle bears the load of the entire body weight.

Athletes aren’t the only ones who suffer from a dislocated foot. Stumbled when running or walking, unsuccessfully set a foot, stumbled and fell or landed unsuccessfully after a jump – all this activity leads to injury. In winter, when ice starts, the number of calls with such an ailment increases in emergency rooms. And this is one of the most common dislocations among fashionistas – it’s all the fault of a high stiletto heel or heel.

Foot dislocation symptoms

The first thing that a patient will notice with a dislocation is pain when trying to step on the ground. If, in addition to the dislocation, the ankle ligaments are also torn, then he will not be able to walk on his own at all. In addition, the foot begins to “walk” in different directions – this, in turn, can lead to new injuries.

Another symptom of a dislocated foot is swelling. It will be visually noticeable. The ankle will begin to swell due to circulatory problems. There may be bruising – bruising.

Foot dislocation treatment

It must be carried out by a specialist. Self-medication with such an injury is unacceptable – this can lead to complications.


First of all, the doctor conducts a visual examination: by the appearance of the limb, a dislocation can be preliminarily diagnosed. Then the traumatologist tries to touch the ankle: with one hand he takes the lower leg higher, and the second tries to change the position of the foot. He does the same manipulation with a healthy leg and compares the amplitude.

After that, the victim is sent for additional examination. This may be an x-ray, ultrasound, computed tomography (CT), or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). And ultrasound is done to assess the condition of the ligaments. The fracture cannot be seen on the screen, so an X-ray in two projections is still required.

Modern treatments

Doctors warn against self-medication. There is no need to wait and think that the leg will heal itself over time – everything can end in disability. Contact traumatology. There is no need to be afraid of the operation, modern methods of treating dislocation of the foot allow you to correct the dislocation without surgical intervention.

After repositioning the foot, the patient is put on a cast splint – it must be worn for the first 14 days. Then it is removed and changed to a special orthosis – this is a bandage that can be removed for procedures, and then put on.

Then traumatologists usually prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs and physiotherapy. It includes microwave (or microwave) therapy – yes, just like a household appliance! There is also magnet therapy.

It is important to wear high-quality shoes for six months following the injury. The boot must carefully fix the joint. Inside, you should order an orthopedic insole. An important point: traumatologists advise that shoes have a low heel of 1-2 cm.

If a torn ligament occurs during a dislocation of the foot, ankle surgery is needed. The surgeon stitches the damaged tissue. However, cutting the foot is not required. Punctures are made and the arthroscope is inserted. This is a tiny wire, at the end of which is a camera and a flashlight – they allow the doctor to see the picture from the inside and perform surgical procedures. Recovery takes up to 3 weeks. This is a short period.

If there is no arthroscope or the doctor for some other reason prescribes a traditional operation, then it is carried out no earlier than 1,5 months after the injury – when the swelling and inflammation pass. After surgery, recovery takes another 1,5 – 2 months.

Foot dislocation prevention

Older people are at risk due to dislocation of the foot. They are more likely to stumble or make a careless movement. In addition, muscle ligaments at this age are less elastic, and bones are more fragile. Therefore, caution should be exercised. In simple terms: look under your feet and do not make sudden movements.

For everyone else, the doctor recommends exercise therapy, as well as exercises to strengthen the muscles and ligaments of the ankle.

Popular questions and answers

How to provide first aid for a dislocated foot?
First of all, it is required to ensure the rest of the injured limb. Plant the victim, undress him. Ice or cold water will help reduce inflammation and swelling – pour the liquid into a bottle or wet a piece of cloth.

Pain relief ointments can be used, but make sure they do not have a warming effect. Otherwise, the swelling will only increase.

Try to apply a tight bandage that would fix the foot at a right angle to the lower leg. If you see that the foot has cooled and began to turn white, then you tightened it too tight – the blood flow was disturbed. More than 2 hours to leave a bandage should not be. Theoretically, during this time you should be in the emergency room.

How to distinguish a dislocation of the foot from sprain and fracture?
This should be decided by the doctor. In case of a fracture, the pain will disturb both when you try to move your feet, and at rest. The victim will not be able to move his toes.

A protruding bone can be seen in the ankle joint. If the fracture is strong, then the limb will almost hang out.

How long does it take to recover from a sprained foot?
It depends on whether you had the operation and in what way: open or closed. If the traumatologist decided that there is no rupture of the ligaments and no intervention is needed, then rehabilitation will take up to 2,5 months. At the same time, when the plaster is removed, the pain may return for some time. After all, the load on the foot will increase.

Traumatologists advise in this case to make baths with coniferous decoction or sea salt. The water should be warm, but not hot. It is also worth finding a complex of massage movements, which is enough to carry out after waking up and before going to bed. If you are unsure of yourself, contact a rehabilitation specialist.

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