Diseases of autumn vitamin deficiency, meningitis, flu

Diseases of autumn vitamin deficiency, meningitis, flu

Does alcohol really heal the throat and lemons help with the flu? Does pregnant women always lose hair? The editorial staff of Woman’s Day decided to sort out the most popular popular statements about health.

Gum has long been a trailblazer. If you accidentally swallow it, there will be appendicitis! She will forever remain inside you!

In fact, the super-harmful properties of this product are greatly exaggerated. Firstly, there will be no appendicitis, and secondly, the gum will be excreted from the body naturally. But unpleasant sensations can be obtained if you chew it on an empty stomach.

This horror story is as old as the world. Getting ready to become a mom? Take care of your hair, after childbirth you will not be able to drink enough.

Is it so? No. First of all, the hair “runs away” due to stress, and non-pregnant girls also experience it. In second place is the change in hormonal levels. That can be both during pregnancy and without it. Also, the reasons lie in the poor functioning of the stomach, endocrine diseases, gynecological. And don’t forget about genetics. That is, there are a great many factors from which the hairstyle can thin out.

Sore throat? We urgently need to drink something strong and with pepper. All the ailment will go away for one or two.

This advice is very popular and loved by the people. But in fact, when the immune system is weakened, alcohol only exacerbates the situation. Yes, relief can come if you overdo it with the “medicine”, but it will pass just as quickly, and you will also have a hangover.

Cholesterol grows from fat

If you eat a lot of bacon, donuts and other fatty goodies, you will get high cholesterol, followed by plaque in the vessels, and you will spend your whole life on a diet.

High cholesterol is the plague of the XNUMXst century. A highly exaggerated plague. There are no guilty foods in our refrigerator. Science still does not know why cholesterol levels rise with age. Yes, you can aggravate the situation if you overeat fatty foods, having a diagnosis of atherosclerosis. But to take and eat “bad” cholesterol, being a completely healthy person, is impossible. If your family has a history of cardiovascular disease, you are at risk no matter what you eat.

This disease is spoken about every autumn and winter. Hair splits, colds are becoming more common, complexion is somehow unhealthy – this is all he, insidious vitamin deficiency.

So insidious that the producers of vitamins have time to get rich. And all why? Because not everyone knows that vitamin deficiency, that is, an absolute deficiency of one or another vitamin, threatens an ordinary person only if he has been living in the desert for several months and starving. Together with food, a sufficient amount of vitamins enters our body. That is, you can get sick with vitamin deficiency only when you find yourself in very extreme conditions.

Cough, runny nose, fever? Go ahead for a net of tangerines, lemons or oranges. The more you eat, the healthier you will be.

A familiar myth? Did the lemon knock down the temperature for anyone? Yes, ascorbic acid is the queen of vitamins. But this does not mean at all that if you are sick, oranges and lemons need to be eaten in kilograms. The daily rate of ascorbic acid is from 50 to 100 mg per day. That is, you need to eat one lemon or one orange. But it still won’t work to stop the runny nose.

If you do not brush your teeth every time after eating, then there will be caries! Carry a toothbrush or rinse or foam paste with you.

Yes, you can buy any newfangled invention of the manufacturers of brushes and pastes and carry it with you, but it’s better to calm down. Dentists recommend brushing your teeth twice a day – before bed to prevent bacteria from growing, and in the morning for a deodorizing effect. More is necessary.

Put on your hat or you’ll get meningitis! Who has not heard this expression?

Of course, if you walk in the cold without a hat, you can catch a cold, but meningitis has nothing to do with it. This is an acute infectious disease in which the lining of the brain is affected. Most often, meningitis is caused by the microbe of the same name, meningococcus. And you can pick it up from a sick person, and whether you are wearing a hat or not, does not matter.

If you eat raw garlic every day, then the flu will bypass – an ancient and untrue truth.

Garlic has antimicrobial and immunostimulating properties, but it is powerless against the flu virus. You can and should eat garlic, like other vegetables and fruits. Vitamins have not harmed anyone yet. However, having fallen victim to the virus, no matter how much you eat or apply garlic or lemon to your throat, it won’t get any easier.

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