10 Rare Nuts You Should Try


Let’s start with one of the most expensive nuts with a melodic name – macadamia. In Australia, at home, a kilogram will cost $30, and in Europe they come already more expensive – $60. In addition to taste and nutritional value, the price of the nut is determined by the difficulty of growing (constant hurricane winds from the ocean), the difficulty of extracting the nut from a strong shell, as well as a small number of plantations. 

The tree begins to bear fruit from the age of 10, but gives fresh nuts up to 100 years. The taste is moderately sweet, someone compares macadamia with cashews, someone with hazelnuts. 

Mullimbimbi (one of the local names) has long been used in the diet of the natives and was valued as a particularly nutritious product. 100 g contains 718 calories! As well as 76 g of fat, 368 mg of potassium, 14 g of carbohydrates, 8 g of proteins. Essential oil, vitamins B and PP – all this makes macadamia one of the most valuable nuts for humans. 

Despite the calorie content, nuts contribute to weight loss, because they remove cholesterol from the body. Substances contained in macadamia help to normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system and internal organs. This nut can be eaten roasted or as an addition to any dishes. 

But be careful – macadamia is poisonous to dogs! 


Yes, yes, everyone knows the chestnut, with which children love to play so much. Well, to be honest, not quite the same: most often we see horse chestnut, but it is not edible. But the second type – the noble chestnut is willingly consumed in the diet. In France, it is a national delicacy. 

154 calories, 14 mg sodium, 329 mg potassium, 2,25 g protein and 0,53 g fat – this is what a chestnut looks like. And of course vitamins B6, C, thiamine, minerals iron, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus and others. 

Chestnut contains a lot of tannins, which limits the raw consumption of nuts. Chestnuts are best eaten baked: they crack slightly and create a wonderful aroma. In addition to direct consumption, chestnut can be crushed as a spice. The nut is sweet and slightly starchy in taste. 

Walnut cola

In West Africa, kola trees are actively cultivated, reaching a height of 20 meters. Nuts grow in “boxes”, each of which contains 5-6 nuts. Opening a nut is not so easy – they either have to break when they fall, or they are soaked to soften. The price of cola is quite high, and local tribes used to (and still today) used nuts as money.

The composition contains starch, cellulose, protein, tannins, essential oils and caffeine. Walnut has powerful tonic properties. The properties of cola are somewhat reminiscent of alcohol – this makes the nut popular in Muslim countries where alcohol is prohibited.


After cleaning and drying, nuts can be eaten. In Africa, nuts are eaten as an aperitif before the main meal.

By the way, kola nut extract is used in the Coca-Cola drink. 

Kukui nut

A tree native to Panama gives us the little-known “candle tree nuts”. With 620 calories per 100 grams, kukui is one of the most nutritious foods on the planet.

Nuts are rich in protein, carbohydrates, fats, as well as calcium and iron. Kukui strengthen teeth, prevent anemia and bone destruction.

The use of raw kukui nuts is unacceptable – they are toxic. But after careful heat treatment, they resemble macadamia. They are used as spices and as a complete product. 


Unusual nuts that taste like cookies with a vanilla-chocolate flavor. In North America, pecans are an integral part of the Indian diet. They even make “milk” from nuts: the finely ground mass is stirred with water until a milky-white liquid forms.

The tree bears fruit for 300 years.

It is best to eat pecans immediately after peeling, as the nuts spoil very quickly after peeling.


Pecans are high in calories and boast a 70% fat content. In addition, it contains a lot of iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and zinc.

Helps with beriberi, fatigue and lack of appetite. 

Water chestnut 

A plant with a frightening name has a very peculiar appearance. It develops for a year, after which the dead “drupe” sinks to the bottom and becomes an “anchor” for the process, which will form the next year. The plant is attached to the bottom and emerges on the surface of the reservoir in a strange shape with 4 horns-outgrowths. Often it comes off the bottom and floats freely. 

Inside the “drupes” is a white mass. It is incredibly rich in carbohydrates, phenolic compounds, flavonoids, triterpenoids. Also present are tannins, nitrogenous compounds and vitamins.

You can eat raw, boiled in water with salt, and also baked in ash. 

Pine nuts

Mediterranean incredibly picturesque pine pine reaches a height of 30 meters and lives up to 500 years. Abundantly growing cones are filled with dark seeds (nuts). Small seeds, up to 2 cm, are covered with a thick shell and a coloring pigment. Therefore, the hands of harvesters are usually painted dark brown.

Peeled nuts are not stored for more than two weeks. Fats oxidize and nuts become bitter.


630 calories, 11g protein, 61g fat, 9g carbs, ash, water, all per 100g nuts. The benefits of nuts were first described by the medieval Persian scientist Avicenna.

Pine is widely used in spice mixtures for French and Italian cuisines. Especially spicy nuts in the composition of confectionery. 


A light-loving plant from South Africa begins to bear fruit only by the age of 25, and lives on average 70 years. Growing in the desert, the tree has adapted to preserve the nutritional properties of its fruits: the nuts fall to the ground green and can be stored for up to eight months without loss of nutrition.

Mongongo after harvest is subjected to steam treatment. As a result of this, the pulp exfoliates from the peel and becomes available for consumption. The delicate flavor is reminiscent of toffee and cashew nuts. Widely used in cooking for decoration. 

Black walnut

American relative of the walnut. A very beautiful fruit that even grows in the south of Russia. The plant serves as a real treasury of useful substances: the leaves contain a huge amount of minerals, the nut shell concentrates vitamin C, A and quinones, sugar, and the core consists of 75% polyunsaturated acids. In addition, there are many rare elements in the nut, such as cobalt, selenium, phosphorus and manganese.

Tinctures and jams are made from black walnut. The fruits are added to salads and other recipes. It can be consumed both raw and cooked. 

Philippine canarium

And let’s finish with exotic – canarium nuts, which are also called pili. They are native to the Philippines and the Pacific Islands. Oblong, similar to an elongated plum, the nuts have a dense pulp and have a special astringent taste.

If you try them raw, you will remember the taste of pumpkin seeds. When fried, the aroma and taste transforms into a kind of almond. Nuts are added everywhere: in confectionery and chocolate, pastries and hot dishes. Raw nuts make healthy oil. 

The nut is very high-calorie – 719 per 100 grams! Fat 79,6 grams, proteins almost 11 grams. It contains many vitamins, including A, B, C, PP. There is also manganese, potassium, iron, sodium. 

In the end, I would like to add that not so many nuts grow in Russia. And of those listed in the article – almost no species are found. However, this does not mean that you cannot find the nut you are interested in in the store. Enjoy the shopping! 


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