Diet, healthy eating, overweight

Diet, healthy eating, overweight

You feel fragile and delicate, but for some reason the mirror reflects a young lady or a lady slowly but surely approaching Rubens’ favorite forms? Let’s see why you are gaining pounds and how they will affect your well-being.

The reasons why you get fat

1. Heredity Is a force more terrible than an atom. Genes are 70% responsible for body type and a tendency to be overweight. Take a closer look at your parents, and you will unmistakably determine which of them your camp looks like. If both parents are fat, the likelihood that your figure will soon “float” will double. If, for example, your mother has grown fat after 40 years, then you, most likely, will face the same fate. But these facts are not at all a reason to relax and with the words “you cannot trample on nature” every day joyfully gobble up bread and butter. On the contrary, fight! At least slightly reduce the diet, treat flour and sweet as an enemy weapon.

2. Metabolism is responsible for burning calories and, accordingly, for the accumulation of fat. All because of the same inheritance, some people burn fat faster than others. However, metabolism also depends on what and how we eat, whether we exercise, how old we are. Remember, the older we get, the more our metabolism “slows down”. After 25 years, he burns 200-400 fewer calories per day than before! This means that you just need to destroy them yourself: exercise and do not try to impose portions more than in youth.

3. Hypodynamia – this is what: in the morning you take the subway or by car to work, sit at the table all day, in the evening you return home the same way by subway or by car, tumble down exhausted on your favorite sofa with a book or TV. But you probably know that when you sit or lie down, fat is tied up in certain places, for example, from sitting behind the wheel of a car, the belly spreads out and the sides begin to hang down. Every day, walk several stops from home to work, forget about the elevator, even move while lying on the couch: raise your legs, do a birch tree and other extremely useful exercises.

4. Stress and emotional distress women are in the habit of having a snack with cakes, and men are in the habit of pouring beer. Of course, you are right: sweets, especially chocolate, help to produce hormones of happiness, and even alcohol makes a person into a wondrous state when he doesn’t care about anything. It’s all about the volume in grams. Eating a piece of chocolate or sipping a glass of beer is welcome, but few people limit themselves to these doses. I want to have fun as often as possible, which means that I constantly eat flour, sweets and achieve euphoria with the help of a foamy drink. Know when to stop!

5. Marriage lays extra pounds on a woman’s waist, British nutritionist David Haslem is sure of this. Ladies adjust to their husbands, and therefore begin to buy more protein products, potatoes and cereals, and less vegetables and fruits. Having dinner with her husband and looking at a loved one, they absorb more powerful portions than in girlhood. In addition, the husband requires constant attention, and the wives have less time for fitness classes. Over time, the ladies completely relax, stop watching the waist: the hunt for a man is over. In general, the British scientist states categorically: men have a very bad influence on women. Pay more attention to sports and do not chase men’s portions.

6. Food quality, which we “throw” into ourselves, paradoxically, with an increase in the standard of living does not get better. Fast food has conquered the world. At work, we snack on crackers, buns, pizza or hamburgers, chew chips and bars in front of the TV, and for dinner in a hurry we buy grilled chicken, and wash it all down with sweet fizz. Calories just jump with happiness! And by the way, the smallest packet of chips in calories is equal to a full dinner with hot, side dish and salad! Do not notice fast food and other harmful products! Take salads, apples, bananas, and other fruits to work.

7. Meals for many hard workers, the commandment of nutritionists is directly opposite: breakfast is skipped, lunch consists of fast food snacks, but in the evening, and even before bedtime, a long-awaited gourmet meal. Here is fat and is deposited throughout the body. Remember: you need to eat at least three times a day in small portions, the last piece of food can be sent to your mouth no later than 4 hours before bedtime.

7 reasons why you need to lose weight

1. To raise self-esteem and mood.

2. In obese people, fat metabolism is disturbed, from which the level of cholesterol goes off scale. And then everything develops along the chain: high cholesterol – plaques on the vessels – atherosclerosis – ischemic heart disease, stroke, heart attack.

3. In fat men, the volume of blood also increases, the heart has to work harder, because of this, the pressure rises. The result is hypertension.

4. Extra pounds put pressure on our pillar – the spine, it can not stand it, the intervertebral discs are erased, the nerve endings are pinched, which means osteochondrosis.

5. Being overweight is the main friend of type 2 diabetes. A stressed pancreas produces less insulin, so glucose is not absorbed.

6. Obesity negatively affects the process of bile formation: it thickens, stones are formed.

7. Extra pounds invade even the most intimate spheres: women may have a disrupted menstrual cycle and develop infertility, and men will forget what sex life is.

By the way

Check if it’s time for you to worry about your weight:

Calculate your body mass index (BMI) using the formula BMI = weight (kg) / height squared (m). If your BMI is less than 25, you are just a model. If the BMI in women is from 25 to 28, in men from 25 to 30, the pipe calls you to fight extra pounds. And finally, if BMI is more than 28 and 30, alas, you already have a disease called “obesity”, but you can cope with it if you want.

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