Dietitians told who and why you want to eat even in the heat

It would seem that the body’s need for “fuel” from food is greatly reduced in hot weather. But sometimes that is desirable, despite the high temperature outside.

According to nutritionists, the problem of increased appetite is associated primarily with the emotional state – excessive nervousness and stress cause us to seize in a bad mood. Even heat does not relieve such people from wanting to chew.

Therefore, the exit from this situation is to establish their psycho-emotional state and adjust the diet so that the body does not require additional energy and adds to the diet foods that affect happiness.

Dietitians told who and why you want to eat even in the heat

You should also get right to Breakfast and not just drink coffee with sugar or a sandwich. Breakfast should be complete, contain long carbohydrate and protein to the body for a long time remained full. Not be amiss to add to Breakfast fruits and berries that will enhance your mood, as well as smoothies or freshly squeezed juices from them.

Whenever you want something sweet – it also signals exhaustion and a bad mood. After all, sweets are a source of tryptophan that stimulates the hormone of happiness – serotonin. The elevated levels also provoke positive emotions – walking, playing sports, watching movies, and reading books.

Dietitians told who and why you want to eat even in the heat

Foods that contain tryptophan

To produce serotonin, the body needs amino acids, especially tryptophan. These amino acids are abundant in protein foods – poultry fillets, meat, milk, mushrooms, dairy products, dried figs, nuts, fish, oatmeal, banana, sesame. Tryptophan from plant foods is absorbed much worse.

Note also the persimmon, cheese, arugula, avocados, strawberries, tomatoes. Of course, 3-4 squares of dark chocolate a day because cocoa beans also contain many amino acids.

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