Diet for pomelo, 7 days, -4 kg

Losing weight up to 4 kg in 7 days.

The average daily calorie content is 1070 Kcal.

Pomelo is the record holder among citrus fruits. The diameter of its fruits reaches 30 cm, and the weight is 10 kg. Pomelo is a wonderful dietary product. The juicy and aromatic pulp of this fruit is not only tasty, but also healthy. Residents of Asian countries consider the pomelo a symbol of prosperity and well-being. The unique ability of these fruits to break down fat and protein, perfectly saturate, supply the body with the necessary vitamins and substances, nutritionists could not miss.

100 g of pomelo contains 8,6 g of carbohydrates, 0,04 g of fat, 0,8 g of protein, 1 g of fiber, 0,5 g of ash, 88,5 g of water. Energy value – 38 calories per 100 g of product.

Of course, nutritionists took into account all the properties of pomelo when developing a diet based on these citrus fruits. For one diet-week per pomelo, weight loss reaches 4-5 kilograms.

Diet requirements for pomelo

The lipolytic enzyme in the pomelo stimulates the breakdown of fats and proteins by the body. Fiber also helps him, having a beneficial effect on the stomach and intestines. That is why the pomelo is so popular in dietetics. In addition, this fruit is quite satisfying. Its use allows you to forget about the desire to have a snack, at least for a couple of hours.

On a seven-day diet, you need to eat pomelo, lean meat, lean fish, cheese and cottage cheese, various fruits and vegetables (mostly non-starchy type). Salt and various dressings must be abandoned for the sake of effective weight loss. The exception is vegetable oil, which can be added to some dishes. You can drink tea and coffee, but without adding any sweeteners. It is imperative to provide the body with a sufficient amount of clean water, drinking at least 1,5-2 liters of life-giving fluid per day.

While adhering to the pomelo diet, it is recommended to eat four times a day at approximately the same time intervals. In this case, you should forget about late dinners. It should be no later than 18-19 pm. If you go to bed late, do not eat before bed for at least the next 3 hours.

The correct way out of the diet involves restricting foods prohibited on it for at least 7-10 days. Then you can introduce them very smoothly and in moderation. Graduation is also important when returning to the salt menu. Try not to oversalt food and supply salt to food just before eating, rather than during cooking.

Of course, we must not forget about the presence in the diet in a sufficient amount of vegetables and fruits, including our dietary favorite – pomelo. Do not miss the opportunity to once again replace some high-calorie harmfulness with this juicy fruit or drink a glass of fresh juice from it.

If you want to correct your figure quite a bit and do not chase after quick results, you can not go on a full-fledged diet, but simply introduce the pomelo into your diet. Make it a habit to have breakfast with this fruit, thereby perfectly awakening the body in the morning and starting accelerated metabolic processes. According to people who have tried this practice on themselves, after a month or two, the figure is significantly transformed without the application of complex efforts.

You can also smoothly correct the figure by spending fasting days on the pomelo. This practice also increases the chances of saving the result after losing weight. For unloading, you will need 2-3 large pomelo and 500 ml of natural kefir. When you feel hungry, just snack on this food. Try to stretch your food throughout the day by eating small and frequent meals. On a fasting day, as well as on a full-fledged diet, you can drink empty green tea and it is imperative to drink plenty of clean water.

For the diet not only to help reduce weight, but also to benefit the body, it is important to choose the right pomelo. The fruit should be smooth and firm. If dents, damage, growths are visible on the pomelo peel, then you should not buy it. The rind should be evenly colored, sometimes with reddish or orange ruddy sides. In a ripe pomelo, with light pressure on the stalk area, elasticity is felt, but not soft or hard. And you will feel the sweet pleasant aroma of a quality fruit even through the peel. The presence of maroon spots and specks, a too bright color of the peel signals that chemicals were used in the cultivation of fruits. And if the surface of the pomelo sticks or shines strongly, this may be a sign that the fruit has been processed with special substances that give a presentation and outwardly prolong freshness. Do not buy a pomelo if it emits an unpleasant odor (mold, dampness, bitterness, grass). Its flesh will taste bitter and smell the same. Such fruits can seriously harm your health.

Pomelo diet menu

The diet of the weekly diet for pomelo

Day 1

Breakfast: half a pomelo; about 50 g of minimum fatty hard cheese; green tea.

Lunch: 50 g of fish fillet, boiled or baked; up to 200 g of stewed vegetables; coffee.

Afternoon snack: half a pomelo.

Dinner: 2 boiled eggs; 150-200 g of cauliflower; a glass of freshly squeezed pomelo juice.

Day 2

Breakfast: half a pomelo; about 50 g of minimum fatty hard cheese; a cup of green tea.

Lunch: a few tablespoons of wheat porridge; 50 g of boiled chicken without skin; coffee.

Afternoon snack: a glass of pomelo juice.

Dinner: a boiled chicken egg (you can also cook it in the microwave or fry it in a dry pan); about 150 g of beans, stewed in tomato sauce; half a pomelo.

Day 3

Breakfast: half a pomelo; about 50 g of minimum fatty hard cheese; green tea.

Lunch: 50 g of boiled beef fillet; up to 200 g of stewed or baked vegetables; coffee.

Afternoon snack: half a pomelo.

Dinner: a small portion of shredded white cabbage with herbs; 2 baked potatoes a glass of pomelo juice.

Day 4

Breakfast: up to 70 g of low-fat curd with half a pomelo; green tea.

Lunch: 100-150 g of boiled chicken breast; a bowl of vegetable broth; tea.

Afternoon snack: a glass of pomelo juice.

Dinner: 100 g of boiled fish; a cucumber or other green vegetable; half a pomelo.

Day 5

Breakfast: a couple of slices of low-fat cheese; half a pomelo; green tea.

Lunch: 50 g of boiled or steamed beef; a few tablespoons of vegetable salad; a cup of tea.

Afternoon snack: half a pomelo.

Dinner: 200 g of beans, stewed in the company of vegetables; a glass of pomelo juice.

Day 6

Breakfast: 2 boiled chicken eggs; half a pomelo; a cup of green tea.

Lunch: 150 g of broccoli, baked with a little olive oil; a slice of boiled beef; a cup of coffee.

Afternoon snack: half a pomelo.

Dinner: boiled asparagus (about 200 g) plus half a pomelo.

Day 7

Breakfast: about 70 g of low-fat cottage cheese and half a pomelo; a cup of green tea.

Lunch: 150 g of low-fat vegetable soup; 50 g of boiled or baked fish fillet; a small, non-starchy fruit.

Afternoon snack: half a pomelo.

Dinner: 100-150 g of baked or boiled chicken fillet; 2 small green vegetables with a total weight of up to 150 g; a glass of pomelo juice.

Contraindications to the pomelo diet

  • It is forbidden to eat with the active use of pomelo for people who have peptic ulcer disease, nephritis, colitis in the acute stage, gastritis with high acidity, hepatitis.
  • A strict taboo is an allergy to any citrus fruits.
  • Also, contraindications for adhering to a diet with the participation of pomelo are periods of pregnancy and lactation, adolescence and childhood.
  • A diet is not recommended, and with a general malaise of the body, during a period of some illness, soon after undergoing surgery.
  • A doctor’s consultation is recommended before the diet start.

Advantages of the pomelo diet

  1. The pomelo diet offers a fairly varied menu, consisting of natural healthy products.
  2. This method of losing weight, as a rule, gives a good result in a short time period.
  3. According to the reviews of those who are losing weight, the diet is not accompanied by an acute feeling of hunger, providing a comfortable weight loss.
  4. Of course, one cannot but dwell on the beneficial properties of the pomelo. These citruses contain vitamins of groups A, B, C, iron, sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, beta-carotene, ascorbic acid. The introduction of pomelo into the diet helps to strengthen the protective properties of the body, increase energy and work capacity, makes us more cheerful, sturdy and more active.
  5. Due to the high content of pectin, pomelos are useful for high blood pressure, their use normalizes this vital indicator.
  6. Pomelo juice improves digestion. Although this drink is acidic in nature, it helps form an alkaline reaction that promotes proper digestion and absorption of food.
  7. Vegetable fiber helps the intestines to naturally cleanse themselves of ballast deposits, waste and toxins. Pectin is involved in the establishment of metabolism, cleansing the digestive tract, protects the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract from irritation with ascorbic acid.
  8. The components of the pomelo also cleanse the vessels directly, preventing the formation of plaques in them, and cleanse the blood composition. The fruit is an excellent way to prevent cancer (in particular, breast cancer). As scientists have proven, with regular use of pomelo, cancer cells begin to multiply less actively.
  9. It is recommended to eat a sufficient amount of pomelo when meeting with colds and viral diseases. The high content of vitamin C makes it easier for ARVI and flu, helps to overcome the disease much sooner. The fruit strengthens bones, promotes faster fracture healing and minimizes the possibility of serious injury. Pomelo is recommended for diabetes due to its low glycemic index (30 units).
  10. The lipase enzyme helps the body to properly assimilate proteins, activates fat metabolism, and protects against early atherosclerosis.
  11. The natural antidepressants contained in the pomelo improve mood, give joy and drive away apathy. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to include pomelo in your diet, regardless of whether you want to lose weight. The body will only be happy with such a guest. Pomelo is also abundantly used in cosmetology. Various masks for the skin are made from it, which help it become smoother and more elastic, get rid of acne. So with the help of this very healthy fruit, you can not only transform your figure, improve your body, but also become more attractive without visiting beauty salons.

Disadvantages of the pomelo diet

Perhaps the only weighty argument against such weight loss is the considerable cost of pomelo in our area and the difficulty in acquiring really high-quality products.


You can turn to the pomelo diet again after one and a half to two months.

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