Diet for immunity, 7 days, -3 kg

Losing weight up to 3 kg in 7 days.

The average daily calorie content is 1070 Kcal.

As you know, diets are not just diets aimed at weight loss. You should know that with the help of special nutrition you can “negotiate” with the body about its proper functioning. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with one of the therapeutic methods today – a diet for immunity. Let’s talk about how you need to build your menu in order to increase the body’s defenses.

Diet requirements for immunity

First, let’s pay attention to the signs that the immune system is reduced and asks for help. The fact that the body’s natural defense does not work at full capacity is evidenced by the frequent incidence of diseases. We are talking about a situation when you are faced with diseases (ARVI, acute respiratory infections, flu, sore throat and their other “friends”) at least 4-5 times a year. If such health problems occur 8 or more times in 12 months, then one diet is unlikely to do. In this case, we strongly recommend contacting an immunologist.

Also, increased fatigue, instability of the emotional state may indicate a lowered immunity (you are easily irritated, your mood changes for no reason, etc.). Insufficient natural defenses of the body can even cause depression and other psychological disorders.

Unhealthy diet can also suppress immunity. In order not to face a problem of this nature, it is recommended to minimize store sweets in your diet (those that contain dyes are especially harmful), purchased canned food, various foods, in which there was a place for flavor enhancers.

Overeating can also reduce immunity. A significant lack of food and significant pauses (especially food 1-2 times a day) are no less harmful. Naturally, smoking and excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages do not increase immunity and do not add health to a person.

Immune cells begin to function much worse due to ultraviolet radiation and an unfavorable environment. Engine exhaust gases, pesticides, which are often “stuffed” with fruits and vegetables, poor-quality drinking water – the enemies of the immune system. Therefore, try not to eat vegetables and fruits at the beginning of their season, drink water purified by special filters, breathe fresh air. Taking medications, especially antibiotics and various painkillers, can also negatively affect immunity.

Now let’s figure it out what foods should be consumed so that immunity is at its best… What should you focus your attention on when composing a diet?


During the fermentation, such beneficial microorganisms as probiotics are formed in cabbage. According to their properties, they are absolutely not inferior to those of their “colleagues”, which are contained in fermented milk products. The use of sauerkraut has a positive effect on the intestinal microflora (where immune cells are born), provides the body with vitamins A and B, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium.

Berries (especially black currants)

Black currants and other berries are rich in vitamins C (in 100 g of berries up to 200 mg of this useful component), A, E, PP. All of them have a positive effect on the body’s defenses. To improve immunity, it is recommended to eat at least 100 g of these gifts of nature per day. In the winter season, you can replace fresh berries with frozen ones, as well as eat jams and jams, drink fruit drinks and fruit drinks based on them. They are very helpful too.


Garlic is a powerful natural antibiotic. It is not for nothing that it has long been called “a medicine for all ailments.” It is especially desirable to introduce garlic into the diet with the onset of cold weather, when infections are especially active.

Honey and pollen

Beekeeping products are also natural antibiotics. They are rich in healthy carbohydrates that the body needs during physical activity. Honey and pollen are famous for their tonic properties. Their use is useful for the prevention of various viral infections. Add a teaspoon of this natural treat to your morning serving of oatmeal or cottage cheese. Don’t be afraid to get better. With a rationally planned menu, this will bring a minimum of calories, but the chance of meeting diseases will be greatly reduced.

Sprouted grains (especially wheat and beans)

Such seeds help to raise immunity, as they are powerful biostimulants. Sprouts contain an abundant amount of vitamins A, B, C, E and amino acids, which have a positive effect on the body’s functioning.


Salmon and other fish will provide the body with selenium, a very useful substance that increases immunity. Fish is also rich in phosphorus and omega-3 acids, which improve organ function. Also, in order to replenish reserves of healthy fats, it is recommended to introduce into the menu a small amount of nuts, vegetable oil (rapeseed oil is most useful) and legumes.

Lean meat

Meat products will provide the body with zinc and iron, without a sufficient amount of which it is vulnerable to infections of various kinds.

Natural yogurt and other fermented milk products

Milk helps maintain the correct level of probiotics in the body, helps in the treatment of coughs and runny nose, and rather relieves disease.


These gifts of nature contribute to the natural cleansing of the body, which also enhances immunity.

Vegetables and fruits

Various vegetables and fruits provide the body with fiber, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the intestines. Its work is very important for high immunity and optimal metabolism.

A diet for immunity can be adhered to for as long as you like, because it consists of healthy and correct foods. But when planning the menu, it is worth considering whether you want to lose weight or maintain your existing weight or even gain weight. Select the required calorie content and amount of food.

Anyone on a diet that protects the body from infections is recommended frequent meals in moderate doses. Try to eat at least four times a day (and preferably 5-6). It is advisable to have dinner no later than 19:00 (maximum 20:00). To freeze the worm, if you go to bed late, you can drink a glass of kefir (preferably low-fat) or other fermented milk products that you like.

In addition to the diet, it is worth supporting the body with moderate physical activity in the form of sports and walks in the fresh air, and healthy sleep. For preventive purposes, it is recommended to follow a diet for immunity (at least two weeks) 2-3 times a year. This is especially true with the onset of cold weather, as well as at the beginning of spring, when the body especially needs additional vitamin support.

The diet menu

An example of a diet diet for immunity for a week


Breakfast: scrambled eggs made from two eggs (better steamed) and whole grain bread; a couple of slices of low-fat cheese; a glass of milk.

Lunch: roasted in a dry pan or baked turkey; a sandwich made from a slice of whole grain bread, avocado, tomato and green onion; a couple of pieces of melon.

Dinner: a bowl of vegetable soup; salad of salmon fillets, spinach and a handful of berries, seasoned with a small amount of vegetable oil.


Breakfast: smoothies made from frozen or fresh strawberries, banana, 2 tbsp. l. flaxseed and empty yogurt.

Lunch: boiled beans; a sandwich made from whole grain bread, chicken breast, lettuce and tomato.

Dinner: boiled or baked lean red meat; a couple of potatoes in uniforms; salad with spinach, pear, walnuts and a few drops of rapeseed oil.


Breakfast: whole wheat pancake with berries and yogurt.

Lunch: tuna in its own juice; lettuce leaves; a couple of grain crisps; salad of carrots, orange and kiwi.

Dinner: roast lean beef and vegetables; 2 tbsp. l. brown rice and baked broccoli.


Breakfast: oatmeal, which can be cooked in milk, with a mix of fresh or frozen berries, flax seeds and walnuts.

Lunch: Burrito made with whole grain flour, low-fat cheese, black beans, tomatoes and onions; a couple of melon or mango slices.

Dinner: durum wheat spaghetti with stewed mushrooms and garlic sauce; braised cabbage; a glass of milk (if desired).


Breakfast: sugar-free muesli with raisins, seasoned with milk.

Lunch: vegetable soup; whole grain bread with low-fat cheese and a bunch of grapes.

Dinner: a taco made with low-fat baked fish fillets, corn tortilla, shredded cabbage, sautéed onions and bell peppers with tomato sauce.


Breakfast: an omelet of two chicken eggs, mushrooms and spinach; whole grain toast and a glass of milk.

Lunch: a couple of whole grain crisps with low fat cheese; fruit and berry platter of apples, strawberries and melons.

Dinner: quesadilla, which includes chicken breast, avocado, low-fat cheese, black beans, and wheat tortilla.


Breakfast: a bread cake made from whole grain flour, fried in a little rapeseed oil, with apples and cinnamon.

Lunch: hard pasta mixed with chopped walnuts, tomatoes and olives; baked broccoli.

Dinner: Lean stew with garlic and carrots; baked potato.

Note… It is recommended to have a snack on all days with fruits, vegetables, a small amount of low-fat dairy or fermented milk products (yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese), nuts.

Diet contraindications for immunity

Everyone who does not have health features that imply following a special menu can eat according to the proposed method.

Diet Benefits

  1. In addition to increasing immunity on a diet, you can, if desired, lose weight or gain weight. You just need to properly “adjust” the calorie content.
  2. When following the described rules, the body will not experience a lack of nutrients. On the contrary, his organs and systems will function better.
  3. Fractional meals help keep you feeling full and comfortable at all times.
  4. Physical activity will not be affected either, the diet only encourages sports.

Immunity Diet Disadvantages

  • Immunity will not “improve” in a couple of days. If you want to achieve significant results in the fight for a healthy body, you need to adhere to a diet for immunity for a long time, and it is better to follow its basic rules all your life.
  • It will be necessary to radically revise many of your eating habits, especially if the principles of your diet were far from those described above.


You can stick to a diet for immunity, if it does not make you uncomfortable, for any time.

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