Cycling and body benefits

What girl doesn’t want to look good? Sooner or later, a woman thinks about how to correct her figure. Most use diets, but the right way to do it is through sports and proper nutrition. Consider how a bicycle can affect your figure.

Women’s logic is simple: “The faster the better.” But there are no quick results without effort. There are many different sports in the world that allow you to keep your figure in good shape. However, exhausting exercises in the gym, fitness aerobics exhaust the body and only initially cause a feeling of euphoria.


Cycling is a choice for those who want to usefully waste time and have a beautiful figure. Long bike rides have an overall effect on the entire body. But the main load goes to the hips and buttocks. After driving 5-7 km, you will feel it. The bike allows not only to get rid of excess weight, but also to prevent the appearance of “orange peel” in the hips. In addition, the lungs begin to work very productively, which are saturated with oxygen.

What are the benefits of cycling for a female figure?

Let’s take a closer look at how cycling affects the female figure.

  1. The general endurance of the body is being trained. Over time, any other physical activity is much easier for the body. Many fitness instructors claim that cycling is the best aerobic exercise for women.
  2. The bike is a fat killer. While riding, the gluteal muscles are locally involved in the work, which is the center of concentration of the fat depot in many women. The bike is more suitable for the weaker sex in terms of body shaping (wide hips, short legs).
  1. Cycling is a good aerobic workout. While cycling, you can use 350-500 kcal per hour. If you go uphill, you can get an excellent cardio workout, and the calorie consumption will increase by 1,5-2 times, depending on the degree of incline. The calculation is as follows: at maximum load and training duration from 2 hours, you can burn up to 1000 kcal, which is equal to 100 grams of subcutaneous fat.
  2. Reduction of cellulite. Many women note that during cycling, the appearance of cellulite at stages 1-2 with regular exercise completely disappears. The bike allows you to get rid of the capillary mesh on the surface of the skin.
  3. Acceleration of metabolism. With regular exercise, your metabolism improves, and this is the first step to losing weight and maintaining a slim figure. With age, metabolism slows down, so it needs to be stimulated by all means. A fast metabolism is an accelerated process of losing weight.

How to ride a bike to lose weight?

In order for the bike to bring the maximum benefit to the figure, you need to choose a model with a frame 10 cm below the waist. In this case, the distribution of the load on the body will be uniform.

The wheels should not be too large, otherwise the load will be minimal, and the training efficiency will decrease. Therefore, it is better to choose narrow wheels with a metal rim. Bicycles in the Aport catalog can be easily selected by wheel diameter and other parameters.


The optimal travel speed for weight loss is 15-20 km / h. At this rate, your heart rate should be 120-150 beats per minute. In the middle of a workout, you can stop and check your heart rate. It is important that it does not go beyond 150 beats per minute. If this happens, then the current load is not yet for you.

It is advisable to ride a bike in the evening when the heat subsides and you can calmly do what you love. Cycling in high temperatures will tire you out faster and still miss the target. Exercising in the morning, you can overwork and feel sluggish throughout the day. Therefore, the best time for cycling is in the evening (after 19:00).


Acceleration (cycling) will improve efficiency. You can ride the main part of your workout at a speed that is comfortable for you. But in the end, you need to give the body a double load, increasing the speed to the maximum. At the limit of possibilities, you should go within 1-2 minutes. Such a load involves almost all muscles. The principle of loading is as follows: pedal at maximum speed for 30 seconds, then return to a comfortable speed and drive for 2 minutes. We repeat these 2 steps 3-5 times. This interval training allows you to use the maximum energy, which is consumed mainly from fat stores.

Rough terrain allows you to increase the load. Riding on a flat track without obstacles is a standard workout, and bumps and obstacles require more effort. For advanced users, you can move on to the next stage – a mountain bike. In this case, the load will be even higher. It burns about 600-700 kcal per hour. Mountain biking is developing at a tremendous rate among men and women.


How long do you need to ride to keep your figure in good shape?

Cycling is a less energy-intensive sport than jogging or aerobics, so you can ride for a long time. The optimal time is 1-2 hours a day. Muscles are loaded evenly, becoming more enduring. Cycling is available every day. It is worth starting from 15-30 minutes, adding another 10-20 minutes every day. If the next day after skiing, muscles and joints are very sore, you need to stop training for a while and allow the muscles to recover.

Choosing a bike, your body will be fit, but subject to regular training.


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