Create a video game!

Confinement, weariness, lack of ideas, parents busy teleworking etc.

As children spend more and more time in front of their tablets, phones or computers, COODexpert in the art of making digital education– chose to offer a new online workshop, completely free and based on the college curriculum (cycle 4).

Playful but also educative, this introductory course offered online allows young people aged 10 to 15 to learn the logic of programming, via a simplified language in the form of blocks of code. The goal ? Help them, step by step, to embark on the creation of a small video game. Supported by a trainer (by videoconference system), college students are invited to observe and participate, via their microphone or in writing on chat, to ask all their questions.

A real entry point to autonomy in the digital world, this didactic workshop will then allow them to use the studio. COOD independently to create their own interactive game content themselves …

Sponsored by Amazon (which does not collect, in this context, any personal data and engages day after day with the youngest by deploying programs to promote access to science, technology, engineering and mathematics) this course – accessible without any prior experience required – is offered free of charge to all those who log in. An online course (level 2, to be tested after initiation!) Is even available!

Coming soon. Shhhh… New niches, 100% dedicated to teenage girls, could soon be online…. Enough to raise their awareness and give them (even more) a taste for tech jobs!


Play, learn!

By boosting children’s imaginations through digital and educational video games, COODopens the doors of the virtual world to them. Thanks to this creative learning (entirely thought out in the continuity of their school teaching), they will know how to decipher programming and coding, benefit from their interests, but also protect themselves from their abuses.

Confronted with the main principles of digital technology through these fun activities, children will be less vulnerable: the technological skills acquired through this new form of digital education will leave them more armed in their future adult lives … 

Give them the chance to learn a new language: that of the future!

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